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Everything posted by foraker

  1. if they all stopped talking on their cell phones while driving, the sudden appearance of ice on the road would probably kill them all anyway.
  2. I'll take the "Shot in the back by a jealous husband" option please.
  3. foraker


    Unlike all the alcoholic musican losers you know like Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr....
  4. blah blah blah all volunteer army blah blah blah
  5. All you have to do is take the word 'climber' out of that and you have a reasonably good definition of a East Coast Liberal College Student.
  6. Additional comment would be superfluous.
  7. foraker

    Mary Jane

    Reading these articles makes me want to take up smoking and binge drinking. Sure, they might give you lung cancer, kill brain cells and your liver, and cause irreparable social harm but, hey, they're legal!
  8. When in doubt, blame a pre-med.
  9. Apparently, Canadians have a lot of mental down time between hockey games.
  10. foraker

    What annoy's you

  11. foraker

    Unix GURU's

    That's nice, but try that at one of the many supercomputer sites in the world and you'll be out on the street before you can realize what happened. That is, if they don't burn you as an example to the others first. rm -rf /*.f I've seen people do that to their thesis by accident.
  12. foraker

    Unix GURU's

    That's nice, but try that at one of the many supercomputer sites in the world and you'll be out on the street before you can realize what happened. That is, if they don't burn you as an example to the others first.
  13. Except that Switzerland isn't full of a bunch of aggro testosterone-poisoned cowboys looking to start or settle a fight.
  14. foraker


    blasphemer. verily, thou shalt burn in hell.
  15. you'll never convince the True Believers, though, that the press aren't just lap dogs and haven't been simply regurgitating press releases and playing "He Said, She Said" for far too long now. for some reason, the Washington press corps seems more concerned about maintaining 'access' to the White House than doing any investigative journalism. what good is access if all the info is BS and everyone lies to you? just get the press releases from one of your buddies and go try to independently verify the info from other more credible sources.
  16. Yes, it's a terrible thing selling seeds that create plants that don't then create their own seeds so that you have to come back and buy seeds again the next year.....if you can.... It is indeed a terrible thing to create high-yield, non-reproducing foods that you manage to convince your buddies in Congress should be required purchases under aid programs, just to clinch that noose of dependency just a little bit tighter.
  17. i'm sure if we let these industries self-regulate, the market would find an optimal solution. no need for federal regulation here. these aren't the 'droids you're looking for. move along.
  18. Well, now. Who's a good little Satan's Helper? Hmmm?
  19. we're going to need self-pollinating food soon anyway since all the bee's are dying off. not that the activities of man have anything to do with that, of course.
  20. then why did the tyrant-fearing founders put it in article 2 then? Is this going to be on the final, Mr Ivan?
  21. Meanwhile, at the White House, Honor and Dignity are still sitting out on the front porch.
  22. i seem to recall you screaming 'i hate cracks!' just last summer..
  23. Except a random stranger won't point a sack of weed at you and you'll fall over dead. Death by self-stupidity is one thing. Death by the stupidity and anger of others is quite another.
  24. I just remembered that a college friend of mine is starting a faculty job at VT in August. Frak!
  25. That's one of those sayings that's going to haunt you forever, at least here. Math is hard! -- Dropout Barbie I got yer hard right here, baby! -- Spokompton Ken
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