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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. They are about 21K for a cargo version or 22K for passenger. I just hope that car companies will change their minds and start selling units like this more often.
  2. I think it's more correct to say there is more drugs developed in the US then any other place. But as far as quality of physicians- I bet you different. Again- what is that opinion based upon? Because most definitely not on medical outcomes. No it's not. Again- if it was statistics of infant mortality, average life span or percentage of people on medications would point out US as #1, but we are not. So it is again a baseless opinion.
  3. glassgowkiss


    Your mom How old are you, dude? 11? he wishes he was 11! (he's certainly way older than your mom!) too bad she's never evolved past a 5th grader Because she was knocked up?
  4. 90% of the time I climb off hwy 20, squamish, rockies or index. what do you need a ground clearance for? even SW you my toyota or now huyinday do just fine. it's a myth.
  5. Ultimate vehicle? good gas mileage, FWD, cargo version, easy to park, just wonder how durable, since Ford is not that good of the brand. BTW engines are made in Spain.
  6. Listening to Rush pontificate is almost as nauseating as listening to you cc.com libtards spew your venomous nonsense. Almost. If it was true, you'd be anorexic puke, but instead you are just another fat fuck.
  7. I just wanted to see why republifucks say we have the best healthcare in the world? what kind of statistics do they use? Infant mortality (we are 29th), average life span?- no we are not #1? What we are #1 in is type 2 diabetes, heart disease. We also have the most uninsured number of people among all the industrial countries, along with the most expansive system per capita. So can anybody explain- besides spew from FW and KKK? I mean facts. Besides- if it's so great, and Canada is so bad- why are the buss loads of people going to Canada to purchase medications? not #1 in economy either
  8. looks like republican's motto is: "i'm dumb and uneducated and proud of it"
  9. Not in the fucking least. This is a total outrage - and you'd feel the same if Bush had tried it. Hey retard with short dick and memory- remember 09/11/2001? so where was bush when the attack happened?
  10. First of all, Canada (last time I checked) is not within US borders, so what fees in Canada have to do with NP in the US? Nothing- but that's I guess normal for you not be able to follow a simple conversation. If you don't like the fees in Canada- my advice is don't go there- really simple. Canada has totally different tax structure and funding is done completely in a different matter. Something you have no clue about. The fee is 75 CDN (which is about 68 USD at the moment) per year. There are no other fees included for usage. 75 bucks gets you for a year into any park in Western Canada. Compared to earnings in Canada I think it is quite reasonable. Now compare it to the US: US Forest Service trailhead parking fee, BLM fee, every National Park fee (not to mention 150 USD for climbing permit for Denali, Mt Foraker and 25USD for Rainier) average climber in the US is looking at 100-300/year of fees for climbing. And you are bitching about 68 bucks in Canada? Get real! My one-week car-camping trip to Banff/Jasper last year was far more expensive than any one-week trip I have taken to US National Parks. The trips were 100% analogous (car camp within park boundaries), and it had nothing to do with the exchange rate. Piss off. Now you start comparing costs of living or what? I spent far more time in there and I can assure readers you are full of shit on this subject matter. Icefields Parkway campground is $20/4 people 1 car, so I don't know what you are talking about? The year park fee is 75CDN. Here, simple. Too much for you, simply don't go there. Just to remind the topic is entrance NP fees in the US. Stay on subject.
  11. First of all, Canada (last time I checked) is not within US borders, so what fees in Canada have to do with NP in the US? Nothing- but that's I guess normal for you not be able to follow a simple conversation. If you don't like the fees in Canada- my advice is don't go there- really simple. Canada has totally different tax structure and funding is done completely in a different matter. Something you have no clue about. The fee is 75 CDN (which is about 68 USD at the moment) per year. There are no other fees included for usage. 75 bucks gets you for a year into any park in Western Canada. Compared to earnings in Canada I think it is quite reasonable. Now compare it to the US: US Forest Service trailhead parking fee, BLM fee, every National Park fee (not to mention 150 USD for climbing permit for Denali, Mt Foraker and 25USD for Rainier) average climber in the US is looking at 100-300/year of fees for climbing. And you are bitching about 68 bucks in Canada? Get real!
  12. Rudy, my frequent climbing partner Jia and his wife take their 4 yo daughter to Smoke Bluffs all the time. However, they supervise her constantly and I saw on several occasions, when they took her somewhere else, when she started crying or not behaving.
  13. Rudy, loud kids are a nuisance at the craig, so are dogs, loud music and beta spewing clown-punch faders. The point is that it's a parental responsibility to control your kids. They might be quite and funny to you, but not to other people. Why don't people bring their loud kids to a classic music concerts or other performances? Because if they can't behave they'll be asked to leave. When I go climbing I want to relax, talk shit (yes and swear) with my friends, not deal with someone's spawn.
  14. Wayne, don't want to diss your video. First of all, good effort. A couple of technical notes. First of all the helmet cam format- why is it taller then wider? (kind of making it hard to watch). But first and foremost is a lack of sound. You really need an external mic (there are some good, small shotguns). Plus it would be much, much better to do some voiceover or a post climb interview. Remember- it's a story. Music plus some shots is not a story. 1 minute trailer is different from a doc. even if it's only 5 minutes long.
  15. Just to make the story straight, when Brooke and Adam climbed this route, they tied a static line on bolt ladder from the anchor, and clipped the draws into the loops for the lead. They did not have the time to replace the bolts, but the pitch was done on lead.
  16. BTW, I think a better option for the approach is to head towards the Baker/Colfax pass and cut down from high up, skirting around the toe of the buttress below Coleman Headwall.
  17. Kathy, it will be most likely too cold to do any longer rock routes. You might be able to get a day or two at Bataan or crags like that, which are south facing and in a direct sun it might be warm enough to do some pitches. Yamnuska would be OK, as long as it's a sunny day. However it would be a great time to do high alpine mix routes. Shooting Gallery, Asteroid Alley on Andromeda, Side Street on Little Snow Dome, Slawinski/Takeda , Mt Athabasca. Check Alpine Select (Dougherty), maybe new guidebook by Slawinski will be out by this time too. Also check Will Gadd web page and www.live-the-vision.com for latest condition updates.
  18. second is as good as last. Spaniard won fair and square and earned the right to brag for a bit. now it's the yank who should stfu. races are won on tarmac, not during the pre-race interviews.
  19. I think even more dramatic pictures would be taken at the end of the third ice age
  20. did you even bother reading the article? judging by your answer -no. it's a friggin political extortion. pay me 3 mil and i will support you, or i will turn around and support your opponent. this has nothing to do with capitalism, socialism or communism. this is just a complete lack of ethics plain and simple. actually this behavior is way closer to communism then to capitalism. but then your dumb fucked up brain can't comprehend simple concepts, so i would not expect you to comprehend anything more complex.
  21. Any know details? (broken hold or just a regular fall?)
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