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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. A direct quote from a mental midget. I see that the ass-gay-climbers are pounding their meat or clits to the rhythm of Obama campaign party music. Well, hope you all enjoy the new and changed United Socialist Amerika. Enjoy it while you can, because change will come again. :: aren't you a mental giant. mental you are, all right. maybe you should remember illegal wire taps, fucked economy, bailing private companies with public funds, all time high budget deficit all thanks to brilliant strategy of repubican party. now go, change your diaper and don't interrupts when adults speak.
  2. Damn straight. but for now squeal like a pig fat boy.
  3. aren't you a closet ball licker? may i remind you republifuck solution to free market economy is straight from soviet playbook? so stfu, you voted for it closet commie.
  4. my friend, some of the best ice/mix climbing is around this time of the year, you just have to know where
  5. well Mike, I think IT band also originates from the upper fibers of Gluteus Maximus. when the irritation is on the lateral side of the knee i always find Vastus Medialis to be weak. It als usually combined with chronic shortening of Bicep Femoris. However I find very frequent rotation is happening due to weak Tibialis Posterior. In more severe cases a callus bunion will start developing at trhe base of the big toe. As far as the rehab goes: I would recommend some deep, deep work on Gluteus, Quadriceps, Hamstring, abductr muscles, as well as Tib Posterior. Then it's back to the gym and start working on muscle balancing. Like with Medial Epicondylitis of the elbow I find rest and ice quite ineffective or not having much impact on the condition. BTW i would also treat Iliopsoas, gluteus minimus and QL in this case.
  6. i know for fact team Slawinski did Geeke N face in the style 5.11+ 2xA0 (broken hold and we section) Sphinx Face went free during the second ascent (FWA as well) at M something. As far as I remember E face of Assinibone was done as M something as well (might be wrong on that one). There was a very strong attempt on N. Pillar on N Twin 3 or 4 years ago. The party went almost all the way to the top, freeing most of it. They bailed after one of the team members suffered bone fracture from rock fall. As far as M6 on Chephren- I would think it's quite a bit harder. During the interview with Rafal he stated his partner took quite a whipper. Also there is a bit of aid on the last pitch (they were simply too tired to dry tool it). However there is a 5.9 done a few years back to the left of "Wild Things" during the summer of 2000.
  7. now spray is spray, but news flash fat boy- a lot of posters here can climb way harder then your sorry fat ass. a lot of posters consider slogging a 45 degree slope - a slog- not real climbing. i'm sure he is a nice guy, but keep your "bivy spoon stories" to yourself
  8. nobody killed him, he just drank himself to death....
  9. it costs 80 bucks for a passport. it is valid for 10 years. that's $8 per year. That's a cost of a good six pack. get over it. get proper travel documents. As of 2009 it will be mandatory to cross the border anyway.
  10. a lot of these routes go free now, like Astrain or Temple. as far as i remember asteroid alley never had any aid on it.
  11. and russians did not commit war crimes. and what were they doing there in the first place. such questions should be asked first. and why are they still in parts of georgia?
  12. there is plenty of documents showing the influence of GRU, including top british generals. Finland, Poland are still a major target of their operations. belarus is russian by default. I would recommend for you a couple of books written by a guy named Victor Suvorov (his real name is Alexander Rezun), former GRU top operative, who escaped to England in late 70'. my point is there were russian "peacekeepers"- read occupational force. you don't mount counter offensive with the speed russians did, without major preparation. the logistics are so huge it takes several months to implement. as far as the report at hand- still- who was the polish observer (name)? still a bullshit story.
  13. oh, what a bunch of shit! "independent military observers", who happened to be russian! we had 500 000 russian peacekeepers in poland. there were peacekeepers in Afghanistan too. these "unarmed" monitors managed to mount a pretty decisive offensive within next 48 hours. pretty fucking amazing, considering preparation to Iraq invasion were taking over 1 year and took 3 months to go into Afghanistan after 9/11. 3 more pages of neo-soviet propaganda up the ass.
  14. Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-) It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics. You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off. Sorry K but YOU are one of the most abrasive personalities on this board. The fact that you don't name names is a dodge. Your intent to degrade, seaths out of most of your posts. It is sad that you cannot see this. no it's just his upbringing- in a barn. he was too busy shoving straw into his boots instead of developing independent thought. he is just a right wing indoctrinated commie. red all the way.
  15. re your auto sig: respect is earned, not given.
  16. Of course you would, you're a Marxist puke. FOAD. and buying out failed banks and insurance companies wasn't a marxists move? done by your idol gw. way to spin it golden shower boy!
  17. That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you. on the other hand we can see what you drink- piss and vinegar- golden shower boy.
  18. Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change... like gw was such a uniter asswipe? so is your failed front runner. stop acting like a child and grow up wanker. maybe a party you support should come up with a decent program, decent candidates. ass whooping 2 years ago should have been a sign for your sorry asses, but you are so blind folded you didn't see it. ho you have now: BORA! First people you support should seal with the past. all time record high deficit, 2 wars and the worst economic crisis in 70 years. you deserve to be kicked to the curb and crawl back to the hole you crawled out of till you figure things out. for now fuck off and go listen to your clown- punch rush dumbo.
  19. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day, and that quote is 100% right on. Payback is a bitch. you are even dumber they i thought. this election was a payback for all the broken promises of the "gingrich revolution" and 8 years of lies by gw. what you guys delivered is: all time high budget deficit 2 endless wars the worst economy in 70 years and a country on a brink of collapse your mentality of victory by making the other side look bad backfired big time. keep it up, please! because if you do both houses will have huge democratic majority. no, this election was a payback- if you don't see it you will just extinct from the scene. now crawl back to a hole you came out of. you've lost fucking wash-up duchebag.
  20. Man, you need to tweak the meds. One could look at it this way: He believes in the way of life we have here and is willing to use his 2nd amendment rights to protect it; no? Little less rhetoric and condescension might go along way in having your voice actually heard by people that aren't in your little circle jerk. like in the movie: "nothing i hate more then a pussy with a gun" pretty much sums up your persona.
  21. maybe KK, assintake, fw and other repubturds can lock themselves in a empty room, pull a pin in a hand grenade, after indulging in a circle jerk and felching on each other.
  22. Excuse me you little ungratefull maggot? I have 10 bucks that McCain would beat your gaping jaw swollen shut. I understand that you dont feel like serving your country but he paid the ultimate sacrifice. Why don't you slow down and think about what you are saying? Because the commander of the greatest military in the world has paid the ultimate price as a soldier, he is disqualified to lead it? Go chug some ativan you pretentious prick. "ultimate sacrifice" would be if was KIA, rescuing his companions. there is plenty of people, who were much worst off, like one of my patient's who is missing half of his thigh. and there are other ways to "serve your country" besides military. you are just too dumb to comprehend this.
  23. in the contrary i think the future looks much brighter then last night.
  24. it's over!!!!! mcpalin just congratulated obama!
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