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Everything posted by minx

  1. i just hate this pic of me. i look like such a fat cow.
  2. minx

    photo storage

    i don't like yahoo for photo storage. i find it a little cumbersome to share pics and it seems like all to often i can't access my photos. i access from work and home so i'd like storage that isn't associated with my ISP.
  3. minx

    photo storage

    anyone use/know of any sites where i could store my digi pics online so they're easier to share than using e-mail?
  4. minx

    Sexual Harassment

    hey i look damn HOT in my lab coat, thankyouverymuch. i mean nothing says sexy like white polyesther!
  5. No! i don't like it.
  6. minx

    I think....

    sorry to be out of touch but well i have been a bit out of touch the past couple of days... which of the fires on i5 caused damaged a home? was it the one south of olympia yesterday? doesn't really matter b/c it sucks not matter how you slice it
  7. minx

    Index routes

    just want to throw at a second for this caution! the route is and fun to climb. watch out on a busy w/e for the cluster. all in the same day, i saw a party try and rap all the way down w/a 60m rope , a party w/no rope management skills let their rope run down the crack and into a climber from the belay at the second pitch, all with another party waiting to rap down and another person heading towards the chains from a different route. craziness.
  8. minx

    Sexual Harassment

    Josh, sorry, but i can't figure out any reason this shouldn't exist in spray. it's an interesting topic. i work with a couple of women who might do well do appreciate that their "style" is a bit over the top for the work place. there is one gal here who was actually taken aside by her supervisor and asked to dress more conservatively b/c she making people uncomfortable.
  9. i think you could find something to accomodate all tastes at e32. there's definitely some fun easy trad lines. right in that area, there are a couple of easy .8/.7? bolted lines that are pretty handy. you can even setup a quick TR on a couple of them i think. chelle's definitely a stronger trad leader than i am but if i'm free i'll bring a rack and a rope and lead a couple for you. the hike in isn't much longer than going to gritscone. 20 min maybe.
  10. ugggh!!! ok iaxx, i'm still not convinced that you're a boy but if you're going to post drivel like that, i'll stop.
  11. i'm not sure about that. maybe someday he'll be iaXY.
  12. uh huh. sure ya are. whatever you say iaxx
  13. so iaxx, does that mean you'll be joining the girls for a weds climb?
  14. e32 i'm much more likely to be in for that
  15. nolse/distel...does it really matter? they're both climbers..face it, it doesn't matter what they wear neither one of 'em is going to get any .
  16. hey nothing says shexxxxy like distel in a vest and neck beard.
  17. double Ds? i'm in! hey ice girl-- hows the post fire remodel coming? i might make it to one of the next couple weeks. if i do we can bbq at my place after. i've got frozen mangos and a working blender. someone else bring the tequila!
  18. i'm fully prepared to come to smithfest wearing blue eyeshadow, big earrings and big bangs but only if it's closer to mid october than late october.
  19. minx

    Happy Birthday Iain

    happy bday iaXX
  20. at least kerry can string together more than 3 multisyllabic words in a sentence.
  21. Steve, Thanks so much! We definitely plan on getting back there. i just wasn't in the mood to find out later that i was going to have to leave a piece to get down. i assumed there was a simple way down but had no confirmation of that fact. we ended up doing some sport routes on rock #6.
  22. well it could be any of that. it seemed harder than mid 10s but i suck so my opinion doesn't count. definitely between the two routes. good route, w/o starting a debate i'd say it was worth bolting.
  23. Laclede-fun stuff. solid rock. lotsa fun nummmy....crack This was a 5.fun OW to several slab options. Rocks of Sharon- Big Rock Anyone know anything about anchors/rap stations/trees to use for descent on Big Rock and the Triplets? well sheeit, i can't get the images to post. if anyone cares they're in the gallery.
  24. sounds about right. we left a couple draws as our donation to the karmic gear pool. we were rewarded a couple days later with some lockers.
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