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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. I thought I didn't have any goals I guess I did. Didn't get on ice in SA, Killi is going on 2006 goal, Mt. Kenya damn right good times were had, Tanzania wouldn't allows us to attempt climbing the wall it was restricted area found some pebble pulling that day to make up for it, good times were had drinking cheap red wine and reaching up for a clip, finishing the year in Uganda instead Morrocco.
  2. Don't be to rough on yourself, that was a 5.8++.
  3. Sorry I couldn't have been there to be another idiot on your list-o-idiots.
  4. ken4ord


    DHL blows, here in Rwanda it takes more around two week from here to the states and the same coming here. Also it is damn expensive. I wanted to send a letter and it was $60.
  5. I end up eating goat all the time at least 3 times a week, for some reason unknown to me Rwandans like eating that chewy as beast. I go down to the market and get one for $10 and have them slaughter with a machete it right there for me. Or buy a whole lamb again freshly slaughtered for $5
  6. It looks like he didn't hit the ground with full fource in the pictures where he is hitting, you can see the piece is weighted. That was the only thing I could think of, it still is pretty surprising.
  7. And how is that suppose to help except for making more difficult to pay out slack when your partner is leading?????
  8. ken4ord

    Men over X

    No I meant the Italian Pony, he was short dude, but went about like he was a stallion. Sort of like "The Little Train That Could", the story wasn't called "The Locomotive That Could".
  9. you have never been realy realy realy hungry veggieism goes out the door when you are hungry enough So true, I was vegan and went hiking on the AT for a month. After three and a half weeks I was starved, no matter how much grain, bean and veggies I ate, I never felt satisfied, bloated and stuffed yes, but still hungry. I stopped at a rest house and that night after two years I gave up being vegan and never looked back. The road back eating what I wanted started with 5 steaks and no it didn't bother me a bit. I had no problems digesting that and the whole pint of Ben and Jerry's that topped off my meal that night.
  10. Damn that thing is much shotter than I thought it was. Good job though.
  11. Spoken like a true dumb american, yep "I like using archaic system instead using a simpler and easier base 10 system, I am definitely going to keep driving my gas guzzling piece of shit car that uses gallons of gas instead of liter, fucking europeans."
  12. ken4ord

    Men over X

    My second girlfriend was this punk rock chick who older and taller than me. I had friend pretty much only dated women that were taller than he, this was mainly by default since he was only 5' 1''. Even though he was a short pudgy italian with attitude, he still manage to go out with tall amazonia drop dead gorgeous women all the time. His reputation preceeded him and he became known as The Italian Pony.
  13. Girl on dirt bikes do rock, now where is the picture?
  14. ken4ord

    Women over 20

    ...Thread drift Yeah thin and AIDS one of the numerous superstition about AIDS throughout this continent. Coughs, rashes, religious beliefs, drinking from the same glass, contact, etc. are things that can be used to identify AIDS/HIV or contracting it. Luckily most people now-a-days know that it is contracted by unprotected sex, except for a few idiots like the president of South Africa. Older men marrying younger women and/or having many wives is small part of the problem. Education, lack of access to protection, economic hardship, lack of being able to negotiate comdom use, and other STDs play a bigger role in the spread of AIDS. Actually in a lot of Muslim culture where multipule wives are permited AIDS/HIV are not to big of an issue, there are some though. Cities, bars, tourist areas, sex industry places are the locations that have higher incidence and prevelance rates. Mother to child transmission rates have been going down in most areas due to education, access to formula or non-infected milk and access to antiretroviral drugs. Serious thread drift I guess. Oh well this thread was sort of dumb anyways. 20, 30, 40, hard body, soft body, hot, not hot, inside, outside what a waste of time, I don't want to spend my life like a dog always chasing after the next beautiful car that comes down the street, but never getting anywhere because there is always another one coming right down the street.
  15. ken4ord

    Women over 20

    Probably not in Africa since most people are lucky to make it to 55 as you say Icegirl. Actually from from all the studies I have been reading it is usually in 16 to mid-20s. Close though to the mid-20s to mid 30s. BTW- A nice plump body and big ole' ass is what is desired around here. Obesity is not really a problem here because lack of money to provide the high fat content types of food. Being overweight is sign of wealth and greatly desired. Also breast are of no interest for adults, those things are for feeding children. When I am riding through the villages on my mountain bike, the women think it is the funniest thing to see me sucking on my nipple, (i.e. my camel back).
  16. Dave if you look at the plan, the things they have listed are not to techincal IMO. What they list for heights on the drops, teeter totters, and step-ups is quite low, so will be suited for people who are jst starting to ride. The contruction of the actual area leads itself to being static with no room for change, i.e. cement anchor, rebar, and rock retaining walls. From the looks of it they have it all planned out, and contrary to what you say, "what gets built depends on who shows up and works", the plan doesn't appear to be that flexible. Like I said before I hope I am wrong. That space has a lot of potential and it is nice that it will be lighted and stay dry.
  17. That's awesome man. It looks so beautiful out there.
  18. Hell I can't believe how long this project is taking. Also what is the deal with "only" $110,000 more to go? WTF, what is costing so much? Hell of a lot of local trails (not XC) that have been built were built with just labor and just used natural resources. No or very little money was needed. The difficulty I see with this park in peaking peoples interest to donate time and money, is that it will probably be to tame, since it is a city park. Hell all the stuff they have planned can be found on urban ride and is way more exciting/challenging. It's too bad, at first it sounded like a great idea, looking at the plans it looks boring. Hopefully I am wrong.
  19. Here's mine. Scenic-View from Karasimbi in the Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda. Link to larger image Ice- Asa about halfway up on the Ice Window on Mt. Kenya. Link to larger image Humor- The baptism, what you get for leaving the country. Link to a larger image, if you are clicking here, I do not understand why you want to do this to yourself.
  20. Great route. I had always climbed the traverse by manteling first, I always wiggled in a 00 tcu before the manteling. Then run it to the corner and place a piece up high to minimize the seconds swing if they were to fall. I think my piece was always a bomber nut from what I remember. Heel hooking across always looked like too much work.
  21. That's awesome! That means more turkey to eat.
  22. ken4ord

    Six Feet Under

    Season three is still good, not as good but worth watching, there is still enough f-ed up shite happening to keep it interesting. I can't wait for 4.
  23. I saw this one film, well I guess I wouldn't call it a film, let's say video, where a group of 20 somethings male and females went to J-tree. They hired a guide and went out climbing for the day. It was funny you tell the guide was cracking up about the shit they were talking and havign to be belay slave to these completely inexperienced "stars". The other funny thing was they blocked out the guides face so you couldn't tell who he was. After climbing with the guide they went around the boulders of J-Tree and for the rest of the "film". I can't remember the name it though.
  24. Well we just got our FF bags today, can't wait to try them out this weekend out in Akagera game park. Everybody thanks for all the input.
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