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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. I have heard several reports that the east side of the mountain has been really bad for snow loading this year. I would be very carefull heading over there. Reports basically have been knee deep to almost chest deep snow, ranging from powder to wast deep sugar. One party was via steel cliffs the other was via SS and went over to check out the east side slopes. Just keep your eyeballs open. Sunday would be the best day if you had to get out this weekend. Not sure if WyEast is more avi prone than Leutholds but I would not want to be on either slope, that is for sure.
  2. How water proof you pack is? That is what a pack cover is for anyway. The water proof finish on a pack will only last a short while. Mine wore off several years ago but the pack is still going strong.
  3. Sweet vid. Sledneckers hitting it again. Nice to see someone went out. Catch you guys in a couple of weeks. I will do a base jump off the the top with my skis
  4. Mount hood base jump, more like Mississippi Head base jump. how if he did off the summit. I would be impressed
  5. Thanks for the stoke. Have been looking at a thayer ski as well. Damn hard to get that sucker in good enough shape.
  6. thanks for the post on where he took the photos. I would like to print something like that up and use it as a tick list. Visual stoke
  7. Hugh calling the kettle black aren't we??...lol. I could not resist. It was begging for the first bolted assent.
  8. I am gearing up for the first accent of the NF. Lining up the triple rack and the portaledge. Think a 23 day accent will be enough time. After that I am going to put up 4 bolted lines with bolts 6 inches apart for safty, no runouts. Looks a bit hairy up there.
  9. Might take that slab down. it has to be settling good. Figure good for turns by monday?
  10. letsroll


    Yo Kev who is that band? My Dad wants to know...no really he does.
  11. My personal..now if they would get the road to Hoh river TH fixed.
  12. Bivi, love it. http://www.backcountrygear.com/catalog/accessdetail.cfm/IN1020 I only have the 10 degree bag, but I am very happy and if I was looking for a warmer bag I would buy it from them. http://www.featheredfriends.com/Picasso/Bags/Product/-10Degree.html
  13. MMM....gear porn :kisss: 8D...LMAO
  14. Anything eVENT. I have the Bugaboo and love it. Integral Desings Can get it in the states here. Pro Mountain Sports BackCountry Gear
  15. Looking at your other post from raineer, you don't need GPS way points from the Hoh River Trail. The trail is well traveled and marked. It would be really hard to loose the trail. Now from Glacier Meadows up is where you may want the waypoints. I personally don't have them. Never take GPS anymore, and the weather was perfect, so would not have needed it anyway. Some one else my have it.
  16. no kidding JL, you been getting after it. I hope I can just keep up with you.
  17. holly cow bill. Thanks for the work. Now can we save that info on a seperate thread and lock it for next time some one askes about a rope and the differences?
  18. Cause Dan posted on the thread.
  19. I would like to thank Roger for all the work and time he puts into the beacon basin. If it were not for him I wonder if it would get done. See him give the man a beer!!!
  20. second what Dannible said. If weather is bad for pickets the forget the volcano's. It will be really bad there.
  21. your crazy. You went up in that. "Needed Professional Help" ain't that the truth Good-on-ya for going. We will see how this week works out.
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