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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. I wasn't planning on seeing Alien vs Predator, but with with ice climbing and ice screw guns, man, maybe I will have to go see it.
  2. I'll definitely be interested in hitting up some fall ice. Cool picture Dru, that place looks awesome.
  3. Ok I know I want to get on the NW coluir on Eldo, when is the season for that thing? Also what are some of your favorite fall alpine ice climbs?
  4. Hey that truck picture belongs in the bad picture thread. I don't stoked thinking about getting stuck.
  5. Nice Dru, I knew you'd come around.
  6. Dave, yeah, I gotta go, what the hell it's once in a lifetime experience. Man I hope the weather clears for this weekend, not sure if Alpinfox told you, but I am on board for this weekend if the weather gawds look favorably upon us.
  7. Yep I am not ready yet, but I want to get ready for the shit since I am going to have a real short ice season this year.
  8. Yeah your point? What I can't stoked about ice climbing cause it is to far out, shit.......
  9. So I hear it is starting to snow up high in the mountains, I figure it is time to start an ice climbing stoke thread. Something to get me charged up for hitting the gym. I'll start it with this awesome slide show. Bring on the pictures, let's see them.
  10. Snowbyrd as for ice and sport climbing there are only few things are similar or crossover. I think where sport climbing transfer over the most is in mix climbing and steep aerated ice, where it is more hooking and balance. Hooking is placing your picks on ice or rock rather than swinging them, it is like reaching for a hold and placing your hands in the right postion to grab and pull on that hold. Ice climbing is a love hate thing, either you hate it or you love it, and if you love it there will be days where you hate it. Most women I have met hate it, just because of circulation issues trying to stay warm, but that shouldn't discourage you because there are a lot of women who do enjoy the sport. For the most part poeple gradually transition into climbing ice. Most start on lower angle slabs and some people take years before actually getting on vertical terrain, besides toproping. In rock climbing a vertical wall can be easy to quite hard, in ice vertical terrain will most always feel hard. as suggested already the best option is probably taking a course where they will have all the equipment you will need and you won't have make big investment right off the back. Or find somebody that you can borrow gear from, but that is usually quite difficult to do. To prepare for ice climbing I hit the weights in the gym, get burly, you'll need it. I usually start with 20-30 minutes on the stairmaster to start off. Then I do dumbell simulated tool swings, LH swing 10-15 overhead using the mirror to try and swing into the same spot, then RH same thing, repeat each arm3 times and do three sets, it will give you a good burn. Pulldown 3 sets of 15. Tri extensions on the pull down 3 sets of 15. Arm raises front and side 3 sets of 15. Bicep curls 3 sets 15. Row for a bit and then hit the stairmaster again. I try and do this regularly for 2 months prior. Most people will say the ice sucks here, I have had only one season here and New England was way better, but there is ice around here to climb, and the weather is much more forgiving here. Good Luck.
  11. ken4ord

    Bad Photo Contest

    Dude what are you doing with your hand, your girl seems to have a startled look on her face.
  12. Yeah I think they ticket out of staters just as much. I still have Maine plates on (Ima slacker) and I have gotten a couple tickets.
  13. Yeah, I guess that is the climbing bums Napalm.
  14. Two day of trail work for an annual pass that cost $25 (or whatever I've never bought one). Yeah that sounds worth it.
  15. So what is the story with geting rid of the whole fee demo thing? There was talk of doing away with it. Does anyone know where that stands?
  16. They would probably be pretty fun if they were cleaned up, in there current condition though you'd want some Napalm to get rid of all the dried moss. The cliff is lower angle standing at the bottom, than it looks from the road.
  17. Alright weather looks awesome, who wants to break out the snorkle and flippers and climb something atIndex?......................................I thought so. Well let's try to do this next week and see Mama Nature will cooperate, next time.
  18. Yeah Alpinfox and I had Pubclub from Friday to Sunday in Icicle, with a little bit of climbing.
  19. I would be able to show a little bit early to set up ropes at Index if that is where we are going. 32 or 38 I wouldn't be able to get there until later. So folks which will it be stellar cracks or Sigh bolted choss?
  20. ken4ord

    It's Time

    You suck, get a job so you have something to do besides remind me that I could be having more fun than I am right now.
  21. ken4ord

    The need for speed

    Yeah that one is not a good one unless you get the light just rust right. I live up there and been able to catch air on those street crossings. I always think about building a small ramp to set up on one of those street crossing, the nice thing is there is endless runout, until the light.
  22. Could have been worse, how about this rude bear.
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