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Everything posted by assmonkey

  1. This is fucking cool, a disposable video cam. It weighs less than 5 oz. Unfortunately, it only takes 12 minutes of footage, and it costs $15 to get the video off of it in DVD format. Still, it seems like a convenient way to get that eXtreem video of your latest adventures to share with mom and dad and the entire Internet. - a s s m o n k e y
  2. A friend of mine just turned me on to Probot, and it's fucking killer. It's getting maximum rotation on my playlist this week (and it kept us wide-awake in the car coming back from Rainier last weekend). Apparently it's Dave Grohl's homage to the metal bands of his youth. He wrote and played the (killer) tunage and the singers wrote and peformed the lyrics. Each song is an attempt to sound like the singer's original band. It works really well for me. Some of the bands represented are D.R.I., C.O.C, Venom, Celtic Frost, Motorhead, Sepultera, and King Diamond. There are some others, but those are the bands represented on the album that I grew up with. I give it four bloody skulls (out of five). You'd do right by yourself to check it out, if you're at all into hard rock. - a s s m n k e y
  3. I usually carry a number 10 hex to the crags because it makes a pretty good hammer to bash on the nut tool to get out my stuck nuts that I fall onto and weld to the rock on my 5.9 projects. Someone also said once that they are good for throwing at sleeping belayers, but I haven't tried that yet. And there's the ol' "hex-pipe" trick, with one of the middle sized hexes. I also REALLY REALLY dig the sound of big hexes jangling together. It reminds of when the hippies taught me to climb at the columns in Yoogeene. I have fond memories of that time. - a s s m n k e y
  4. Is this post the prelude to a joke in which anal sex is the punchline? - a s s m n k e y
  5. Apparenly the christian right took math lessons and they figured out a new more accurate number of the beast! Bruce Dickenson got his haircut too. Anyway, I guess I have to get that tatoo on my ass updated. - a s s m n k e y
  6. My helmet was recently polished. It's not mirrored though. - a s s m n k e y
  7. I just read this thread start to finish for the first time. It struck me as very Kafka-esque, up to the conclusion. Glad no one had to spend time in jail. This whole fee situation REALLY FUCKING PISSES ME OFF. I remember when gramps and I would drive around without regard for fees to fishing holes in the Cascades. I remember when NP entry fees were $.75 per car. I remember when the Sno-Park program started because my broke ass single mom had to scrape up change for the window sticker to take us out cross-country skiing for the day. This is a profound example of how our country is falling apart. I counted something like six user fee passes I had to buy in calendar year '04 just to fucking recreate on MY PUBLIC LANDS. Jesus, all this bullshit started under Klinton and it's just getting worse under the evil facist Bush. While I can begrudingly afford to pay these user fees--because I have made it a priority for my lifestyle--it becomes a hardship for those who have to make a financial choice to purchase a pass and enjoy their public lands. User fees penalize those who can least afford them. Meanwhile, our government sells out our public lands to organizations that are intent on destroying our natural resources and paving everything for ATV access. Here's something for all you assholes who support our current administration to think about: The loss of the natural resources that you enjoy so much and about which you post about your adventures on this website are being destroyed and it is your fucking fault dickhead. When they pave a wheel chair path up to the summit of Prusik Peak after clearcutting an ATV path up there, or put a fucking tram on Denali, you should stand there and look at it and be proud that you are a part of that. You can pray to your fairy-tale God and give thanks that the wild has been commecialized for your convenient access. Providence, I'm sure you'll think. Right before Ivan's post about the resolution at the courthouse, I was thinking to myself, "Fuck this shit, this is it, I'm packing up the family and moving to Europe. We have finally gone over the edge as a country and a culture." I was relieved to see that there is still some sanity and humanity in the system. Anyway, I'm going to go write some letters now, and you should do the same, if you care at all. Fight the power. Because it is fucking bullshit and it only seeks to divorce you from your hard earned dollars. Thank you for allowing pissed-off assmonkey to post. - a s s m n k e y
  8. - a s s m n k e y
  9. assmonkey

    Gym Climbers

    God dammit, thank you Klenke. You made me spill beer on my pants when I laughed. - a s s m n k e y
  10. Crazy armed cats!
  11. assmonkey

    Gym Climbers

    That's the funniest fucking thing I've read this week. (With the exception of Klenke's fucking brilliant Penis Nsula map.) - a s s m n k e y
  12. That chimp, which is a monkey by the way, tore an old man's testicles right off of his body. That's an impressive feat of grip strength! - a s s m n k e y
  13. Dru, that is an excellent idea, since ass and pussy are two of my favorite things to stick my penis into! (Monkey is a distant third.) Thanks, you are a genius! - a s s p s s e y
  14. You can write the VP via email too: dick@whitehouse.gov Enjoy! - a s s m n k e y
  15. People with vaginas are cool! I have a penis, myself. - a s s m n k e y
  16. Photo encourages assmonkey to ask if anyone else here is a member of the "350 Club?" - a s s m n k e y
  17. You can get an iShuffle for $150...or you can spend $10 more and get a Creative MuVo Micro N200 1 GB MP3 Player. True, the name is not as sexy, but it has FM radio, FM and audio recording, file transfer (including non-audio files), ability to select the song you want when you want, plays WMA and MP3 formats and a display to navigate all these features. You have to switch out a AAA battery--I use rechargeable nicads from Radio Shack--but that also gives me the ability to bring a few batteries for extended trips. So far, one AAA nicad is lasting about 16 hours. Edit: Added link. - a s s m n k e y
  18. Anyone following this besides assmonkey? Sounds like Jacko has been running a pederast frat house. Ah, if only I had grown up in L.A.... - a s s m n k e y
  19. Fuck it, I say they go off and secede. They can become a welfare state and take in more federal dollars than they pay in federal taxes. Maybe we can fix the traffic problem without the Eastern half of the state sucking at the teat. We should keep everything between I-90, Hwy 2 and Hwy 97, though. - a s s m n k e y
  20. Here's one with the shitz!
  21. I love pictures of cats!
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