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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. This is a great pad - full backer from 10' (foot height) at Hueco, '96, broken handhold. Didn't even knock the breath out of me!
  2. I gotta tell y'all. That is a special spot. Don't miss this skip-year event. 2008 is gonna
  3. don't forget to pick up FREE FIREWOOD!!!
  4. Sweet! I'll have to check that out! (pretend the liquid is clear, but amazingly, the glass is the same size! ) I bet it is fucking expensive. E
  5. Check yoself, G. You're leaking weaksauce.
  6. It is so cool. I am using teh intrawebs, see me roor.
  7. Ya gotta be tough though, to rent this place. No wimps allowed! Keep your lattes in your AM/PM mugs, please!
  8. EWolfe

    Border Patrol

    I feel like I have addressed my TAKE!!! on whatever happens. You don't seem so cool with it.
  9. EWolfe


    As a carpenter, could I reinstall that window of opportunity? So, you really didn't answer my question, you elusive little blonde vixen...
  10. EWolfe

    Border Patrol

    I see the anger, and that never makes good policy. And yes, I was displaced in the fishing industry, but I found new skills, and accepted THE WAY OF THINGS IN A MELTING POT!
  11. EWolfe


    Hi, Girl. Let's meet for some illicit fun, whaddya say? You don't have to tell that boring old Badvoodoo.
  12. EWolfe

    Border Patrol

    Whidbey shows his colors ( or whiteness, as the case may be). Thanks, Gordon, I'll remember your nice little diatribe. Times change, too bad you are stuck in the past. Wake-up call: it's never the same world it was! You're getting old and intolerant!
  13. The joke is Meth Labs sell for $300K.
  14. Fortunately, my acute paranoia tipped me off.
  15. The unpainted drywall look is so hot right now. Best Feng Shui ever!
  16. E-Rock is usually down for some back.....packin'
  17. I'm gettin me a pair of those 5.11 Toltec velcro's, they are r0xxor!
  18. More like rent-to-pwn!
  19. Geez, it's about time! i can hardly keep my aura clear with this stuff!
  20. Dean is not a stupid man, he knew what he was doing. Cause. Everything else is effect.
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