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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    Obama's Undoing

    pearl jam on cotton sheets?
  2. having sex w/ a canadian is a lot like having sex w/ your brother
  3. sweet! i look forward to stealing this book
  4. wherever you found it, you know it's mine, in fact, hello, watchu do'in w/ my camelot beyotch!?!
  5. ivan

    Obama's Undoing

    there is little room for compromise in conversations about invisible guys in bathrobes hanging out in the clouds
  6. my favorite site i hiked past down there was the half-collapsed a-frame, sans power n' water, flying a century old weather-beaten "the south shall rise again" flag out front
  7. i think you’re making more of this story than ever it was worth – even if it had been what it initially looked like it wouldn’t really have meant a damn thing – it’s not like anyone was worried there was a kentucky super-friends cabal down there poised to pull the whole house of cards down on our heads and this was just the tip of the iceberg – and even if homeslice was just a sad, sad suicide, its not like that means there are no crazy survivalist mother-fucker types hanging round appalachia
  8. Sorry, Im too busy climbing... all the time. you gotta talk to climb?
  9. dude, all the bad noise is coming from our penis-envy of your fine, fine socialist workers' paradise up there, so ya see, its your own stupid fault so why don't you have a big ole plate of french fries n' gravy n' wash'er down w/ a tall, cool glass of shutdafuckup?
  10. any chance you might take it up anyways? too many doorknobs round here yet to give up on my dip-shit pelt collection
  11. if i lived in eastern kentucky i'd take up suicide as a hobby too
  12. i burned my first tent - god i hated that stupid bitch
  13. did you use a sled to drag that large plastic bin up to this extreme alpine destination? you clearly haven't climb w/ geoff where was the coffee press dude?
  14. ivan

    Obama's Undoing

    keep chopping - you boys have almost Got It All Figured Out!
  15. even carl sandburg would have to put a bag over america's head to bang her proper
  16. is america was a bitch, she'd definitely be a red-head
  17. "What is the house of America but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll on the floor with the dogs?"
  18. what exactly is the return policy on america again?
  19. will america take a check?
  20. dude, america is far too busy to answer 4 fucking questions - can you shorten it down to one - can you make it fit on a bumper sticker shit, wait, can you hold while i get america on the line? goddammit...
  21. jamaica big black stone-crazy a fine place for a fuzzy drink and a fucked up frame of mind
  22. would it be improper to take liberties w/ america, ya know, if she was like agreeable w/ the whole proposition n' whatnot?
  23. holy shit dude - shameless embracement and display of the Monkey Within like that ought best to be burnt at midnight, along w/ any of your old My Little Pony personal journals ya might have lying around!
  24. ivan

    Obama's Undoing

    'cuz then you couldn't be part of ours you silly little man
  25. this thread, by contast, is actually pretty fucking funny america like the uncle that raped you every sunday your whole childhood then put you through college and left you his old shitty clunker in his will
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