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Everything posted by ivan

  1. holy shit i can't believe i watched that whole thing
  2. ivan

    Flu Vaccines

    good luck dave - it wasn't until 4 days in that i got concerned enough to take my girl into the clinic - she was obviously breathing really fast and shallow - the doc she saw poo-poohed it and sent me home - the wife took her back the next day (5) as she had grown extremely listless and lethargic - she got 2 shots of antibiotics after an xray showed obvious pnumonia - they considered hospitalizing her but decided to just see her in 24 hrs - the day after (6) that she seemed much better, very active and happy and so they gave her oral antibios - that evening though her fever returned w/ a vegeance and she became much worse - couldn't move, refused to take medicine, angry, coughing - so day 7 she was back to the clinic whereupon they wigged out, started her on oxygen and did hte whole lights-blaring thing into portland - that night they cut into her chest, put in a tube, and drained off fluids for the next 3 days whereupon her lung popped back into shape - today's #12 and she's back from the dead but probably will keep the cough for weeks as her lungs clear out the bullshit
  3. indeed - the standard rules for breaking the law apply curently - primarily: don't get caught & don't brag about it on the interwebs
  4. ivan

    Flu Vaccines

    got my girl home today - she looks like a concentration camp survivor - lost 10% of her body-weight, blond hair fused into a singular bob marley dread, a distinctly hollow look in her eyes, but she's very happy to be home and even got to wave at her kindergrten class friends at recess from teh car window when we drove by to remind her she'll eventually get back to a regular life i don't know much more about vaccines than i learned in college biology and watching "outbreak" - clearly vaccines have transformed the world for the better in general - no one misses smallpox, measles, diphteria (holy shit, if you've never read of the cruel, cruel way that killed kids, google it b/c it was beyond fear-of-god-awful), etc. as for the flu, whatever - clearly that vaccine is much less useful/effective - some years i get one, most years not - i'm lazy and not a zealot - it is folly though to assume that your personal strenght and health will save you if a flu like the 1918 one shows up again as it killed strong healthy folks by the millions (though i suspect the mortality would be much less these days for folks like my daughter who actually get extensive meical care) we're climbers - do we really worry about shit like this? pretty much the same as getting clobered by icefall or hit by lightening - not really that much you can do about it, eh?
  5. funny, i always saw him as the half-retarded bat boy who snorts the baseline chalk, pisses on his uniform pants, trips on his cleats, and goes by the cheerful nickname of "slappy"
  6. just ducktape over all your crampons points and that'll solve yer rope problem!
  7. ivan

    Flu Vaccines

    thanks - bringing her back from the hospital tomorrow if tonight goes well - she only occasionally talks to me like i'm lucifer now learned some fun family triva out of this - turns out my ma's grandfather died in 1918 when her mother was just 2 weeks old - the spanish flu of course, the one that killed more in 1 year than all those killed in all the years of the great war just before it combined - my daughter would no doubt have shared her great, great grandfather's fate if she hadn't gotten the care she did - as for him, the hospitals in those days had nothing to offer, so he died at home, but not before he called a priest in to baptise his girl and give her a name, genevieve
  8. naw, ya just got to be a lot more intoxicated, well dressed, and weighed down w/ thermoses of coffee
  9. i'll beat tyler to recommend skipping the bolt ladder on the upper part of the west face in lieu of swing'n round and doing the nw passage once atop p1 of the west face - much kewler and practically no bolts.
  10. Jim says he was quite the bad ass back in the day. He certainly was. I miss Ken. no need to miss him - jim had him out a month or so again and i was able to See the Legend and swap some fine stories
  11. i put my ballot in the mail 2night, so i'm pretty certain it'll never get counted
  12. i somehow doubt i was the only uva student to have a truly satisfying piss on a statue of jefferson
  13. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    no worries ggk - i'm not afraid now nor was i earlier - i understand this particuliar infectious agent is not bad compared to several thousand years of comparable agents - kev seems more of the "all vaccinations are bad" persuasion though, which is patently stupid (though feel free to qualify that there kev) who though are you accusing of fear-mongering ggk? if it's the media, then it's yelling into the hurricane - of course they love fresh blood and at the moment that's the closest thing in town - if yellow fever could claw its way back into the world, i'm sure they' change focus! (and what a cool illness, by the by - the yellow jack was once called "the american plague" and plainly showed the effects of evolution as it was something liek 70% mortal for honkies but only 10% for africans, who'd been exposed to it in their native continent for millenia)
  14. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    you learn something new every day (well, maybe not kev, but i thought he might find this interesting, and it fits w/ some other thread i was malarking in this morning) vaccines have always brought out the crazy in folks, including one of our founders - ben franklin, who refused vaccination on the same grounds as the bone, and later wrote this in his autobiography: “In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of the parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.” kev, i personally could care less what you do w/ you n' yours, but i do know you are seriously attached to your kids - you're welcome to come by doernbacher's tomorrow and see what it looks like, and that's not fear-mongering, just useful to see what the consequence of your counsel is - my daughter was already infected when she got the vaccine, my son was not - by the time she was sick, his vaccine had provided a resistance (obvious b/c he's 3 and eating/drinking after her and hygiencally challenged like all 3 year olds - they sleep in the same room and spent the whole first 5 days of her sickness in each others 24 hr-day copmany) you should see her - a sad, sad fragment of a normally bouncing of the walls active fun kid that's a long way off from her old self
  15. hey, i recall that bomb-thang too - an old shitty cooler left by the trash can no doubt so someone could have it if they wanted but instead probably taken out into the middle of a field and blown up man, the beacon crowd really represents well when we go abroad bill, weren't you saying the 1st pitch of the west face had to go in 30 minutes? did you offset nuts scott? those things fucking rawk on smiff aid routes, much more so that at the beacon-wand - go back and do the rest, and spend the night in the cave - you'll dig it!
  16. stonehead, our forefathers were hardly infallible and i would hope you don't need a list of the things in the constitution that currently have nasty black lines through them as evidence also, jefferson, who was far from revered in his time, was quite hostile to religion - he and many of hte intellectual anchors of the revolution were certainly fans of voltaire, who was a screaming atheist
  17. "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. " - Douglass Adams, who'd be my god, if he hadn't ruined his omnipotent status in my eyes by going tits up and taking on a frankly gamey smell
  18. it was my berf day - i was triente y cinco n' shit
  19. ya gotta climb there occasionally just to chase off the hordes spray-painting ht erock and fucking their cousins, no?
  20. i've done the whole thing sans cord when i was too poor for counseling and it worked wonders to straighten me out p2 i'd never do again - jeebus. p3 i've done a # of times but don't like so much b/c there's parts that are a bit crumbly and its often thin, thin thin p1 is fun, but not so much w/ a rope to rap w/ on your back or trailing p4 is fantastic and i do it very often - sublime - perfect choss-free rock - your bulge kev causes the contriv-meter to spiek to 10 as its 4th class to step 5 feet around it and cross back over the top to the easier crux
  21. reason is a fart in a stiff breeze
  22. my solution to my not yet acquiring new filters for my heat system has been instead just to break out my denali-bag for the couch (well, and spend plenty of time at a hospital, where gramma is ALWAYS cold)
  23. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    you might be interested to know kev that my son was vaccinated at the same time and did not get sick - my daugher is in full day kindergarten though and was in all liklihood exposed before she even got the vaccine you might like the story of edward jenner kev, at least if you like getting worked up over vaccines - he used his own flesh and blood to test his smallpox vacine, and while it didn't kill his son strait off, it did apparently wreck his health and facilitate his early death - you can google that shit man my daughter got no worse today, but no dramatic improvement yet - cheerful more often than late, but still quick to slip into full-on monster mood - guess it gives me an insight to how she'll be when she's 16?
  24. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    post hoc, ergo propter hoc? i'm off to stump-towne!
  25. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    thanks also relevant, she had the vaccine, but it was just a few days before she got sick so didn't have time to provoke an immune response (or, caused it, if yer bill maher )
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