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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. drove up there on 4/3. it's melted out within a half mile or so from the lower TH, probably less as i always overjudge distances. no one was getting any further, even with big trucks. From what i heard, snowshoes are the ticket if you're heading into the Colchuck Lake area.
  2. nope, i escaped unscathed. maybe you'll get me next time.
  3. yea, it was full of boaters this weekend. on saturday, we ended up walking downhill from the bivy, towards the icicle and sleeping on a nice flat spot. kind of nice to get lots of sleep without all their guitar playing antics. too bad i missed you Greg, were you in a green Suby?
  4. man that sucks. i was up there last weekend and i put my pack at the base of that crack while i was aiding it. as soon as i got off the ground, people started wandering around and checking stuff out. I kept a watchful eye since that place gives me the 'crackhead' vibe sometimes. I'll keep an eye out for your gear. Kurt
  5. that sucks about your pack pindude. where you guys up there last weekend too? I saw a large party learning how to belay when i was up there solo aiding... they gave me some WTF looks, but all was well. except for my aid climbing ability, that is.
  6. A River Lost by Blaine Harden. It's all about the effects, positive and negative, of damming the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Gives you something to think about as you drive down the gorge.
  7. not so secret bivy, hiking and with the family in Leavenworth. no climbing for me unless I see Distel on the roadside taking photos...
  8. what's included in the desert guide? banks, perhaps?
  9. kurthicks


    why not? it's plenty strong enough. that is, unless she's over 55kg and taking factor 2 falls...on top rope. i do buy the arguement of having a ton of ropes lying around though...
  10. i have a few friends who did that plan last year. Hood for sunrise and SH for sunset...sounded like a nice workout.
  11. congrats guys. i'm glad to see that you got after it after the disappointing trip in February. i was hoping you'd making during that trip. here's to ya.
  12. I'll be sure to provide some backup for your position Distel...right when i get back from Bishop.
  13. anybody heading down to Bishop next week? I'll be down there from this Sunday until Saturday if anybody wants to hook up. We're staying at The Pit, of course.
  14. from what their website says, the 20% off doesn't apply to package deals, among other things. It does start to make things like plastics, #5 camalots, tents, ropes and stuff look reasonably priced however.
  15. when i went in there this summer i had the same experience. awesome guys. too bad they had sold out of what i wanted last time i ordered online...but it was a great sale so i can't complain. they did call to let me know they were all out though.
  16. you must have been hauling, i got through there close to 80 all the time and never get pulled over. timmy's definately right about the Biggs-Morrow section, i got a ticket there 2 years ago for 19 over.
  17. The stretch of Hwy 2 between Wenatchee and Leavenworth comes to mind. I heard that they write a ridiculous amount of tickets there and I always see THE MAN there. Also coming into Wenatchee from Quincy on Hwy 28. I managed to talk my way out of a ticket there once, but probably not again.
  18. thought you guys might like this. sounds like the Canmore Ice Fest didn't satisfy everyone's climbing needs. would have been fun to be there... http://gravsports.com/Ice%20Pages%20Folder/03_04%20Ice%20Conditions/cineplex_2004.htm
  19. kurthicks

    Bum Wine

    that website reads just like an average weekend here at WSU... "hey man, ya got $5.00 for beer?" "nope, i got $2" "guess we're riding the Train tonight" edit: i vaguely remember drinking a grape MD 20/20 my freshman year that a buddy had found in a pond while searching for frisbees. that was a crazy night!
  20. kurthicks


    I just found this link in the course of other internet searching. it appears to be from some UW "science geek." http://int.phys.washington.edu/NUSEL/leavenworth.pdf I have no problem with the research, nor with an underground lab. I do, however, have a problem with the thought that it is acceptable to drill (permanently) under Federally designated wilderness areas for research that is supposed to only last 40 years. The laws governing mining and wilderness are complex; it seems that if UW/NUSEL needs to have an air vent within the wilderness (which i read somewhere) that it would be in violation of the Wilderness Act as it not within a current mining claim and, therefore, is subject to Wilderness Act regulations. That alone is enough to make the entire project illegal in my mind. Let alone the other potential effects on water/air quality and the human dimensions in the Icicle. This issue goes way beyond how it will impact us as climbers ...
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