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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. last time i checked this wasn't cascadeskiersandboozehounds.com
  2. I wasn't planning on it, but if that's where i have to go to get a partner, i will. I'd just rather not waste a good climbing weekend on skis and getting drunk. I'm definately game for some N. Cascades goodness though... Kurt
  3. I had this happen to me at Vantage in February last year. they were "cleaning" up after that column got tipped over. there was choss flying all over the place, but that's not unusual at Vantage.
  4. I'm looking to hit up some alpine stuff next weekend (fri-sunday 4/30-5/2). Don't care where, but I'd prefer to swing the tools. Anybody interested? PM or post.
  5. mountain biking injury, perhaps? I broke/dislocated my collarbone years ago and never went to the doc. there's still a huge bump where it connects to my shoulder, but the pain went away in a couple weeks. good as new now, but it's been about 9 years.
  6. unfortunately, you won't. I'll be out climbing for the weekend starting thursday afternoon. It's starting to look like i'll have to wait to see it until it comes out on dvd.
  7. Thought the Palouse locals would like the info: Join the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute for dinner and a movie! Friday, April 30, PCEI will show “Touching the Void,” a riveting film based on a true story of two mountain climbers who struggle for their lives in the Peruvian Andes. The movie will show at the Kenworthy Performing Art Centre in downtown Moscow. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the reception starts at 7 p.m. with a cash bar of beer and wine from the Alehouse/Coeur d’Alene Brewing Company, and pizza sold by the Moscow Food Co-op. The movie will follow. Tickets are available in advance for $8 at BookPeople of Moscow, HyperSpud Sports in Moscow and Bruised Books in Pullman, and at the door for $10. Tickets will also enter attendees in a raffle for a $100 pair of Bollee sunglasses. All proceeds will support PCEI’s Education Program. To learn about the PCEI Education Program, visit <www.pcei.org/education>.
  8. i might be wrong, but isn't Bonanza the highest non-volcanic peak in Washington...?
  9. i'd agree, but then it'd be the NEW IDAHO CLIMBING FORUM, and we can't be having that now can we? seriously though, there is plenty of climbing out here, but not enough to necessitate a new forum IMO. perhaps extending this forum to include Idaho would work though.
  10. I asked pindude about a week ago. he said it'd be a long ski or 'bile ride this time of year. you'd have it all to yourself most likeley. check your PMs.
  11. kurthicks


    i haven't hauled anything all that heavy with it actually. it's more like peace of mind when i head out. but i like to follow rule no. 1...don't fall in. you can always drop the pulleys out of the system and just use biners. that's why i was asking in the first place.
  12. I hiked up Fourth of July Creek in Leavenworth a couple weeks ago. Apart from walking through the old burn, it's a nice trail, good elevation gain, and awesome views into the Stuart Range if you get up high enough. It's south facing and was melted out up to about 4500' then, so it's probably higher now. anything south facing is definately a good bet for being relatively snow free.
  13. kurthicks


    Just for reference, i use the Petzl ULTRALEGERE w/a BD oval. it's super light, but i was just soliciting opinions. anyone rely solely on a tibloc setup?
  14. yea, i saw a sign there 2 weeks ago that said something about being "trendy and drink a PBR" WTF? it was the America's favorite beer in 1893 though.
  15. i think you could TR the 2nd pitch of the Bale-Kramer route on Careno Crags. it's 10a. it seems like there is a walk off, so setting up a TR would be easy, but it's been a while since i was there.
  16. kurthicks


    Since it seems like people are getting excited about prussiks and z-systems and stuff... what is everyone's pulley of choice? prussik minding or not? weight? other ideas (Guarda, etc)?
  17. i carry an ATC for that very purpose. it's totally worth the weight in my opinion. http://www.rockandice.com/guide%20tip/guide%20tip.z%20pulley.123.html
  18. good call, i was just hoping. good luck selling, they're sweet tools.
  19. i'll buy the Fusion if you let me get it for what you paid for it... too bad i remember that post.
  20. kurthicks


    it's a celebration for the end of midterms, it's black butte porter and Red Hook ESB tonight. then the bars, my friends...
  21. i'm in all 7 of 7 hits. take that... ah ha ha
  22. yea, you could drive well past 4th of july rock last weekend.
  23. josh, i know that you've got better things to do than climb that thing...that is unless you're going to board down it. that would be plab. Like everyone said though, rockfall is serious stuff on that thing. i watched shit come down all of last summer, it convinced me to put it off for quite a while. i'm thinking of coming to Smiff in a couple weeks, if you're up for it.
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