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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. letsroll

    Winter Camping

    second what primate. don't think there will be enough snow however.
  2. I will have to agree with bill on this one. Free climbing in the rain.....sucks. have fun
  3. nice work guys. Same goes for me, often opt for something closer. One of these days I will bite the bullet and head down there.
  4. that pic is a big tease. That looks great!!
  5. by the way thanks for the info on the other trips. Looks like I might have to take a couple of days to get to missoula gray wolf linkie that is all I have found so far.
  6. pindude have you headed up to Gray Wolf in the winter? I know it is on the res and you need to get a pass. I can see it from my relatives house and have always been wondering about heading up it in the winter. good adventure
  7. I was thinking about heading there for x-mas, doing the research. Are there any guide books? Where to go? Beta?
  8. watch out for the weather!!! Don't go up if things don't look perfect. Winter storms can be very bad. hood SS is high traffic route, if weather is good you will have others on route. Rope, you don't need.
  9. We some people were wondering if the guide book would spur more people to head out to Ozone. Well I guess we have our answer. Time to start heading back to Broughtons. THat place has to be empty. As for aiding at beacon, I am waiting till I don't want to free climb in the cold. Besides my rack is not large enough for aiding. Need more small gear.
  10. LOL ...the other end of the fit spectrum. Glad to hear that other people have fit issues.
  11. Well if they are going to let Winter stock the cabin then the must be thinking they will open the are once there is snow on the ground. In the mean time, climb N face don't take any pics while with in the closed area. Spray about the accomplishment with tons-o-pics of the climb, but say you entered from another TH and give evidence of that fact. I won't be headed up there till the snow falls anyway, but when it does Unlike Ivan I can ski and would rather ski for my decent ALso, many thanks Winter for stocking the cabin. It is real nice when some one has a fire going and I pop in for a rest.
  12. I am looking forward to getting in there once the snow falls. I can't see it being a problem for skiers heading in there. We would be on the snow, no impact. As for dangerous trees, screw it I am responsible for me!!!! They are not going close Cooper spur ski resort, super secret style. Park there and skin if they don't want people headed up there in the winter.
  13. The road up to tilly jane is still closed? Still?
  14. Speak for yourself , however my girlfriend might agree with you
  15. WOW..that guy is tough as nails. "I am hurt and I am getting the hell out of here!!!" Glad to hear that he is alive and safe, I was starting to think we were not going to have a good ending to this story. But WOW, what a story.
  16. If Olympic Mountain Rescue are the ones who are in charge or at least taking the lead in maintaining records of accents in the Olympic range then they should keep those records public and more importantly accurate. "A good, honorable friend who now lives here on the east side reported in the 1970s to OMR of several winter ascents he made, including solo, and was told they would not be recorded because, as I understand it, Olympic Mountain Rescue didn't want to promote irresponsible behavior in the mountains." If there is any truth to that statement that is bullSh*t. If that is truly their concern then maybe some one else should be in charge of keeping assent records, such as the Mountaineers. Records should not be subject to censorship in an effort to not “promote irresponsible behavior.” If that was truly the case then all the climbing rags should not be published. I truly hope that is not the case and they will make the info available to the public and that information makes it into a future guidebook. Thanks Lowell for putting that info out for everybody to read.
  17. I got the Arcteryx on sale last year when they were cleaning out there invintory of Gor for the the New Gor. I love these bibs, sweetness
  18. If the Hoh is not the best what would be the alternatives?
  19. WTF man names baby..... Two weeks in the dog house, ya right.
  20. "more than 1000 climbing trails" got to love that.
  21. sorry ivan I flattened her face slapping her with some wood. She just kept asking for it
  22. letsroll

    CC.com Turns 8

    Agree, thanks guys for getting CC up and running. It was the best resorce of info when I was starting out. Thanks for everybody who posted anything It has helped me get through some of the growing pains as a young climber. Is it beer-o'clock yet????
  23. One vote for the BD icon. got it last year and been really happy with it. I have not tried teh princeton stuff, however.
  24. If you have been to Ozone in the last year you would know. I got the wood last fall but the weather was so bad I never got the chance to transport it to the crag then life invervined. Not been the best year for Letsroll. Now that things have settled down I have been thinking about getting the wood out there but the truck I was planning on borrowing has been in the shop for engine work for quite some time. When I can get it out there I am going to. May everbody stay healthy and happy!!
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