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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Bedtime. Run for your life little dog.
  2. Part of an email that was distributed at IDEXX where Peter worked: "We've been in touch with the organizers of May 23rd's Pond Cove 5K For Peter Cooley, and they've tallied up the totals raised at and since that event. They were happy to say that they recently sent $1,000 to Tacoma Rescue, who provided the rescue helicopter, and over $7,000 to Mt. Rainier Rescue." "Race Day itself was a big success, as many of you know. We had more than 30 runners and walkers on the course, including both our current CEO and our former one. CAG's Paul Neuner was the fastest IDEXXer, finishing in a Cooleyesque 19:11. For full race results, look here. " Very cool. Thanks to everyone out there that help send some money to the rescue service out here. I am sure it is greatly appreciated in the community out here.
  3. Dude send me a PM or post what dates you are going to be out here. I am definitely into getting back onto Stuart N. Ridge (did it last year), Backbone I want to do this year (did Serpentine last year) and S Face on Prusik (did the West Ridge last year) they are all on my tick list. Currently I am M-F working fool, but maybe will get back on the 4 day schedule later on. Where on the east coast are you from? I just moved out here last year from Portland, ME did most of my climbing in North Conway and Cannon.
  4. Out of 202, I wonder who was the 1 person who said trad is crack climbing, with gear or bolts?
  5. Yeah a cast iron frying pan and some attitude.
  6. Awesome story, I could care less if it is fake, it made me laugh. Thanks, I need that.
  7. Correction #1: Cascadecementslut Correction #2: I guess the weather sucks for what I am really wanting to do. I probably should have went to Squamish or Leavenworth to get in some climbing, but what I am craving is alpine rock.
  8. ken4ord

    Ronald Reagan

    Sounds like someone never learned to multiply! No to me it sounds like someone likes doing math, hell with the metric system being base 10 conversions in the metric system are simple and you barely have to have any math skills, just need to know how to move a decimal point.
  9. ken4ord

    Ronald Reagan

    Psst who cares, the guy was actor, big whoopie. I won't even begin to pretend that he was a president.
  10. I was in a long term relationship with a woman who didn't climb. It was difficult, but I think the key is that you have to have some common interests and balance those common interest with your personal interests. The problem is you are going to reach a plateau with your climbing pretty quick. So yeah you can make it work, but it is dependant on your goals, whetehr or not it work for you and your partner. Flying solo as chelle suggest is great and all for your climbing and any other personal interest, but in my opinion (at the risk of sounding like a sap) the greatest experience is sharing my life with someone. If I had to choose between one or the other then climbing would have to go. Fuck thank gawd I don't have to make that decision, it would be just as bad as giving up a arm or leg. The way I made it work was my gf worked weekends and I had Sat-Mon off. So Sat-Sun I was in the mountains and on Monday we would do something that we both liked. And we also planned on mid-week stuff. The great thing was that I didn't have to drag her up something that she or I wouldn't be into, just so that we could spend time together.
  11. My $.02 is that the weather sucks lately. What else can be said?
  12. Man that sucks what the hell is going on. Lately there seem to be a lot of accidents happening.
  13. ken4ord

    Peeve thread

    Trust me I have thought about it. First thing I would do would be get a third shift job.
  14. ken4ord

    Peeve thread

    15. Forrest parking passes 16. Closing time 17. Having to sleep 18. RV's 19. American tourist attitudes in other countries. 20. Rain on the weekends.
  15. ken4ord

    Peeve thread

    Aw shit here it goes, my list. 1. People that can't drive right main offense driving slow in the left lane and not using the car pool lane in rush even though they can. 2. Government 3. War 4. People that mame, kill, injure, rape, or physically harm or emotionally scar another person, they so suck. 5. People who posion the air I breathe with too much perfume or cologne. 6. Micro-managers. 7. Stale draft beer. 8. Herb being illegal. 9. Borders. 10. Larry da Tools 11. Malls 12. Commercials of all sorts, pop-ups, billboards, tv, radio, magazines. 13. 5 day work weeks 14. Country Western, Opera, and Musicals, everything else I can deal with. Well that is about it, not too much bugs me.
  16. I am in the same sort of boat, I gotta see how much work I have, I should know tomorrow about what time I can get out.
  17. Hey anyone up for hooking up at Index tonight, Wed? Planning on being there at 4:30 want to stay until dark, but my partner can only climb until 7. Anyone? M don't worry you are still invited to come if someone else is interested. If no one is interested in climbing I might just hit the gym for a long workout, which would be a shame on a day like today.
  18. I picked mine cause it was the first one I could find that was not Christian related and not too cute.
  19. They are there for the picture, come on.
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