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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. If you consider Osama bin Laden a moron, then yes. don't spin it fader. this administration did nothing to catch him.
  2. glassgowkiss


    you shitbag are like your candidate- you are done and you don't even know it. like a monkey in the cage. the only thing left for you is toss feces around.
  3. glassgowkiss


    sore loser...did the pig turn you down? Rudy, he is just pissed off he didn't get a sensual reach-around after assintake cornholed him.
  4. I fear no man. If you are such the brave one, why not come with me on my next go 'round? I will save a 'chute for you. Don't worry; packed it myself. for your problem i recommend visiting here
  5. ...but Biden said it was $150 K. But then again, Obama said $42k not too long ago. We'll see what the actual numbers are I guess. can you point out your sources, besides your ass? i don't see how returning to tax brackets from Reagan's era is such a bad thing?
  6. hey posers. you are calling people weenies. why don't you hike up to Colfax and do my route? remember: T-A=0. no bolts up there!
  7. Bill, FW challenged a few posters here. he stated that he know US better then the rest and if mcsame wins he wants us to stop posting for a year. i said i will do it if he fuck a pig if obama wins. now fw had his share if insults towards me, so i am just simply returning him a favor. that makes me an asshole- nice logic! never mind his racist, anti-immigrant comments. a short memory you have mister
  8. let me see: 1. biggest government employment increase since WWII 2. biggest budget deficit ever 3. the worst economy since the Great Depression 4. Government spying on it's own citizens without court oversight 5. Government buying stock in private banks 6. Government bailing out failing corporations no, we are not talking russia, we are talking about administration of this country during past 8 years. now go fuck a pig jizz gurgling maggot
  9. there was a zoo up there last sunday- at least 3 parties on the route (10.26). skiing on frozen crust and bare ice had to be fun too.
  10. it's over for me. i just turned my ballot in.
  11. trade with communist china (in millions $): export 65,236.1, import 321,442.9. During the same year (2007) export o Colombia 8,557.7 import 9,433.6 I call FW's statement about Colombia a complete bullshit.
  12. so maybe FW has problem with Poles because of Leon Czolgosz?
  13. Racist isn't name-calling. It's an accusation. it's not accusation- it's just simply stating the obvious. if you openly supported pieces of shit like jessie helm, that makes you also the racist.
  14. free media was very nicely dismantled by your own GWB, there is nothing left to assult Chavez is from Venezuela you moron. different country. thanks again to gwb, who manages to resurrect soviets. maybe we should be talking about main issue- trade with communist china? why don't we talk about 526 billions of dollars in budget surplus under clinton turning into 1.18 trillion budget deficit under bush. let's start. you just keep repeating the same shit. you are lacking both the knowledge and intelligence. yeah, right. you might start with gwb, economy national security. you were wrong every time, but you never admit that you commie shit. anyway, there is a sign "pigs for sale" visible from a bridge on h-wy 2 towards I-5.
  15. well, as soon as the greatest economic fiasco in the history will spill over to the north of the border, i predict a quick vote of no confidence and early elections. congratulations to canadians, who have a campaign lasting 45 days! people can't you decide in a month and a half whom to vote for? i can't believe there is a single "undecided" voter. what canada has is a solid economy, budget surplus and plenty of natural resources to last for a few decades. there are dark clouds on the horizon for harper, i predict. usually there is a spill over effect of the recessions from the neighbor from the south.
  16. yeah, that movie was freaky! sad part is these psychos are not a fringe minority. i think it's the same mob mentality working the wonders in third reich. zig heil mr president! if they had their way gas chambers would be working overtime once again. final solution to all unbelievers.
  17. pope should speak of sharma fondly- he frequently climbs in the style of the 70's drunk or stoned.
  18. I prefer women with less intellect and more adipose. Like my mom
  19. Let's see...who'd we get? Prole, Dmuja, Glassgow, No13, and, of course, little Marylou Who. A net full of really dumb ones! I think I'll throw 'em back now. See you in November! yeah tough guy, november is near, and so is your date with a pig.
  20. and mcsame stands for exactly what? keating five? just curious, since when profiting from crime is not punishable by law. maybe he should get a new nick name- teflon john.
  21. i think it should be more convicts.... after watching "keating economics" mcsame should switch his nick name to teflon john.....
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