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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Yo Lucky, I ride that shit at 38. Good gravity riding, if want beta or ride sometime PM me. Note won't be riding for a few more weeks since I have a sprained foot/ankle and wrist. you all that can't handle that there are some of us that prefer just riding downhill. Climbing is ok, but flying at mach ten and launching is where it is at.
  2. I recall AlpineK wrestled one down in Smith in the gorge last year.
  3. Bear Mountain has a climb on it listed in the Nelson Select that looks cool. Little under 20 pitches though. What about those clip up climbs in the Mazama area? Baring NF(?) looks like it would be quite long, I don't know about rock quality, wild roof traverse though up high.
  4. ken4ord

    It's Time

    Ah yeah, just got some purply smurply, sticky icky, good ole' chronic gangsta shit otherwise known as............
  5. Yeah I can get PT, but at this point I think it is all about the RICE. I pretty much got my flexibility back now, just got to wait for the swelling, bruises, and dull pain to go away. Bummer about the ankle break, but it sounds like you are still able to get out, which is a good thing.
  6. Check out the PC thread for this week looks like it will involve some climbing, also check with Icegirl looks like they are doing a womens climbing night.
  7. Did you see Tommy Chong on Leno. It was great, funny as hell. Cheech came out on stage as well and they mentioned coming out with a new Cheech and Chong film.
  8. I 'll second that. Tequilla first choice, then whiskey, beer and alpine porn gets me motivated.
  9. This almost sounds like an invite for all the lurker guys out there.
  10. Three of us went out to do the Franconia Ridge traverse in NH during the winter. It only a hike though in the winter up there it is wild. We made it up to the ridge the temps were a balmy -5 degrees with gusts up to 100mph. The guy with the car decided he had enough after 5 minutes above tree line and bailed. My buddy Craig and I discussed for a bit and decided to continue on. After a hour above treeline in those condition we figured better get down below treeline. We ended up doing some overnight hiking down low for a couple of nights. Temps and wind stayed the same. We made it out and made the call to some friends in North Conway several hours away for a ride. We had a 4-5 hour wait out in the cold. Paced back and forth for the whole time trying to stay warm. Another winter traverse in NH, this time the Preidential traverse. We ended up bailing in the dungeon (an emergency shelter on the ridge) around 2 in the afternoon to wait out the weather. The floor is ice, the ceiling is ice, at least there is a couple of bunks and a small 1 foot square window. Everytime we fired up the stove it would melt the ceiling and start raining. It sucked.
  11. Hey SnowByrd77, I didn't get to talk to you at PC, and get your story, I guess here it is. Well getting over your fear is just going to take time and experience. The more you get out the more comfortable you will be. The gym and here on CC is a good place to start for meeting people to climb with. If you are looking for a real safe environment and want to take it slow, I would second seeking out resources such as the Mountaineers and BoAlps, even though I am not really into the organized things like that personally, but for some it is a great place to start. Both have intro classes that progress slow and safe, but I believe they usually start in the spring. If you are not into that and just want to hook up with people, find people that you can trust and only do what you feel comfortable doing. As for gear, starting out all you really need is the basics, shoes, harness, belay device, a couple locking carabiners are handy (at least one for your belay device), chalk bag (optional). There is a lot of choice out there just for that stuff. See what other people are using and ask why they prefer some brands over others. Don't worry about the other stuff for now, you'll want to be climbing with experienced people and if they have experience and are out there climbing a bit they will have all the other items used in climbing. That doesn't mean though that if they have all the gear they are experienced. Welcome back to climbing.
  12. Yeah you gotta watchout for dem beets! You saw that movie, right Attack of the Killer Beets.
  13. Dude you don't have to cross them that far, cross them so the you see two images of the ice axes, them relax your crossing so that they merge (the right side of the left image and left side of the right image), then allow your eyes to focus on that central image and you will see it in 3D.
  14. ken4ord

    F/ 911

    See Control Room, very well done documentary about Al Jazeera. I agree with Micheal Moore views, sometime feel like his movies are for the converted, and sort of turns off people who are riding the fence and might actually think about what is going on. With that said I still can't wait to see it. Control Room however is straight forward documentary, that isn't trying to make a mockery, but trying express what Al Jazeera was really up to, behind all the criticism that they recieve at the beginning of the war. A very interesting watch.
  15. Dood, those are all climbs I want to do, whatever you have left after I get better (once my kankle is gone), we should get together and climb. I am hoping the weekend of the 24th I'll be back at it.
  16. Because it's a GRID-BOLTED GUMBY-CIRCUS!!! Here's the waiting-line at one of the area's "classic" "routes":
  17. I find the climbing uninteresting, the rock quality is poor, the crowds are a pain sometimes, but I usually head to place where that isn't an issue. The walls that I like most over there are Amazonia and Nevermind. Gunshow area is ok less people, but more spread out.
  18. As much as I dislike 38, it is probably your best choice for taking soem beginner out. 32 has better climbing, but less easier climbs. Index is close by really good rock but with beginners you will most likely be limited to GNS. What about Erie, it is close by and I guess from what I hear has a lot of single pitch stuff?
  19. So with these shutter glasses you don't need two images? or are you just being Dru and there is no such thing as shutter glasses?
  20. That came out pretty good, I was amazed that I could still focus in the 3D image as fast I did. The same technique is used for visualizing large molecules in 3D. Cracked and anybody else, what you got to do is cross your eyes so that the two images cross into one and hold (about 12 inches from your screen will make it easier), you will still see the original images off to the side. Give it a little time it takes a little time to focus on the middle image as the two outside one go out of focus. when that happens you will see the image in 3D. Nice job ashw_justin
  21. Damn too bad I have a bum ankle that would be fun or funny.
  22. Fires are not allowed above 4,000 feet; you shouldn't be cutting wood. That is a "no" in Greg land. Ice axe not necessary.
  23. That is incredible, I can't believe he is already wearing the yellow jersey, even without really wanting it at this point. Too bad his team wasn't aware of how much faster they were going versus the other teams. They could have minimized their effort and still have their standing, I didn't know about the new rules when it comes to team time trials.
  24. Running shoes are the way to go right now. They most likely get wet, but still way more comfortable than boots.
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