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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. Come tomorrow morning, I will be out of the PNW for the summer. So climb hard, whatever that means to you, and enjoy what we have in our collective backyards--I can't help but say that I'm jealous, but this summer probably mean more for my future than anything I've done up until now. If anyone is heading out to Maine and wants a partner, just e-mail wazzumountaineer at hotmail.com Kurt
  2. there are some on sierratradingpost right now for $97 http://www.sierratradingpost.com/xq/asp/dept_id.L2~2493/catimage.False/qx/prod_list_display.htm
  3. Partner has been found...crisis averted. thanks everyone.
  4. i love it when my partner bails when i'm already at the crag waiting for him... bastard.
  5. I'm going to be heading through the Tetons for a week from 5/31-6/7 on a roadtrip my summer job in Maine. I'm looking for a partner for some of the classic snow/ice/mixed routes like the Skillet Glacier on Moran, NW ice couloir on Middle, or something harder (enclosure couloir, etc?). Rock routes are fair game too, depending on conditions. I'll be trying to get in as many routes as possible in those 7 days...if you're interested PM me or post.
  6. funny how a few minutes turns into an hour. anyways, it looks like i've got something going. PM me if you want to pull some eastern WA choss.
  7. i might be game for WA pass, give me a few minutes...
  8. thread drift--yep, i've been there before. I might be going there this weekend actually since it's the closest multipitch (2-2.5 hours). it's an awesome chunk of rock in a sweet location. I have a copy of a topo from John Crock at Hyperspud, but if you've got anything else I'd love it. why don't you PM me about it?
  9. I work at the Outdoor Rec Center on campus running the climbing trips and supervising the climbing wall. as for AMGA, I am a certified Top Rope Site Manager working on becoming a rock instructor or guide. The Palouse leaves a little to be desired though, hence the high mileage on my car.
  10. from the saved beta-- Find a copy of "Portland Rock Climbs" by Tim Olsen Approach: Hwy 35 just north of the Sherwood campground on the east side of the road. Park at small gravel pull off an climb up a steep trail rising to the left. It is between Sherwood and Cooper Spur. a steep 10 minute from Hwy35 to main crag. They are visible from the road. that's all i've got.
  11. water, greasy food, some diluted gatorade, and a nap. when i wake up i'm good to go. otherwise the best hangover cure that i've ever found is to go climbing, it never fails...
  12. we've got some on the rack at the place i work. pretty nice action on 'em. if i was more into being a sporto i'd probably get some.
  13. i remember the NR looking like a horrible chossfest. i do believe that Oregon High has a decent description of it though. go do the Jeff park glacier early and it's a cruise. that trailhead is pretty low, so it might be accessible already.
  14. not them, sorry. anyways, they're going into storage this weekend since i'm going to be gone all summer. somebody claim them.
  15. kurthicks

    Cold medicine

    so you're busy this weekend then?
  16. Hood was plab today. no wind, awesome snow conditions, blue skies... good times with my girlfriend and her first Cascade summit
  17. 5-6 miles. talked to him not too long ago.
  18. found a pair of 'pons today on the southside descent. you identify them and i'll get them back to you. Kurt
  19. Rock: 1-13 Smileys & a half set of BD stoppers 1,3,5 Ball Nutz (got 'em free) green, yellow, red aliens .75,1,1,2,3 Camalot .5,1,1.5 tricams Ice: 2x (13,16,19)cm BDs, 4x 22cm BDs, 1 spectre, a couple pins trango light wires on almost everything. the favorite is either the red or yellow alien
  20. Thanks, anyone want to solve this one for me? http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/345274/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1
  21. sounds like this http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/330620/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1
  22. I'm looking to spend 2 days or so climbing this weekend. can be at trailhead friday night and am available until monday late morning. All the TRs have me thinking of doing some snow routes in the Alpine Lakes...but I'm flexible. any takers? Kurt
  23. i thought the NF of Thielson in winter would qualify, but it's been done.
  24. cold springs/south climb. don't tell the FS that you're doing that route since they'll say you need a permit from the Indian Reservation...
  25. they usually try to open the road by Memorial day weekend, but with this early melt, it might come a bit sooner.
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