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Everything posted by minx

  1. i'd say use what you've got and dress up as a mountie. just don't let 'em see all the gort floss repair kit. they'll never know!
  2. For the record- i didn't have time to weed through the whole thread. i just dumped the whole thing b/c most of it was garbage. a couple decent posts got trashed too. sorry if someone's positive feed back/constructive criticism got dumped. i owe ya beer if it did
  3. the horror! what's next? internet dating???
  4. minx

    free for a hike?

    i think snowbyrd just called me an angry woman when all i was really saying is that i didn't want a set of testicles your current rear view mirror ornaments haven't shrivelled away yet? sheesh! you guys! always making things so complicated. just b/c i'm good w/a whip doesn't mean i'm like that. i prefer my man's testicles right where they are.....attached to him! good grief! somebody move this to spray and quick!
  5. minx

    free for a hike?

    i think snowbyrd just called me an angry woman when all i was really saying is that i didn't want a set of testicles
  6. minx

    free for a hike?

    Correction: Sausage Party Is it our fault that most women don't possess the testicular fortitude to throw down? let me just say that i enjoy a good throwdown but as a woman, i have absolutely no desire to possess testicular fortitude.
  7. i do, but only when chewing gum at the same time.
  8. now, that is THE question.
  9. I have a friend at work that has a 5yr old female German Shepherd that needs a home. She's very sweet with people and very active but isn't doing well with the two smaller dogs they already had. Let me know if you know anyone that might like this dog.
  10. i said it earlier in this thread, i'll reiterate. the marmot diva in small. i'm 5'4"ish and have a pretty small torso. i regularly buy jr. jackets and other clothes b/c of it. the only thing i can say is that this pack fits, has enough adjustments to make sure it fits, and is comfortable. the only caveat is this...load it carefully or else it can ride a little funky.
  11. i'm pretty sure that they're not on the axis of evil. they're probably the epicenter of evil though
  12. minx

    Drug and Big Walling

    TBay i agree w/much of what you're saying but i still feel that climbing is and should be an individual thing. i think that rules and governing of it make it less. i don't like bouldering competitions, i don't like scoring (8nau), i think it diminishes so much of climbing. i think it's up to the climber to maintain their own ethics. we're talking about first ascents as documented accomplishments in a loosely organized activity. many of these are inaccurate at best and those that are shouldn't diminish the satisfaction of those that follow. find your own line climb it in style, whatever yours is. those that follow can climb it in theirs. if it's all about recognition maybe you should take up an orgnized sport.
  13. minx

    Drug and Big Walling

    the difference is that most sports have a governing body and rules against using performance enhancing drugs. in climbing, thankfully, that is not the case. when we start regulating first ascents, i think the activity of climbing loses something special. more importantly...who cares how they did it? they did it.
  14. many eons ago, when i was just a young lass. ok, a few years ago when i was a drunk WSU coed, i stepped oddly off of a curb at the pea and lentil festival and ended up w/what was described by the ER doc as a "3rd degree/severe sprain of my right ankle" hurt so badly i wanted to puke. crutche all the time for 1 week, off and on for the second. used the lab bench to hobble around the 3rd week. by the 4th week i was walking w/a good limp but moving pretty well. good luck!
  15. minx

    computer/web geek help

    what i was able to find w/a whois search is the date that the site was registered and the last updated date. i knew the site was active. i was more interested in when the site came to be. a little personal sleuthing. that's all.
  16. minx

    Best curse.

    yep...but i can't move it! "what are you doing? you look like a monkey screwing a coke bottle"
  17. minx

    Best advice

    classic! and very sound advice
  18. minx

    The Perfect Day

    nice to be on the other end of the leash for a change eh?
  19. minx

    The Perfect Day

    nice pic of your g/f iaxx.
  20. minx

    The Perfect Day

    wtf is a comb out?
  21. minx

    computer/web geek help

    thanks! got what i was looking for.
  22. is it possible to find out the inception date of a website? if so how?
  23. minx

    Best advice

  24. minx


    Un-Freaking-Real! is this what they mean by the moral high ground?
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