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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. My beer store finally found a NY distributor who carries Stone. No more "sampler packs" of shitty IPA's brewed by hippy-East-Coast-pride-vermont-is-the-epicenter-of-all-that-is-dank establishments with labels designed by graphic design weed-smokin' rejects who have poor taste in beer and bad marketing sense.
  3. E-rock

    Look Out, Annabelle

    Well seeing as how you're a BOULDERER, which is the climbing world's spiritual equivalent of the recreational resort SNOWBOARDER, who base each other's legitimacy on whose wool beanie was obtained for free (i.e. "sponsorship"), I can see why this might be a dilemma.
  4. Wow, you sold YOURSELF, into sex-slavery?!
  5. word up. time for some of you to put on your big girl panties and suck it up. if getting heckled damages your self esteem, then maybe you should stay home. just having a discussion about this makes me think seattle is getting way too touchy feely these days. Uhhhh, nobody suggested that anywhere in this thread. Another typical post with no content merit.
  6. E-rock


    One time I was getting blow-job from my girl and in the middle of it she stops and looks up at me and in a nasal, Fran the nanny voice says, "mmmmm, caaaack". I almost lost it with laughter. So now I say, "mmmmmm, vergina" once in a while during cunnilingus. MMMMM, VERGINA!
  7. As a life-long Philly fan (Eagles, Phillies, and Flyers) I have to say that I'm ashamed of the Philadelphia fan base. Sure, I thought it was funny when Jimmy Johnson and Santa got pelted with snowballs... but I was a teenager when it happened. And sure the crowd goes nuts when the Eagles are winning. But the trade-offs are not worth it. Visiting players' parents can't sit in the bleachers without being physically harrassed. Opposing players have experienced career-ending injuries and been MOCKED before the Philly hordes. My cousin, who grew up a Cowboys fan (because of his inbred father) can't go see his team play when the Cowboys come to Philly each year because he'll be heckled to the point where he fears for his own welfare. This is child getting publicly humiliated by grown (albeit drunken) men. My Aunt pays good money, which goes to the HOME TEAM, so that her kid can have a miserable experience?!! And it's all for what? Does Philly have a single championship since the early 80's to show for it? Do national superstars want to be a part of a Philadelphia franchise when their contracts are up? Do the long-lived local heroes leave Philly in glory, or shame (I'll give you a hint: People are NOT happy with Donovan McNabb)? The best way to combat infiltrators is to cheer louder. Philadelphia is NOT a role model. And New York is not as bad as the nation percieves. I doubt you would get pelted with rock-filled snowballs for wearing an Eagles jersey at a Giants game.
  8. E-rock

    Dear moron,

    My dick is so hard that when I'm fucking my girlfriend she says, "ooooh, your dick feels so hard". And that's all I have to say about all this limp-dicking at REI that's been happening of late.
  9. Mike Gayton. Normally I appreciate your contributions to the site. But you sounded like a real dick on this thread. Think before you type on accident threads.
  10. E-rock


    I believe that good fung-schwee would make use of commas, don't you? No. You don't.
  11. Already did that, smart guy, and I've formulated some basis for opinion using those resources. Just curious what people I may happen to KNOW, think about it.
  12. If you were going to buy a solo belay device RIGHT NOW, what would it be? and why. I'll purchase it online right away if you tell me too. I'm thinking about the Yates Rocker.
  13. The problem, E, is that all the dimwits, douchebags, and assholes have either been banned or chased away. A list of my most hated/loved for you perusal: Trask Fairweather Robob RedMonk/FenceSitter/Scott Harpell Sphinx/Cracked Beck/Teddy Ruxpin GregW Bobby Peru Erik Scuzzy Dr. Flash Amazing TheLawGoddess Necronomicon None, remain. Well a couple do, but they hide behind anonymous and less intrusive avatars. CC.com has gone WEAKSAUCE!
  14. E-rock


    Felate a penis, you semen ingesting prostitute.
  15. Suckadick you Cafe-dwelling dweeb. I just got done master-minding one of the finest trash-talk sessions in recent history. What have you done?!!!! HUH, MOTHERFUCKER, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?
  16. E-rock


    "You have to be stupid to ski a foot of fresh over a 10' snowpack in low-angle terrain during low avalanche danger without a helmet. I ski these kinds of conditions ALL THE TIME here in the Wasatch, and I wouldn't be caught DEAD without a helmet. Anyone who doesn't wear a helmet is just ASKING for severe head trauma."
  17. E-rock


    "6.6.06 isn't a date that comes around very often (once per millennium, to be exact)" Actually it comes around once every hundred years, duh.
  18. E-rock


    Dudes! Help a brutha OUT! I just finished college in the VT and I'm off to Utah. I got a phat river guiding job in Green River then I'm gonna be STOKIN' it at ALTA this winter, brah! Anyone got any tips for an east-coast transplant. Any TWATs wanna hook up and have some brews this summer, drop me a PM. I'll be living in a Westfalia in the tent-shanty north of Green River. If you're ever in green river, just ask for Smokey with the red Vanagon with the rocket box covered in teletwats stickers. Right ON! Let's got drunk on cheap whiskey, pass out in the dirt and spoon, while we dream of how SICK alta's gonna be this winter! LOL , Smokey
  19. There's no problem with Kitergal asking us what we think about it. By all means discusse, I'm just trying to avoid looking like that shitty copulating board about cross-country skiing, while simultaneously making fun of them. It's about integrity, man.
  20. E-rock


    Nope, you haven't scared me off. I work with assholes every day -- you guys are lightweights. I was just checking your own inane threads, like "The Worst Sunburn". It was absolutely riviting. Now you're warming up, you gotta get us where it HURTS, our sexual orientation, our penis size, our CLIMBING ABILITY, our pathetic inabilities to get laid or actually kick the asses of the other internet personalities whose asses we incessantly threatent to kick.
  21. E-rock


    "Judging by your posting history, you are clearly a closet homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as I just got finished arguing in my most recent barrage of egomaniacally PC posts. But if you were a closet homosexual, as your posting history suggests (and I read the posting history of EVERYONE who even VAGUELY annoys me), that would make you, well, gay which is kind of an insult too. So you see it's ironic, you hate gays, but your posting history suggests you are gay, and I'm attempting to back-handedly insult you by pointing that out, while at the same time reiterating my profoundly heartfelt stance that there's nothing wrong with being gay in my bedroom"
  22. E-rock


    OMFG "Is being gay like being black?"
  23. Leave it to cbs to find an appropriate buzz kill for a topic that most would presume was without possible buzz kill.
  24. You really shouldn't be spending all your time over here. We generated many opportunities for you to write COPULATE! over in the hardass spray section. You missed out, Mr. Closet Canadian.
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