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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. BS....where???? I have never seen any BS on this website.
  2. Damn now I see why people are maing fun of you.
  3. Some days I wake up and I think what a strange and wonderful place to live. This morning was one of them. Lately I have been getting into a routine of getting up at 5:00 in the morning to get on my road bike a couple times a week. 5:00 is about when the birds get up and start chirping like mad, but they were quiet this morning. I hit the snooze a couple of times then finally dragged my ass out of bed, it was still dark out. I got dressed in my super hero outfit; I guess it is the best way to describe cycling clothes, filled my water bottles and grabbed my phone. I eventually made it onto the bike at 5:30. I cruised up the hill to look for my tentative riding partner she was not there so I fly solo. As I make my way up and through town I passed very few people in my neighborhood. The ones I did pass, stop in their tracks, drop their jaw, stare and turn into the ultimate gapers. I think it is so funny, for crying out loud, I am still in my neighborhood where all the other Muzungos live; it is not like I am that much of an oddity. Well maybe I am since I am on bike that looks quite different from their single speed Chinese bikes that they ride and I must look quite funny to them in my Underoos and helmeted head. After several kilometer climb I descend. At this time in the morning the sun is starting to wake up. To me this is the scariest part of rides in the morning, because I come blazing down the hill with not that good of light passing the few motorbike taxi and a few cars. The few people that are walking or the drivers just have no idea that a bike can move fast. My biggest fear is that they will cut in front of me and I won’t be able to stop in time. As blazed down the hill I used the Rwandan ‘psst’ to let them know I am coming or occasional loud ‘HEY!’ when it was a little more critical. It took just a few minutes for the scary part to be over. At the bottom of the hill is the main market in town. It was already on it’s way to becoming bustling chaos of shoppers, vendors, taxis, goats, chickens, clothes, produce, mattress’s, cement and anything else a person may need. Already there were people everywhere, the was a constant stream of people on the side of the road that were heading to the market, with all their market wares carried mainly on the top of their heads, on make shift wheel barrows, or the single speed bikes. As I passed by I must have heard ‘muzungo’ at least a hundred times. On top of that I also heard some people cheer, whistle, ‘psst’ me, others just gave a simple thumbs up, and then some disco boys (as Misti calls them) tried to mock jumping out in front of me in an attempt to scare me, it didn’t works though. A paranoid scenario ran through my head when I passed through this section that the guys with logs on their head will turn to watch me go by and inadvertently take me out. All together it took me about 20 minutes and then I was out of town. At that point I was in what I know as the ‘village’. There really isn’t a place to go in Rwanda where there isn’t people, fields, and houses, which leads me to calling Rwanda a big village. It was foggy this morning in the valley so I opted to do a big climb instead of following the valley. The Rhukengeri road starts climbing immediately; I usually do the 350m elevation gain in my lowest gear and just grind out the km’s. It is a nice climb cause there isn’t many people, by that I mean I might pass people here or there, but there are 30 to 90 second gaps where I might be by myself and able to just take in the scenery. This morning was beautiful with a thick fog in the valley. The smell of wood burning for morning tea wafted through my nose. I felt my legs, tired and lazy, but they kept turning the cranks around. A little ways up the climb I broke through the fog and saw clear skies above, and a river of puffy white below. It was spectacular, in 45 minutes I was at the top of the climb, with views off the ridge south and views north. People out on the hillsides were already working away; plumes of smoke could be seen coming from homes, the sun was awake and already warming the air. I contemplated doing the next climb up to Shyrongi, I knew I would be late if I did it, so I turned around and blasted back into the valley towards town. On my way down I cruised past trucks, motorcycles, people walking, and other cyclist commuting. It is a threatening downhill, I am not really known for using my brakes much, but this climb is just not straight and it weaves in and out along the hillside, with endless turns. The ride down was a continual checking speed, railing the turn, acceleration out and repeat. As I flew down, I just thought what a crazy place to be riding my road bike. I couldn’t get over the fact that I am living in Rwanda and none-the-less riding my bike in a third world country.
  4. Yeah or go ride a yak. Little different angle on the bolting. I got limited resources here, but there is a Hilti store, can someone reccomend which Hilti bolts to get, grade, length, type, size got's to be 3/8 cause that is what I have for a bit?????? Help? Ok now I am off to go wrestle a mountain gorilla.
  5. And her age too. Name and phone number might help too.
  6. Damn you guys. I glad you are both ok, too bad about the toes though. I can't believe you kept at it the next day after what must have been a damn cold night out on the mountain.
  7. Yeeehaw!!! going back again. This time we are going to send the established lines on the cliff. I am stoked, to be climbing again.
  8. As much as all you guys have raved about aliens and how great they are, I just never really understood why. I never bought one, never really liked using them. I felt like they weren't beefy enough, and this was never based on facts, but what I thought. All these stories lately just reinforce my intuition I have had about aliens. I know if I had some on my rack I would be removing them pretty damn quick. What about other cams on the market? I can't recall any major malfunctions like what has happened lately. Anyone know of any?
  9. Damn, damn, damn I want back in the PNW! Nice photos looks like a great climb.
  10. "Is it necessary to drink my own urine? Hell no, but it's sterile and I like it."
  11. That is a nice looking line from the looks of Scurlock's photo. Nice work you guys. Pete wheres the feckin' pictures????
  12. That is sort of what I was thinking. They have to start working on developing need picks to pentrate that shite and that do not bend or break.
  13. Yeah true, I guess if that is what floats your boat.
  14. Well I am not sure if I would use the term genius. 14/16 means you may have slept with a guy you thought was a girl, hmm brillant.
  15. Yeah poles in hands are fine in the backcountry. Go with both of them a single pole is pretty useless in the backcountry.
  16. Hey Kitergal, As far as I know you got three options, you got the Voile Splits, Burton and then make your once with Volie Split Kit. I have experience with the Voile split which I like a lot. The downside to it is there is a lot more flex than normal boards. You don't notice the flex in powder so much, but when you get into Cascade cement or hardpack you don't have as much control. Upside to the Volie split is it is cheaper than the Burton. I checked out the Burton boards and I like the way the binding system looks, but I have never tried using it so I am not sure how it works out in the bc. In the store it seemed to work well. The third option is taking an old board and buying a conversion kit. I met a few people who have done this and have it work well. downside is that you can have delamination issues if you don't seal you cut well. The nice thing is you can get a stiff board which might help with flex issues. Being Kitergal I am surprised you are looking into split riding since there is kite board which eliminates having to ski up hill and as long as there is wind you have continuous riding. Have fun. Well I guess this info is a little late hopefully someone else can benefit from it. Kitergal have fun tearing it up out there I jealous.
  17. ken4ord


    Yeah I used to be able to walk down the street smoking a joint with my only worry being getting a fine, now I would probably get thrown in prison with bunch of crazy people, then eventually probably get kicked out of the country once they found the key.
  18. ken4ord


    Look like you just recently got your velcro mits on some . I miss my glass, now a days I make spliffs out of filtered cigarettes, that way I can smoke inconspiculously. I feel like I am back in high school.
  19. No not yet, give a year or two and then maybe I will be up for trading.
  20. Holy shite dude, what the hell were you thinking free soloing Killi. Damn...... Your lucky to be alive and tell the tale. How is the Breach Wall looking? My friend was up on the hill in the end of December and there looked like there were a few lines that were doable from what I could tell from the pictures he shot. Got pitures?
  21. No snakes, though if I did it would make it even more like the Gunks.
  22. Hey interesting, mine was: K.E.N.O.R.D.: Knockout Exchanging Naughty Orgasms and Rapturous Delights It didn't take the number, but insert the number and it sounds good to me. K.E.N.4.O.R.D.: Knockout Exchanging Naughty 4 Orgasms and Rapturous Delights or if you just go with my name.... K.E.N.F.O.R.D.: Knockout Exchanging Naughty Fantasies and Overwhelming, Rapturous Delights
  23. Just use the screw condoms and caps that came with screws in the first place. Make sure not to store the screws with caps and condoms when they are still wet or else they will rust.
  24. Yeah at Index, you'll come back and yell and not pay him anything. Dru I did go see the gorilla they are funny. They roll around in the jungle chomp on some food, get some sun, roll over to the next bit of food......it's like they are way stoned with the munchies. The silverback charged which was freaky but if you just stand there, he stops maybe two feet away and grab some more food and eats. It is pretty funny, they have it easy.
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