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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    He's busy having a cook-out
  2. EWolfe


  3. Hey, there's a cool new slab climb in the crater of St Helens! Anyone seen it?
  4. EWolfe


    When you get tired of pooping on yourself or biting yourself, they're GREAT!
  5. A few years back I politely informed some Hispanics that were fishing the Crooked that eating anything they caught would be risky business.
  6. There was some guy in Carhartt coveralls walking through REI in Bellingham the other day who had a coil of three-strand slung casually over his shoulder! I kid you not. He was a rugged-looking bearded type who also had a knife and other equipment clipped to his backpack. I was absolutely fascinated! I kept looking to see if what I was seeing was real, and if he was going to try and pick up a woman, or what???
  7. EWolfe

    Middle Aged?

    I don't understand why hair that has, for 40 years been absent, suddenly sprouts out of the ears?
  8. EWolfe


    Sorry about the ineffectiveness of your self-proclamation effort.
  9. EWolfe


    zip-together bags
  10. EWolfe

    Middle Aged?

    I am middle aged, and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it. Bring it.
  11. Great show!!! Good to have the after-show celeb with the HUGE crowd of G-Spotter and I... Typical for Bellingham...
  12. Most excellent. You know you want some C4's - you're just in denial! See you up there
  13. Valence Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory pv = nRT 6.02x10^23 someone please help me clear this junk from my brain Huffing gas will help!
  14. EWolfe

    Tick Alert

    God, that sounds awfully close to my state of being, maybe I can blame it on Lyme's Disease!
  15. EWolfe

    drum circles?

    Those are not the namby pamby safety drums we're used to seeing.
  16. we need a crying yoda graemlin....
  17. Why gas Olyclimber become such a crybaby? Oh, thanks Arch and luwayo!
  18. Another thing is to trial-hike/run the approaches to climbs when you can't climb. It gets you in shape, keeps the stoke, and you got 'em wired for when you go to climb.
  19. Glacier, you are a brilliant troll artist: mention polotics in a semi-serious way, and bing! 4 pages of J_B, PeterPuget, and JayB will follow. Werd.
  20. EWolfe

    Gas Prices

    Nostradamus hates you.
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