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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Hiked in to Green Giant Buttress on Thursday last week, and the trail was clear all the way, a fair bit of snow was at the base, but the slab was clear. Erik
  2. Kix, I hope you will share your good stuff!
  3. I hope that belittling better climbers appeases your large brain, Owl.
  4. EWolfe

    top this

    Keep your manboobs in your...well, whatever restrains and hides them from us.
  5. Haha. Beth and finish the climb?
  6. You going to rack up some tickets this year too?
  7. hahaha! You are a funny man, Squid.
  8. EWolfe

    Origins of Humor

    Theorists suggest that 4 million years ago, laughter started by apes seeing other apes trying to stand on 2 feet and falling over. This was followed by flatulent humor and sexual mischief humor. Some things never change. Even after 4 million years, that stuff is still funny.
  9. EWolfe

    Tick Alert

    Dammit, Bones! I found 4 on me after Snow Creek trail hike on Wednesday
  10. I am a woman trapped in a man's body, what can I say.
  11. Fox...FoxTV...AlpinFox...I sense a drug and cultural perversion that must be nipped in the bud...or dose...or line...
  12. Is the best. Don't you agree?
  13. I will sponsor you to protect you from your depravity.
  14. EWolfe

    car problems

    sounds great, Mr. Succu'bus'
  15. EWolfe

    car problems

    My bad. They all suck.
  16. EWolfe

    car problems

    Give up, they never got the problem of electrolysis between the water pump and the magnesium block figured out. Go with the air cooled.
  17. Why is the Nevada county that allows prostitution so close to area 51? A little terrestrial between planets?
  18. EWolfe

    car problems

    save it for penthouse forum letters, Pal.
  19. He was great on 60 minutes tonight.
  20. Here's the link if ya want to book the existing ones. On the righthand side is cabins/lookouts. Enter area or state.
  21. EWolfe

    car problems

    Why? It is an unused part for WW
  22. Endless beta has downgraded the Tooth. Except for my Dad's FA variation.
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