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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Thanks so far some of your suggestions. You guys got to remember I am in a resource limited area, by that I mean I have a hard time even finding wood screws, let alone, 2x8, 4x4, bondo, texture spray and all that crap. I was lucky in getting the plywood, normally the shipping company takes all of it because you can't get plywood here and it saves themfrom flying it in when they need to move someone, my friend worked for them so he let me keep the plywood. The holds I ordered back in November and I think I might get them in March with my new wheels for my bike.
  2. That's funny you guys all knew before I even did. Oh man reading the article makes me want to go back for more. Someday, for the mean time, Sunday, I got to check out a new wall I just learned about 2 hour away.
  3. ken4ord

    working late blows!

    well most of the time i'd agree with you, this time the results just suck regardless of the technician Keep rerunning those sample until you get the right answers, that is how it is done, right?
  4. I want to hear about this too!
  5. Alright this is the deal I am setting up a small bouldering wall in the back yard. It is small, but I can hopefully get a good work out on it. It is 8-feet wide, 12-feet tall and is adjustable from vertical to horizontal. I only have 70 holds a good 10 foot chip, 20 small holds, 30 medium holds, and 10 large holds. I need ideas to keep me entertained and fit. So any of you have any idea for training? Games that can be played with friends? Any other ideas? Thanks for any suggestions. I think the next thing I need to set up in the backyard will be a campus board.
  6. ken4ord

    working late blows!

    Here Rwanda I find myself working more than I ever have, 12 hour days are often. I guess I am making up for only working 4 day work weeks the previous 10 years. This sux.
  7. I just got a pair of Grivel aluminum crampons and they are very light even with anti balling plates on them. I have owned a pair of Stubais for several years. My only complaint about aluminum crampons is the secondary points are always to far back, which makes front pointing difficult. If your crampon is fitted to your boot properly you should not have any problem with them coming off or flexing to much.
  8. ken4ord


    Looks like he is taking purty pictures, wearing dead animals, and driving on some Chinese moto bike renacting the Thunder Dome.
  9. ken4ord

    100 Acre Wood

    There is no way your piglet, you are too TUFF girl. Who's Pooh?
  10. Alright thanks you guys. I am siked to check out some of this stuff. I sampled the Clap Your..... and decided it didn't appeal to me, Blue Scholars yes, looking forward to that Roots disc, and I guess I will have to check out that Rachid Taha disc I didn't know he had a new one, I just got turned onto Sage Francis definitely cool shit.
  11. I can't believe it took 7 posts before somebody mentioned Renton.
  12. ken4ord

    Dakar Rally

    I found it. Can't wait to do this race someday. They changed the destination but it still sounds cool. Plymouth-Banjul
  13. ken4ord

    Dakar Rally

    Does anyone know of the unoffical rally to Dakar? This one Brit was telling about it where your only allowed to spend so much on the car, so no tricking it out, no offical check points, and just the first to get there any route they can.
  14. Nice, something interesting on the web. Bummer about her bike, I really like her Chernobyl TR. It is interesting that she says that none of the stuff that last is for sale but then she say that she was hoping to find one of the SS skull rings so she could buy a new one.
  15. Gotta have something to keep your beer in, it is sort of a long drive with boring scenery.
  16. Which 5.6 was it? I climbed my hardest 5.6 in Jtree on the Outback Dome(?), the big dome up on the hillside. I thought it was harder than Gunks 5.6's
  17. Someone want to educate me on what "rock crawling" is? Does it involve 4x4's? "Professional rock crawling?" There are people who get PAID to drive these oversized Broncos off-road? Damn where have you guys been. You live in Washington and you don't know about rock crawling. Yes I agree it is a stupid sport(?).
  18. *Cross over to the heart of darkness (Congo) and climb the active Nyiragongo volcano. link *Climb Killimanjaro, would love to do a technical route up the mountain with the right partner otherwise it will be a walk up. *Climb Visoke, a volcano in Rwanda with a crater lake. *Try to organize a trip up Mikeno which is located in the Congo, there is no trail and they don't normally climb that mountain so there is a good chance they won't allow it. *Build a woodie in my backyard. *More climbing in South Africa *Make it back to Washington for a visit and hopefully get out with some of you and do some climbing.
  19. Hey OlegV, what about those ice flows to the left of the magenta line down low? Are thinner that they look? When I first saw the picture, that is what caught my eye. Also the ones farther up and left too look good.
  20. I agree my goals have changed a bit not much climbing around thiese parts so it is actually been more work oriented goals that I have now. It is definitely not going to help my onsite ability, oh well, hopefully the next country we live in has more climbing so that I can get back into it. My most recent goal is to get a woodie and campus board up in the backyard, so that when I do get around some rock I pull down.
  21. Nice job, fun easy route. It was my first ice climb ever. We had a hell of a time on the route, complete with dropping a screw and breaking of an ice damn and drenching ourselves. We finished off day with 45 minutes of armpit postholing just to cover 100 yards from the base of the Escape Hatch to the cat-track. good times. Now get on some real shit, like the Dike, hell it got climbed in October this year. That is a great climb. Fafnir right next to is also a stellar climb, though I almost crapped myself climbing 100 feet of near vertical detached scewless ice getting to the meat of the climb. Cannon is the place you want to be for alpine ice. Actually for the best NE alpine ice head up to Baxter State Park, unless you got some serious time then you really want to go to Labrorador.
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