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Everything posted by assmonkey

  1. assmonkey

    Identity Theft

    This is fucking robbery! These scumbags create a system that is rife for abuse, then charge innocent bystanders a monthly fee to "protect" us from the very system they created!?!? What a fucking scam! This is a contemporary version of a protection racket! Sometimes the state of our culture makes me sick. - a s s m * n k e y
  2. assmonkey

    Poop Thread

    Poop is cool. - a s s m n k e y
  3. Whoa, for a second, I thought this thread was going to report that Ronnie Sr.'s cold dead body sat up in his coffin and spoke. I was prepared to be very afraid. Wouldn't that be totally fucked up if you were in some meeting at work and the Rapture started and half the room started floated up toward the ceiling? I think I would shit my pants. - a s s m n k e y
  4. Read this book , and train for long days. If you increase your anaerobic threshold (and thereby the efficiency of your body), you can go harder and longer on less reserves. A fat man like me will burn 1200 calories in an hour and ride at an average speed (road bike) of say, 17 mph. Lance Armstrong will burn the same amount of calories (more efficiently, I might add) and average 27 mph. Aren't you in dental school or something? You should know this shit. - a s s m n k e y
  5. assmonkey

    Been Busy

    WOOOOOOOOOP! WOOOOOOOOOP! WOOOOOOOOOP! Ohp, jingle-jangle! That's my little bullshit meter going off! Tell us, PP, how do you invest your millions? Offshore accounts? Floating tax shelter? Rental property in Telluride? - a s s m n k e y
  6. assmonkey

    Hippies. Hmph!

    That's killer. I do that shit too. Fucking dirtfoot shitbag hippies. - a s s m n k e y
  7. Hmm, maybe we could go back to the pre-1992 Gingrich revolution state, make corporations actually pay SOME taxes and get back some of the services that existed in this country going back for more than 80 years: Public land stewarship, education, social security. Just a thought! - a s s m n k e y
  8. That's the "old" dude featured in the Patagonia advert of recent fame, no? - a s s m * n k e y
  9. This is the only accurate way to get this kind of information. I bought a HRM last year based on the advice provided at the Twight training seminar. $99 on one of the bike websites (pricepoint.com, supergo.com) will get you a decent HRM. Caveat emptor: Cheaper HRMs won't have the calorie counting feature. Recent assmonkey figures (approx.): 1 hour MTB: 1400 kCal 1 hour road ride: 1200 kCal 2 hour hike (tiger with 40#): 2000 kCal 1 hour lifting weights: 660 kCal 1 hour climbing gym: 800 kCal Emmons route (Schurman to Schurman): 12000 kCal Warning, purchasing an HRM may turn you into a "training geek." - a s s m n k e y Edited to include , because I fucking love s.
  10. One more request for the swank masters of CC.Com: Ability to search text of TR's (in addition to just location) would be cool, too. For example, if I want to look for off-width routes, I could search for "Big bro." Or if I am looking for routes near "Nada Lake" I could search for that. Word, thanks! - a s s m n k e y
  11. Giant brainiac web-masters of CC.Com: And for queries that return multiple pages, page number links at the bottom of the page would be keen, too. Sweet, thanks! - a s s m n k e y
  12. Who is Jessica Simpson you ask?
  13. assmonkey

    July Surprise

    Not really a surpise. Read this article (today), Pakistan Says Captures 'Most Wanted' Qaeda Man. Then, read this article (7/19/04), PAKISTAN FOR BUSH. July Surprise? The real question for yo momma: Where the fuck is Osama? - a s s m n k e y
  14. (Mods, feel free to move this, I don't know what forum to post this in.) Great dieties of CC.Com: Would it be possible to add a drop down list of Months or Seasons to the TR Index search page? It would be swank if I could search against, say, routes in a certain area at a certain time of the year, like September or Fall. Right now, I can sort by date but I have to scroll through the pages until I get to the month I'm interested in, and even then, I have to look at all the Sept. '03 posts, then click through to get to the Sept. '02 posts, etc. Ok, thanks! - a s s m n k e y
  15. I've been jonesin' too. I think they're all gone except up high (Rainier and Adams?). I pretty much retire for the season when I have to drive and pack skis for more than three combined hours to get to snow. Check out this chart. Not a late snow year, this one is. http://www.skimountaineer.com/CascadeSki/CascadeSnow2004.html
  16. assmonkey

    Where's Tyler?

    Warning: There is a huge cock on this web page , If you are offended by huge cocks go away!!! - a s s m n k e y
  17. Hah, I hear you there Greg_W, on ALL levels! The last time I was bouncing in the pit was at this guy's band's 25th anniversary: Oh yeah, Mudhoney opened. Killer show! Made me feel 23 again! - a s s m n k e y
  18. Sabbath, Slayer, Halford. Sounds like a killer show. I can't do those festival things though, too many gapers (I guess I'm elitist when it comes to rock shows). I saw Slayer a few times in the 80's at Pine St. Theatre and Starry Night in PDX. Remarkable shows. Slayer kicks ass. They just keep putting out better and better albums. I recently realized they are the only band I have consistently been listening to for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. Not my favorite band, but the most consistent. - a s s m n k e y
  19. I had a loose stool today. I earlier listened to two grown men argue about whether or not it is ok to call non-gay people "fags" (it went unsaid that you shouldn't call actual gay people that). I had no opinion on the matter. Now, I go cragging. Enjoy zee weather, "fags." - a s s m n k e y
  20. http://www.geekasaurus.com/cornholio.html
  21. Free Press International 10.13.2003 Can you please give us answers to these questions? (1) Why the picture of a military man killing a white dove? (2) Why the freemason symbol and the"New World"on the capstone? (3) What are the translations of the writings on the floors of DIA? (4) Are there any underground facilities at or around DIA? I'm posting my letter on the Free Press International Website. I will post your replys there also. Thank You, Greg Ericson 2nd Letter To DIA Sent On 10.16.2003 Dear Sirs, Can you please give us answers to these questions? (1) Why the picture of a military man killing a white dove? (2) Why the freemason symbol and the"New World"on the capstone? (3) What are the translations of the writings on the floors of DIA? (4) Are there any underground facilities at or around DIA? I'm posting my letter on the Free Press International Website. I will post your replys there also. Thanks, Greg Ericson Mr. Ericson, We have received BOTH of your emails, and we will provide the information you requested within an appropriate time-frame. These questions have been asked adnauseam by groups like yours throughout the nine-year history of this airport, and quite frankly, they are not our highest priority right now. All of this information has been discussed publicly over and over during the years, and you can select whatever explanation you choose to believe. I have asked out Art Director to find biographical information about the artist who painted the piece you questioned. She can also provide a fact-sheet on the piece itself. She will also provide some fact sheets about the artwork in the floor. As for the "new world" designation, the New World Airport Commission was simply a group consisting of local business and political leaders who sponsored and organized a number of pre-opening events at Denver International Airport. The airport was to usher in a new era making Denver a world-class city, thus the New World name. The group has absolutely no association with the new world order. And the underground facilities are just baggage tunnels that are used every day by hundreds of airline workers to take luggage to and from the Terminal. However, these explanations rarely satisfy people who love to believe in conspiracy theories and who are convinced that Denver International Airport is at the center of something sinister. It is important to keep in mind that this airport was the largest, most scrutinized Public Works project in American history. There were cameras and reporters here documenting every single inch of dirt ever moved. If something strange was going on out here, hundreds of media outlets would have been all over it by now. I'm surprised it took you nine years to send this email. I will get back to you with the information you requested so that you may post it to your web site. Of course, I'm betting you will probably post this as well. Steve Snyder Public Affairs Office Denver International Airport Reply Sent 10.16.03 Mr. Snyder, Your job as a public servant is to provide information to the public. You weren't hired to chastise the public. The Public has a right to know the questions I am asking. So if you would just answer all the questions, I'm sure the public would appreciate it. Greg Ericson Free Press International 10.20.03 Mr. Ericson, Here is the rest of the information you requested on the artwork at Denver International Airport. The artist in question is named Leo Tanguma. I do not have any contact information for him, but you might be able to track him down if you have any further questions about his art. Below are descriptions of his murals at Denver International Airport: Leo Tanguma "The Children of the World Dream of Peace" is a powerful mural expressing the artist's desire to abolish violence in society. One part of the diptych exhibits the tragedy and devastation of war and its impact on humanity. The mural then moves to images of smiling children dressed in folk costumes from around the world celebrating peace prevailing over war. Leo Tanguma "In Peace and Harmony with Nature" addresses environmental issues of the world. One side of the mural shows children pouring out great sadness over the destruction and extinction of life - human, flora and fauna. The other part depicts humanity coming together to rehabilitate and celebrate nature and its diversity.Below is a description of the artwork in the floor you asked for: Juane Quick-to-See Smith / Ken Iwamasa Center Great Hall Floor. The terrazzo floor completes the three-part thematic work of art in Jeppesen Terminal. Using a grid similar to those used to create cubist and constructivist paintings, a traditional Native American design appears in the floor. The rainbow step bars move in from the corner wings to connect the interior modules with "Mountain Mirage" (the fountain). The river pattern emerging from the wings suggests the four rivers of Colorado's Great Divide. The history of the state is told through bronze pictographs embedded in the terrazzo. Pictographs have long been used by many indigenous groups to depict their history. The bronze pictographs represent Colorado's economic industries like skiing, farming, industry, tourism, arts, etc. My emails now should have provided answers to all of the questions you asked. Steve Snyder Public Affairs Office Denver International Airport 10.20.03 2nd Letter Received Mr Ericson, I receive dozens of requests for information each day. My job is to prioritize these requests in order of importance and respond accordingly. I did not refuse your request for information; I merely told you that it was not a high priority, particularly when I received your second email only three days after your first. I base priorities on a number of issues. First and foremost, your questions have literally been discussed hundreds of times during the short history of this airport, and there is plenty of information available on the subject from a variety of sources. Second, this is not of wide-spread interest to the general public. Rather it is only a few groups who keep raising the topic. Finally, while the artwork in question can certainly require an explanation, you lose credibility in a hurry when you start asking questions about underground facilities at Denver International Airport. Hundreds of people work in those baggage tunnels every day, and thousands more have been down there for various reasons over the years. Nobody has ever reported anything remotely suspicious. We've heard all the stories that we're secretly hiding everything from underground runways to slave labor camps down there, and those charges are so far off-base, it is almost humorous. And it most certainly is my job to protect the public from misinformation and to chastise those who spread it. Your questions about Denver International Airport fall right along the tired, old story that this airport is somehow at the center of some giant conspiracy. A quick visit to your web site confirmed the underlying nature of your questions. The information we provide never seems to be enough to satisfy people like you, so we all end up wasting our time rehashing ridiculous rumors that simply aren't true. You now have the information you requested, and it was provided to you in a timely manner. You can do with it what you wish. We consider this matter closed. Steve Snyder Public Affairs Office Denver International Airport 10.20.03 Reply Mr Snyder, You have stated that you have answered all our questions. This is NOT true. I would think that it's YOU losing your credibility. What about the freemason symbol on the capstone? What about translations of all the writings on the floors of DIA? What does "DZIT DIT GAII" mean? Greg Ericson Free Press International 10.21.2003 Forgive me for assuming you grasped the obvious. The Free Mason symbol is on the capstone because they constructed the capstone. And interestingly enough "DZIT DIT GAII" translated means: "Free Press International-bringing you the real world news." Who knew! Steve Snyder Public Affairs Office Denver International Airport 10.21.03 You've already been caught in a lie by telling us you answered all our questions. And now your'e refusing to translate the writings that are all over the airport. The public has a right to know what these writings mean. We expect full translations from you. We also need the names of the people on the New World Order Commission. DIA has no contact information for the artists who painted the murals...........what a laugh Greg Ericson FPI 10.27.2003 Have you found the translations yet Steve? Greg Ericson FPI 11.15.2003 It is quite apparent that Mr. Snyder has only fueled the conspiracy about the Denver International Airport. He has refused to provide translations for the coded messages at the airport.He also has not provided the names of the people on the New World Commision. Another question for Mr. Snyder is "Why is a secretive organization like the Freemasons on the capstone?" After talking with Mr. Snyder it is very clear to me that the Denver International Airport is hiding something. Greg Ericson Free Press International 11.20.2003 FPI has contacted newspapers, TV and radio stations in Denver about Mr. Snyder. http://www.freepressinternational.com/denver.html ~~ Yo, this shit fucking ! Mr. Snyder is 'd! Guinness fucking ! - a s s m n k e y
  22. I've done extensive research on DIA, living in Colorado for many years. One of my good Christian friends is a fireman out there, who has worked on the site, since before the first shovel of dirt was overturned. Another fireman filmed many video cassettes of the place, as the construction was underway. I took 2 private tours of DIA, before it was opened to the public, and have written a couple of articles - one called "DIA: A New Age Cathedral or Gambling Casino?" Another short article was written on the Native American Indian Spirituality that is prevalent there. If you are interested in them, I'll be glad to send them to you. I've changed computers (and some of my writings are missing in the file manager), so would have to mail them, if you have a PO Box or address you could give me. Our black mayor Wellington Webb (friend of Bill & Hillary) is a Black Mason and oversaw the masonic dedication ceremony, where hundreds of masons showed up in their white aprons (Rocky Mountain News). There are 2 gargoyles overlooking the infamous baggage claim area. Simulated "fossils" depicting evolution are imbedded in the floors. Numberous murals - (I have pictures of all) - promote paganism, indigenous people power and World Order. Much of the Indian spirituality has Aztec/Mayan overtones. Nature worship is a primary theme. One casket has a Christian child lying in it. Webb met with chiefs and witchdoctors of various Indian tribes, before the construction of the airport, because they were concerned it was being built over Indian burial and warring grounds, and that the spirits of the dead were angry. Thus, rituals were performed by their shaman and the "tent-like" terminal structure. Webb's wife Wilma (recently appointed by Clinton to the dept. of labor, I believe), was responsible for the art work at DIA - and she gave the contracts to her friends (received kickbacks, I'm sure, since she always has a left-wing/monetary agenda). She and Wellington are both leftover 60's radicals. He was elected mayor through voter fraud, taking Federico Pena's place (also voter fraud) - he was the one (along with Colorado Governor Roy Romer - now head of the Democrat Party)- who was able to get DIA built. I'm not sure who Phil Schneider was, or where he got his information on the underground facilities, but according to my friends who've been out there longer than Phil could have been, they don't exist. Others have made similar claims, even selling books, but strangely, could never come up with any real proof. But, it provides a good, scary scenario. I think that if we really knew what is and has gone on out there, that we wouldn't have to invent underground facilities to make us quake in our boots. Denver is a hub for the New World Order. Kissinger and others were out there overseeing the DIA project, from time to time. The head of New World Airport Commission is the husband of a Clinton-appointed Ambassador. It is sticky. I don't know if this helps, but it's my two-cents' worth. Blessings, NAME REDACTED http://www.geocities.com/Baja/5692/ - a s s m n k e y
  23. Dude, you ain't seen my mom, have you! - a s s m * n k e y
  24. Nah, a stupid rookie move would be to leave your bag at home and just rely on your sleeping pad and puffy coat for bivy gear, leave from Paradise at 8:30p Friday night to meet your friends who went up the day before, realize at 2:30am that you are freezing your everlovin' butt off while "bivy'd" on the Muir snowfield and hike back down to the car. I'm not admitting I did this, but let's just say that the weather looked great last Friday, and it seemed like a good idea to travel fast and light sans bag when a certain posterier primate left home. - d u m b a s s m n k e y
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