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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. fuck yeah!!!!! also a lot of seats are being picked up in both houses!!!!!
  2. looks like virginia and florida will go dem! if that's the case- it will be over.
  3. i'd miss him as much as lice on my balls...
  4. 207 votes! Iowa just went dem! fuck you FW- you don't know this country- you know jack shit you jizz for brains fader. now, like you promised- fuck off for a year!
  5. glassgowkiss

    GO VOTE!

    it's over! just added Ohio to Obama!
  6. i wonder how fw is going to like fucking a pig?
  7. Jon, yeah, don't fuck with nature. i think this direction is like opening sealed pandora box. but i have the same feelings about gm food- who the hell knows what it does to us in a long run?
  8. glassgowkiss

    Trick or Treat

    Besides, a lot of you people used to love McCain. Now that he is running against a Dem, the media has done a 180. no he turned 180 degrees. catering to the religious right. he would have had a chance if he stayed moderate.
  9. These boots were worn only 2 times. Size 41.5 in prefect condition. They just don't fit me at all. Sadly I have to get rid of them. $100 bucks plus shipping or pick them up in person in Bellingham. I'll post some pictures later this evening. mail: muscletx at yahoo or call 360.647.9619 after 7 pm.
  10. powerslave- iron maiden
  11. i am just looking forward to FW fucking a pig.
  12. i don't know what in reality he is going to do. the point is he was one of the very few voting against this stupid war. lets' hope that new attorney general will start handing subpoenas.
  13. what a wanker turns out he doesn't have a license, he is not even allowed to work as a plumber. on the top of that there is a lien on his house for failure to pay property tax. you have long, long way to go moron
  14. the point is Obamas plan is not socialism. i grew up in a socialist/communist country. and contrary to popular beliefs socialism/communism is about control, dominance and exploitation of the general public. Believe or not the last crew brought this country to the brink of this dreadful system and now they are trying to claim it's not them who are the threat! Suspending constitutional right in the name of some "greater good" and deregulations benefiting a few and charging the cost of the rescue to the public is not the way to go. it's like bringing a biting pitbull to the school yard and acting surprised when kids are bitten. If you have a biting dog you muzzle it. and wrapping yourself in a flag is a complete bullshit. this crew was wrong from day one and it's time to end this direction once and for all.
  15. move there with all the rest of racist pigs talking about pigs..... contrary to your statement he announced even tighter military and economic cooperation with the countries of the former soviet block. very wise, considering where the real threat is from russia. of course your dumb intellect can't comprehend these issues.
  16. this is a prime example, why sometimes advances in technology are not so great. a moron, with iq below 50 with nothing to say and vocabulary of a 3 year old is trying to become political journalist. judging by the success of joe the dumber his political future in republican party is bright. it's frightening how quickly the movie "idiocracy" is becoming the reality of this country.
  17. Really? Who's gonna do the shit kickin'? You? hey facko, face it, you are fat and unfit. that's the end of the story. when did you see the inside of the gym? in high school, judging from the picture. keep it up and nobody will have to kick you to the curb, as you'll become another pathetic statistic of cva or ami.
  18. I'm not running for president. Obama is. Asshat. i am sure you are hiding something. monday am phone call on the way
  19. is it your fat ass? if it's your pic, you should get the shit kicked out of your fat, lazy as a potential drag on healthcare! want to change things- start with yourself chub.
  20. i think events on economic front clearly showed who was wrong all along. except our big mouth is lacking cojones to accept responsibility. nothing new- republifuck all the way. create a mess and blame everyone else
  21. Your chart doesn't take resource extraction into account. The port cities that export (and import) products produced in rural states (the raw materials at the very least) typically pay the higher white-collar salaries and are bases of operation for large companies. No surprises here. Your "chart" means nothing. no, the chart is right on, it's your opinion that means nothing.
  22. let's see about your family status. i think i ought to call CIS on you and your family, let's check out the facts. lets also call IRS and check your accuracy of tax returns family man. let's see if anybody in your family has criminal record, if they have DWI or DUI? and then (since you advocate it), let's blame you for their actions. your logic is air tight. you are just like your candidate. a monkey in the cage. nothing left, but blindly toss feces around. if you think this is the news changing the outcome of the election your chances are pretty slim. now how about no tax cheat ? or how about this: troopergate - of course she was found guilty. let's not forget Keating five , how is that for a maverick? how is the date with a pig looking?
  23. Uh... Duh. Ever heard of welfare? Oh. I thought that was a Democratic item. Huh. like you are employed in a private sector, saltbreath?
  24. First intelligent thing you've said in a long time. maybe first let's abolish corporate welfare. didn't we just spend 700 billions of dollars on corporate welfare? even more- 70 billions of dollars will be spent on upper management compensations- if this is not a welfare, i don't know what is! the point is that the expense of welfare spent on individuals is ten fold smaller then all the corporate bail-outs, tax giveaways, loopholes. how about 1 million dollar bus stops (compliments of ted stevens)? how about no-bid contracts for Haliburton? how about tax brakes for corporations moving their operations to china?
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