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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. most likely... more power to the whole family then. I'm sure they wouldn't even be in it if they didn't want to... I totaly disagree Chris There are laws about child labor for a reason. We bring our children into the world to love them, not so they will pony up and pay our bills. well I'm sure they are not pointing a gun to her head and telling her "climb or you're dead!"
  2. most likely... more power to the whole family then. I'm sure they wouldn't even be in it if they didn't want to...
  3. I wouldn't feel too sorry for her. She's probably financing her college education and taking a huge financial burden off her folks. In 5 years no one will even remember her name.
  4. never take it and never get sick either
  5. If you are talking about MtnHigh you got nothing to worry about--he's a straight up guy and probably ended up with it accidentally and will return it post-haste. That is if its climbing gear. He can't give you back your virginity. I think he's referring to the very tall SpecialEd
  6. ChrisT


    Indeed! painter?
  7. Lower your res man! Rope-up-round-the-keg-shots are not worth 3Mb of your storage! Also, you won't have to fiddle with re-sizing in Photoshop...
  8. It's weird because the photos are huge dimension wise, yet the resolution is low (as are the file sizes). Curious to know your manner of upload (and/or photo apparatus)... (PS - looks like Uncle Tricky and AlpineK are having a fine time )
  9. ChrisT


    in Dru's absence you two will have to make do
  10. ChrisT


    um... I think Dru is at Beck Fest and he can't hear you
  11. ChrisT


    my boss keeps yelling at me - that asshole! Doesn't he know it's Friday
  12. ChrisT

    Adolescent Culture

    aw yer all adolescents...
  13. ChrisT

    Entropy Interlude

    I'm having an apathy interlude
  14. I feel your pain man. I've had persistant shoulder pain for a couple of months now which was recently exacerbated when I cracked up on my bike last Monday.
  15. ChrisT


    well that's a shame. I'm still on Photoshop 6...which I had 7. The pics I uploaded to the gallery came straight off my digital camera...no conversion necessary. Nothing could be easier!
  16. ChrisT


    well I seriously doubt she has Photoshop or she would have figured it out by now...
  17. ChrisT

    where it's at...

    ...in the chat room boys and girls
  18. ChrisT


    IF you are somehow able to save them as a .jpeg, the gallery will automatically resize them for you when you upload.
  19. good points...and he actually lives in California too
  20. ChrisT

    Nobel Prizes

    of course! my favorite president!
  21. ChrisT

    Nobel Prizes

    Jimmy Carter? Toni Morrison?
  22. just feel like wasting a post so I can make my 1000
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