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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. right on target now, where did that money go? oh, i forgot, it was funny money, there was none to begin with.
  2. over all the stock will keep going down, till it hits 8500 (where it should have been in the first place). And it is going to take much, much longer to regain this time around. after the crash of 87 it wasn't till about 92 till the things started to keep going again. this time the problems are larger, so i would not be surprised if it took about 10 years.
  3. my prediction is Dow will end up at 8500 points- where it should have been in the first place.
  4. shit like this should happen all over europe, where over 500 000 americans work without proper permits.
  5. october surprize neo-con mo-fo's you want to talk about character, judgment? let's see.....
  6. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    something for neo-cons now let's talk about character and judgment.
  7. in the near future for FW
  8. real cause of the shit this time so while your 401K is disappearing faster then march snow, this fuckface took 300mil in bonuses!
  9. or like this? he took 300 mil, bankrupted the company and now he feels "bad"! are we supposed to feel bad for him? motherfucker has some nerve!
  10. Rudy- some greedy, some just stupid, like the owners of mcmansions.
  11. btw. i am surprised Obama is not exploiting the economic principles quote more. That one phrase should cost mcsame the elections.
  12. yeah, stupid rhetoric is hardly a tool when you watch your checking account going down like crazy. Dow 7000 by march- i would not be surprised a bit. median price of home 113k? i think early 90's are back.
  13. how about this? real world is catching up with bullshit.
  14. if you have limited time start sport climbing. of course it would show how sucky level you have always represented....
  15. i think 600 bucs is quite different from 2300, isn't it?
  16. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    palin is a populist puke. it's hard not to recognize it. like her bullshit answer regarding russia. she is simply not intelligent enough to comprehend the issue. hardly a surprise considering fact, she travelled outside on the us 1 time in her lifetime and lives in AK.
  17. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    Matt- it is hard to predict how things are going to develop in the future. Subsequently to 1999 bill there were a few more, in 2001 and 2003 pushing things further along. like allowing for "no document loans"- a loan based purely on the credit score. i don't think these loans were intended in Glass-Steagall for a good reason- people lie. then came along Gramm-Leach act. Interesting is that Gramm is on McCain's economic advisory board. Do we need to say more? That double standard retard was busy undoing every safeguard in the economy in the past 20 years and now he was one of the main lobbyists for the bail-out! it's strange factcheck forgets to mention that. This administration had 8 years to monitor and correct the situation. they chose to deregulate even further instead. the are an utterly failure in every aspect. from national security, complete depletion of the military, failure to capture binladen, foreign policy, monetary policy, immigration reform, and ending with the economy.
  18. Hey Simple-Jack! Were you around and climbing back then? If you weren't, then you probably don't know what you're talking about. If you were, then I guess you're an "old fart" too. Nothing has changed in 30 years??????? As I noted before, there are tons more people today calling themselves "climbers". Thirty years ago you'd go out to the crags and if you didn't know most of the people, you probably knew of them, at least in the Northwest, thus it was very hard to pull off bad stunts like thievery. NOT SO ANYMORE. Thirty years ago, you didn't have racks of gear with numerous cams costing $35+ each. I'd guess there a good possibility that the current Index gear thief is some other kind of low-life, but I'd never rule out the possibility that it's someone who wants the gear to use it, i.e., a "climber". Sit down, Simple Jack. i started climbing in 1980- and i call your statement a complete bullshit.
  19. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    palin was repeating slogans like a well trained parrot. she wasn't even answering the questions more then 50% of the time, she was too busy ranting and raving and chest beating about her political "accomplishments". to answer your last question stevens might get off on technicality.
  20. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    matt, it's hard to disagree with your post. however the process started in 1999 went way further along in 2001 and 2003 with subsequent deregulations. and we all know who was in control of both branches! and the whole issue of "housing bubble" is just another case of "trickle down economics" on acid trip this time. it is hard to argue that helping lower class purchase properties was a good thing- if it was done right. ownership replaces "i don't give a fuck" mentality with a premiss of responsibility. but then everyone decided to jump on band wagon of real estate boom and the crazy train of "circus economy" started to roll. nothing was real, everything looked really good, but only on the paper. the whole bailout is just another disaster in the making costing you and i at the end $2300. but pointing out these facts is un-American, according to gullible idiots like FW or KK.
  21. i did not sign up for this looks like the final fuck you america from a washed up duchebag. fucksticks are running this country like a personal piggy bank. if this is not a good time for pointing fingers, i don't know when would be better. and the vote of likes of FW, KK and other neo-con clownpunchers is costing you and i roughly $2300. I hope they live long, while they suck shit through a tube.
  22. like this economy is doing soooo great! open your eyes duchebag.
  23. glassgowkiss

    The Debate

    palin is a populist puke, another tax spending conservative and religious fanatic. end of this story. she might have her appeal with white trash crowd from kentucky. i don't need anybody telling me what to think.
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