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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. Nice adventure you guys had. Great photos. What are the routes up the Black Spider?
  2. good point. Guess it needs to be said. If you did not catch last winters episode know your route and decent!!!! Beprepared for really bad weather, and if weather is near don't go. Back off to litteraly climb another day.
  3. hood, cooper spur, Leutholds, sandy headwall are good starters. Beware of AVI that time of year.
  4. google hood. Use seach function in freshies or oregon forum. google hood cimbing.
  5. this is after the fact, but all relevent trail (i.e. elevation gain, where to park, how to get there, if you need a permit) info is on the web. Think you answered your own question by look at the Mnt from your home. Not much snow. SO how was it?
  6. Well backdicked Like to see you step up and kick me in the nuts. Good luck with that one. Then again I could run my rope over yours while getting lowered. LMAO. It was a kick ass day. Thanks man!!!! I can't let so much time pass for another crag day. Next time I am going to take a small step ladder to get onto the last climb. That was a crazy ass start. We need to get you into the alpine!! You can ropegun for me any time.
  7. how about that difficult opening move with a high placement? Clipping a bit easier. bolted 5.7 way easier than gear 5.7, bolt 5.10 waaaaay easier than geat 5.10. End of story.
  8. If your having problems having kids there are better way to cool your nuts off, like going from tightie whities to boxers.
  9. Ya right, if they are going to be responsible enough to put the butts in the toilet they would be responsible enought to pack that Sh$t out. "sport climbing is already ghey enough. leave it to a sensitve sport climber to bring flowers to the table." What do you have against flowers? Flower hater....:-) "Could be worse.....could be the sensitive ponytail sport climber man with flowers." what are you saying...I need a hair cut or something.
  10. oh no jlag said it, chop the bolts. Working on your own "free wood" thread. Think you can beat my 7 page wonder? If you are going to bolt and glue, make sure it is a clean job. Half assed is NOT the way to go.
  11. I was going to use the porcelain toilet as a flower planter. Bring some color to the crag
  12. - You don't pick up after your dog, or yourself. - put tick marks for hand and foot holds - put TR up for your crew only to have that rope sit idle. I dont mind groups taking up routes but damn it have everybody rotate with some urgency. A crew I was with started to do this till I got pissed off at them, then I thought I was a jerk. Well I don't climb with them any more
  13. Really dan. I would just girth hitch the runners and use lockers at rope end, less points for things to go wrong. The best would to have a second rope tied off to the tree and extended over lip, if you are a gear whore like me you have extra ropes sittin around If this happens often or what ever and don't have the extra rope laying around, you could buy an extra long webing for this purpose (assuming this is at a crag and extra weight and fumbling is non-issue). I would use 1 inch tubular webbing for this. Other than having the extra rope this is the best.
  14. The hardman days. Train derailed, Flagged down car, thrown over horse, passed out twice. Talk about adventure. Not to mention the train, car start to the race. Sound like good times:)
  15. not sure when they usally close it but judging from the pic it will be at least a couple more storms with low freeze levels before they will close it. Unless we get a lot of snow between now and when you go I would skip the snowshoes. The snow up there by now is rather consolidated and most likely easy booting/cramponing. pray for snow.
  16. Guess I should have gone that weekend, nba type tall and all. MMMM oh well maybe next time. Dan we will have to give that sucker a go again and finish Jogging down the trail...right...lol. Glad you guys had a good time. So dan what was going on with jugging the over hang?
  17. wow..all I can say is wow. Way to get out and get some. Guess it is time to get off my lazy but and do some climbing
  18. ncie trip. way to get out and get some. Thanks for posting those pics. Those sunglasses are so "Hot"
  19. yes that is true. Next weekend is daylight savings.
  20. Long range forcast is looking good for next weekend. Smith or alpine...smith or alpine....
  21. well give up some details. Don't remember where Mountaineers route starts. ALmost went out on sunday, but cold rock and g-friend hands don't mix well. Putting points in the bank for when we head to smithie next weekend. kev my afternoons are going to free up after this week. If you are up for gettin some. Would be good to learn from a master
  22. lol....I do that all the time. I personally do not have state, ok I am not running. Rather the kids I coach are going to state. Been a good year for them. This could be a very good finish for them. Yes it is hard to balance coaching with climbing and my own conditioning, well at least during the week. You can't run with the kids all the time. XC I am the assitant coach. In the spring it is much more difficult for my when I have my own group of kids and can't run with them at all.
  23. THey were closer to source lake. Kevino I think that is the same line I saw. I will have to come out some time Alex. Right now I have high school XC for another week then I can make stuff like that. Ealier this year I ran into strong and told him about the line. At that time he mentioned that there were more in the area. By the way, what a great guy to talk with!!
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