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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Exactly the kind of condescending bullshit that turns people off from religion. The "you'll be sorry" know it all. "I don't care". A real disciple of Jesus you are. Kiss my ass you hypocrite. Your the same ass way. Your condescedning bullshits turns me off too. Seahawks, did you go to college, and if so, did you graduate? If not did you graduate high school?
  2. NO Has it discovered there isn't a God?? NO it's tough to prove a negative. I agree with Minx….what kind of mixed up thinking is this. I believe you have to prove God excises long before I have to prove he does not exist, simply because that is the 6000 year old debate…..not the other way around. Kevbone, did you go to college, and if so, did you graduate. If not, did you graduate high school?
  3. E-rock

    I'm drunk!

    Dave Grohl Jeremiah Green
  4. E-rock

    sleeping bags

    E, THAT is fucked.
  5. It's always great when you interject this insight on all of the threads that grow beyond 5 pages, Corkbone. We certainly appreciate your eye-opening observation.
  6. I can say with absolute certainty that that is extremely unlikely. Unlikeliness presupposes a certain amount of likeliness, regardless of how small, suggesting that absolute certaintly very likely does not apply.
  7. E-rock

    Cereal Preference

    I love this stuff and call it "Optimum Poop" or just plain "Poop cereal" because of the ungodly amount of fiber per serving (18 grams?). I also love Kashi Autumn Wheat. Like frosted mini-wheats, but better.
  8. E-rock

    Is this legal?

    Clearly you don't know a fucking thing about HPV, its risks, what a woman goes through when she contracts the strain which causes cervical displasia (it AIN'T pleasant), how quickly the push to develop this vaccine occurred in the US, or how much support its development had in the last 5 years from various women's health advocacy groups. All it's about to you is BIG GUVMENT telling you what to do. And you know what? They're not telling you what to do because your DICK isn't going to fall off (which is kind of too bad) from an easily transmitted, yet highly avoidable disease, that most people aren't very educated about (which is REALLY too bad).
  9. And on top of that, neither of the hick villains looked anything like the dude in the pic above.
  10. E-rock

    Is this legal?

    So, what's the problem? "schoolgirls in Texas must be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, making Texas the first state to require the shots" I would need to look into it, but I believe the "religious" dont get a free pass on this one. Why else would it have made the front page of the Oregonian? Read the quote above your last post, cherry-picked from your article, and then rethink your statements, fuckup retard.
  11. E-rock

    NFL SuperBowl

    How modernly eloquent. I'm sure my gay relatives would disagree, though, and probably object to the word "FAG", but that's a favorite word of closet "fags", isn't it?
  12. WTF are tongues on cotton, censored like the cover page of a porn site. She might as well be licking her sleeve.
  13. E-rock


    Sweet, where DID you get that Rhino, Boner? It's so utilitarian, it, like, works with ALL of your "jokes".
  14. For sale - 180 cm Jaks -they're the first year's model (2002?) twin-tip. They're kinda beat but they still ski well. I'm on the ice coast and don't need something so fat, plus I'm thinking about locking down, again. The hammerheads are in beautiful condition. $200 plus shipping. I'll let the bindings go separately (complete with template and Russel Rainey Video) for $135 plus shipping. This binding model was made the last year Russel owned the company and includes the re-engineered climbing heel that works beautifully. I'll post a pic when I get a chance. PM me if interested. The guys over at telemarktwits would tell you that this is the sweetest ski setup EVER! I've got a pair of Ascension skins (the purps) trimmed for them too. They have the old Euro kit green tips (I bought the last of them at the store after they were discontinued) because that clipfix nonsense doesn't work well in wet conditions. I'll throw in the skins for $50 bucks ($75 on their own). The glue is in great shape. I left plenty of extra material on the skin flap at the tip so that they can be adjusted/retrofitted for longer skis or a different attachment system. You won't be sorry. I'm FIRM on the prices (which are quite fair), so don't try hagglin', sucka. Cross-posted here
  15. E-rock


    Thanks, Arch. I've never heard a proponent of pitbulls admit that their anything BUT friendly. I really had thought that one day I might get one. Perhaps I'll have to rethink it.
  16. For sale - 180 cm Jaks -they're the first year's model (2002?) twin-tip. They're kinda beat but they still ski well. I'm on the ice coast and don't need something so fat, plus I'm thinking about locking down, again. The hammerheads are in beautiful condition. $200 plus shipping. I'll let the bindings go separately (complete with template and Russel Rainey Video) for $135 plus shipping. This binding model was made the last year Russel owned the company and includes the re-engineered climbing heel that works beautifully. I'll post a pic when I get a chance. PM me if interested. The guys over at telemarktwits would tell you that this is the sweetest ski setup EVER. I've got a pair of Ascension skins trimmed for them too. They have the old Euro kit green tips (I bought the last of them at the store after they were discontinued) because that clipfix nonsense doesn't work well in wet conditions. I'll throw in the skins for $50 bucks. The glue is in great shape. I left plenty of extra material on the skin flap at the tip so that they can be adjusted/retrofitted for longer skis or a different attachement system. You won't be sorry. I'm FIRM on the prices (which are quite fair), so don't try hagglin', sucka. Cross posted here
  17. E-rock


    It's a new breed, the "Dangerous Pitbull". Much sought after, like the "Chocolate Lab", the "Dangerous Pitbull" has gained popularity as a boutique breed. Isn't it Denver where they actually have enacted an ordinance AGAINST Pitbulls? I plan to get one just to prove to the world that the "Dangerous Pitbull" can be lovable and friendly.
  18. E-rock

    NFL SuperBowl

    KeeeRYST, I hate it when that happens too. Damn social events, damn community, damn fun. If you're a football fan, there's lots of things to hate about the superbowl. The championship games are usually better, and more meaningful to the fans because they're not played at a neutral venue. The half-time is WAY too long, and the commercial breaks are even longer than the regular season. But I don't see how people getting together to have a good time is worth criticism.
  19. E-rock

    Suck weekend

    Rudy some fucking slobbering imbecile hacked your password.
  20. Because otherwise you won't budget any of my time for anything but your fucking mother on weekends.
  21. This is how I entertain myself during delays: I’m sitting in Washington Dulles Airport in terminal G, perhaps the most miserable terminal in all of North America. And only one airline operates out of this terminal, United. I woke up at 6:30 am after waking up at 12:00 am to answer an automated phone call from united informing me that my connecting flight here in IAD was changed due to a delay of my first leg from Columbia to IAD. My flight from Columbia, originally scheduled to depart at 6 am did not leave until 10:30 because an aircraft was not available (how the FuCk does THIS happen?). The door is so open and drafty that I’m now watching a bird pick crumbs off the filthy carpeting. The bird just flew back up to its perch on the cornice above gates G22-G26 (which is a misnomer anyway because the “gates” lead to the same cattle coral as all the other “gates” in the terminal) where white smears of bird shit are visibly dripping down the sides of the cornice onto the heads of unsuspecting passengers attempting to board their late-to-depart flights. At the same time as all of this a rather LOUD woman is shouting down over all of our heads (not only those who are flying to Atlanta, but ALL of us, because that’s the way G terminal is designed. We must endure an endless litany of shouting on the PA system for every flight that boards, for every mispronounced name of missing-in-action passengers, and for every standby passenger who happens to get lucky. And if that were not enough to split your throbbing skull, we also get up-to-the-minute announcements of where on God’s green Earth our First Officer at this very moment might be because we all might POSSIBLY (or then again, possibly NOT) give a great deal of SHIT where he is except on the airplane he’s supposed to be flying. Similarly, last weekend I flew to Columbia from ROC through IAD, with an equally unpleasant stop in the G terminal. My flight from IAD was supposed to arrive in CAE at just after 11 pm, but departure from IAD was delayed until midnight because, you guessed it, our First Officer was missing. Apparently, as we were informed in endless, headache-inducing, amplified updates, he was somewhere in the airport, but United wasn’t able to actually locate the whereabouts of their employee beyond a 2 mile radius.
  22. They got me. I didn't even know the scam existed. They contacted us back when we got a new copier and said they were our supplier. 2 boxes of useless toner later (we just needed to change it for the first time) and I finally know what this scam is. I'm so fucking pissed, because I was too busy for a red light to go off and warn me. FUCKERSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I believe Taos still bans snowboards. So does Alta, Buncha butt-wigglin' homos who can't ski powder.
  24. E-rock

    Winter hops

    In other words, those are the only two decent winter brews you have had.
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