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Everything posted by shapp

  1. Spring Mt was dry, usually dries out in a couple days of sun
  2. I don't know about Jesus making one a better climber, but he didn't help Bolf and Reuff be very good guide book authors.
  3. I prayed to Jesus? (really directed at any diety listening) on the subject, she told me to in order of importance: Spend less time on CCsprayers Climb outside more Lose weight read Arno's book increase stretching and flexibility Train 3 days per week
  4. 140 lbs at 6', you are a noodle, just kidding. I have the alpina lite terrains. These skis are not meant for groomed trails. They are too wide to fit in single track. The are great for meadow skipping and logging road skiing. For maximum flOAT and also kick and glide, you should get the longest skis possible. Get the 169, and if you think you are primarily going to be busting turns in "powder"/untracked snow, I would even go with the 178 at your hieght and weight. Do not get the NNN bindings if you are planning on alpine turns, they don't have enough lateral stiffness. Mount a small riser and good 3 pin (voile cable or hardwire), and pair with a sturdy all leather 3 pin boot or light plastic boot. I ski mine with old grean 2 buckle T2s and voile 3 pin cable. I would also plan on mounting them yourself with pins on chord center. If you let the shop do it without your boots in hand, your boot heel may not be centered. If you need help with directions on mounting your self (it is actually pretty easy), send a pm. I got mine at the link below, not sales tax, and free shippping: http://www.orscrosscountryskisdirect.com/alpina-lite-terrain-backcountry-skis-0708.html
  5. Check out the ice above Martha's Place, Yo! I was just thinking last night, I bet there is a bunch of ice in the cirque near roan wall.
  6. I have climbed there in March and it was nice and comfy, I was there once the last part of april and it was over 100 F during a really abnormal warm spell. Both times climbed at rappel rock, chicken heads were amazing!! Good thing about Mt.Lemon, if its hot just go up the mountain, if its colder, stay lower
  7. leaves and flowers can be smoked
  8. SE Oregon I would like to get on this pinnacle below with you Tyler late next spring and make good on my previous offer (I think it is about 300 feet tall):
  9. I even got called by one of the ladies and I wasn't even on the trip!
  10. started working out on a regular basis for the first time since 2000 (no more fat shap). First time at Tieton, how did I not get there in the last 9 years living in WA? First time schwacking up to Squire Creek Wall Saw 8 brown bears in 1 day in Alaska caught a lot of crabs (the eating kind) First time partying with 10 Bear Valley long-term lift operators on the Owyhee River for a week (can't recall too many details of the trip though). First time on Solar at Smiff Saw the increasing traffic at Spring Mt. (WA) result in measurable decrease in moss and increase in route quality. Celebrated 10 years of marriage to my best friend. Shapp
  11. I second this motion.
  12. You say you can't find a consistent trad mentor. There are several ways to do this, but any easy one is: Go to any trad climbing area, bring lots of beer and smokables, and porno, sit by the trail, you will find a partner that is probably highly compitent in trad climbing but lacking any moral character. It is probably likely that these such trad climbers would not be teaching the Mazama class, although I don't know. good luck
  13. these would probably work good for skiing/touring only, and are priced good if they are your size http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/923901/split_board_hard_boots#Post923901
  14. How light you want, asolo snowpine in basically new shape $50 OBO (photo at bottom of add) in Mens Size 11, I am in Everett http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/923902/various_xc_telemark_boots_and_#Post923902
  15. The midget, grumpy, and fu-man-chu? play hanky in the ice box! Bonerlishes. I was skiing a mere 2 miles from you yesterday on pure ass icy conditions.
  16. These are great hard boots, work great in voile hardboot plates on split board. Unfortnunately they are a bit tight on me. Any and all offers considered $50 is what I would like though. In near new shape. Mens 9.5 to 10 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/923901/split_board_hard_boots#Post923901
  17. Is this four pounding around the Squire Creek area by chance?
  18. upated, only cams left are the #2 tech friend and trango #8 (between gold and red cammalot size, all the rest of the gear is still available
  19. Hey maybe you can post some of the historical and scenic shots that didn't make it into the book on the new website. The 1992 book was the first climbing guide I ever bought. I bought it the year it came out at the OSU bookstore. I had just started really climbing 3 years before. It was a most amazing book to pickup at the time with the stories and histories. Something more than just a line and grade topo map like a lot of other guides. Something you could sit down and read and get something out of about the past, and the present, which stures something in you and gets you excited for future adventures. I hope the new book provides such an experience for todays new climbers! The new book is defentiley on my christmaka list
  20. To further elaborate through my discussion with Jon, the size 1 through 10 chocks are actually older style hexcentrics meant to be slung.
  21. what we need is some more ccc adirondack sytle shelters in the washington cascades like they have down in Oregon in several places to make such way more fun.
  22. updated the Metolius #10 is sold
  23. I got a graffix with a pretty scary looking specter on the outside, vintage
  24. updated (trango #5 fixed into working condition)
  25. Asolo snowpine boots in great shape with new Dave Page resole (mens 10.5 to 11) $50 Asolo snowpatch boots in great shape (mens size 9 to 10) $50 Various cross country / telemark bindings in working order: Asolo 3 pin binding $5 Voile heavy duty 3 pin binding with leashes ($20) Black Diamond Riva Cable binding $15 Red Chili cable bindings ($20) Located in Everett, send a PM
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