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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i think your statement doesn't really have much to do with reality. unfortunately commercial property leases did not go down at all, neither did the cost of building materials or labour. on the other hand city keeps on raising fees.
  2. I don't rally think it's going to work. First of all you have YMCA and WWU with their half ass gyms. That will still steal some of your potential clients. Second of all b-ham has business oppressive fees: like traffic impact fee for a new business. Count on at least 15-20K range- that's before you even apply for building permits. Building permits are equally out of hand. B-ham is a strange little town where nobody wants to pay for anything.
  3. Gdy 40tka mija torba dluzsza jest od kija= after 40 the bag gets longer then the stick. happy b-day!
  4. if sunny. 360.647.9619 or pm. Bob
  5. Metolious = US, no? Scarpa = italy, Garmont = Italy BD = slave labour Metolius makes only cams and harnesses in the US, rest in China, including plastics. Scarpa makes rock climbing shoes somewhere there as well, not sure about ski and winter boots, Garmont- not sure.
  6. anybody who pays 700 bucks for boots is not rich, but dumb imo
  7. first world labor- are you high? most of the companies (like BD, Arteryx, Metoulius) produce that shit in china paying labor at 50 cents an hour.
  8. walked into mec in van. ski touring boots over $700!! rock climbing shoes over $150!, arteryx harnesses $130! i think climbing gear manufacturers have their heads in their own rectums.
  9. glassgowkiss

    this s ucks...

    Rudy, think positive! out of all this suck- fractures you have one that usually gets 100% resolved. My wife just had her subtalar joint fused because of calcanous fracture 4 years ago. btw 15 weeks in a cast and walking cast. so we feel your pain.
  10. no silly, he was at Ouray ice clownpunchfest.
  11. For most of you, who could not see Dr. Slawinski's slideshow last night here is a link. it's an extended preview of a documentary (full version will be released this fall). Part 1 Part 2 I recommend watching it through high quality option (if your connection is fast enough) any comments would be welcome!
  12. Just drove around for the past few days showing my in-laws the area. Anyway this is what I could see: NW Passage not in As Seen on TV "in" from the highway Mr Freeze and The Riddler are in (both looked phaaaaat) Kryptonite not in Sailor Bar Gully is in Under the Big Top looked in, but I did not stop for a closer look. It was getting dark, so I did not see well enough around Hope.
  13. would be nice if someone would restore your brain.
  14. "When minorities like me hear that negative message, we really have to think what's going through these people's minds," he said. "Even though we need to have security and prevent illegal immigration, we don't have to express it negatively." how true
  15. pull the head out of your ass. during something like 75% of homicides committed with guns people know each other.
  16. hard to think of bigger case of "collectivism" then recent economic bail-out of wall street.
  17. the issues were solved on nov 4th. it's just some morons, who didn't hear the news yet.
  18. on the other hand looks like FW absorbed too much cock at some point in life.
  19. I'm not concerned about the john birchers--they can cherry pick to their hearts content. It changes nothing--their dreamworld has gone to the wall. they can talk about guns and liberty and communists all they like, for all i care. ok fine, a mixed economy. what is that? open your eyes and smell the shit. the infrastructure is falling apart. we have bridges on freeways collapsing! if you haven't noticed there is a deepest economic crisis since 30's! what else will it take for you to see that things can't go in the same direction. united states is 10 trillion dollars in a hole, 3 trillion in the past 8 years. to put it in the perspective it would cost you and i (and every person in this country) over 31k to pay it off. this country had 4 years of balanced budget since the 60's! are you that stupid not to see it? it's not mixed economy, it's fixed economy, system that works! don't worry, my eyes are wide open. i agree that things cannot continue in the same direction, but you appear to be arguing for contradictory things. you say that the bridges are falling down, implying a call for government spending (a stimulus package, say) to fix the bridges (and maybe jump-start the economy?). but then you rant about the deficit, and the fact that we've had only four balanced budgets since 1960. so, which is it? more deficit spending or less? and how do we get from shitty economy to fixed economy? you sound exactly like dough boy rush, who has many things to say, but nothing to offer. and balanced budget and fixed roads don't contradict themselves. fact of the matter is you need good infrastructure to have good economy. and how do you get there? for starters spend money on important things- like infrastructure and education, not on no-bid contracts for haliburton. in the defense department- stop paying for system that don't work and cost trillions of dollars (like F22, which is bugged with so many problems that will never see a combat situation). start regulating financial sector: banks, insurance and brokerages, as yet again (remember S&L failure late 80's?) convinced executive and legislative branches (and who are we talking about if not republicans here?), that lack of regulation is good for everyone. fixing infrastructure has nothing to do with stimulus package. it should be part of a budget all along.
  20. There's nothing to spin here, Hugh. I'm against this bailout as well. I wrote my congressman, my senators, and both presidential candidates when the TARP was initially considered. I got canned replies about how the first variant was bad, but the one full of pork a week later was the best bill they could come up with... Anyone who voted for the TARP did not get my vote (and my senators won't get my vote the next time they're up for reelection). That's about all I can do. Whatever your preferred solution to this entire mess is, I hope you're doing something similar. P.S. The idea of bailing out Detroit still sucks donkey dick... the only thing is that this is about 4 years too late...
  21. I'm not concerned about the john birchers--they can cherry pick to their hearts content. It changes nothing--their dreamworld has gone to the wall. they can talk about guns and liberty and communists all they like, for all i care. ok fine, a mixed economy. what is that? open your eyes and smell the shit. the infrastructure is falling apart. we have bridges on freeways collapsing! if you haven't noticed there is a deepest economic crisis since 30's! what else will it take for you to see that things can't go in the same direction. united states is 10 trillion dollars in a hole, 3 trillion in the past 8 years. to put it in the perspective it would cost you and i (and every person in this country) over 31k to pay it off. this country had 4 years of balanced budget since the 60's! are you that stupid not to see it? not mixed economy, fixed economy, we need system that works!
  22. ...where everyone else pays for his bucket of KFC and the attendant heart problems down the road? no, you are describing last 8 years. let's take down regulations and let the tax payers bail them out at the end. and while you go to washington to beg for bailout money, please fly on a private jet. you fuckers never learn, don't you? don't you have a date with a pig or something?
  23. Damn straight. but for now squeal like a pig fat boy. I will personally deport your scrawny ass. 3 months ago you were saying you know this country better then me and Obama had no chance winning. your opinions don't mean sheit lard ass cock jockey.
  24. Damn straight. but for now squeal like a pig fat boy. I will personally deport your scrawny ass. for now you have pig ass to fuck. personally you can kiss my ass loser.
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