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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan


    i fucking hated the dodgers that year but holy shit i KNEW what was gonna happen that at-bat w/o even having to watch it
  2. ivan


    baseball rocks - standing in centerfield for hours on end, chewing endless mouthfuls of sunflower seeds like some bipedal ground hog and hurling endless insults not at the other team but at your own dumb-ass, mostly retarded pitcher who JUST CAN'T PUT THE BALL OVER THE FUCKING PLATE is a glorious way to spend a spring afternoon (bench clearing brawls where the recently released from the juvie members of your team can be seen streaming towards the far side, helmeted and bats in hand, ain't exactly unentertaining niether ) as for enjoying a game in person, it is a barrier to non-hedonists i'll admit- for chrissakes, how can you not like a game where you can get falling down drunk, puke all over your benchmates, passout, sleep off the hangover while dreaming about laaarge women and wake a new man only to find that concievably NOTHING has changed in the game?
  3. mega parties on the ledge in the pouring hibernal rain are just soooo cozy somehow i doubt the new forum will keep the beahaters at bay
  4. nice indeed justin 'since ya just started aiding a couple months ago, no? do ground zero, takes fist or the dutchman next!
  5. ivan


    my army colonel father fancies himself a liberal these days
  6. dude, we're talking about bacon here, not sex w/ men!
  7. ivan

    Flu Vaccines

    i'm here for the bitches..and the brews...and the blunts!
  8. if i'm doing it w/ a rope, i only clip the 2 80 year old ring pins my fav was trying ot solo it last fall while waiting for jim to show up and getting impatient - i thought it would be dry enough but upon getting to the blackberry ledge, discovered it was too wet to sanely solo - but how to get back down? i had a rope but no gear - in the end i rapped off my emergency prusik, tied into a knot and slotted into the crack spent the rest of that morning drinking beer in one of the tunnels and chainsmoking
  9. ivan

    Swine flu

    let's pause a moment to remember all the boys who died to keep china british!
  10. i thought that way was just to do it once and call it 5.9 A2?
  11. good point - i'm fine w/ a limited autocracy at the mighty, mighty beacon-wand - jim's the august emperor and if he says it's alright, then so be it. but who takes over when he shuffles off the mortal coil?!?
  12. ivan

    Swine flu

    more like just a failed conspiracy to kill black folk
  13. ivan

    Flu Vaccines

    "and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard rain that's gonna fall"
  14. you guys really need a vacation somewhere, say the emuclaw pet reserve and wildlife sanctuary it's totaly obvious shit - boys who wanna kiss boys n' bitches wanna tongue bitches and leave all their shit to onna'nother when they die of heart-attacks in their strap-ons have just as much of a human right to do that as some stupid cracker and his whore - the gov's role should be very minimal, mostly just interested int he tax, inheritance and child issues associated with it i'm glad the measure passed - if the result of our byzanitine federalized legal system is that our fair state atracts a lot more queers n' their dollars, what numbnut fiscal conservative could argue? hey, if we get more queers, does that mean we get more leavenworths? i can cave on a whole lot more gays issues if so
  15. ivan

    Fear Mongering

    i seem to recall he went o-f-t to the land where people are officially nuetral about everything (despite being ragingly conservative, a fine therapy for him i'd imagine) - hanging out in switzerland would seem to be a perfect spray-supresant, especially if you have designs on the eiger and wishes to Become Penitent
  16. ah - i grasp what must have transpired - can't say that i'm offended, it's a trade-route that's being preserved, and yah, i solo on it enough that, even though i alwasy feel i have it wired such that i can recover from a blown hold w/o death, i'm okay w/ knowing its glued - i'd be more interested in its maintainence schedule at this point - what is it? i look forward to seeing n' yarding on it, though in part its pure personal escapism at the moment - so long as it not gross or obvious looking and doesn't actually accelerate the harm it seeks to prevent, good work!
  17. solo?
  18. ah, but you can make the tempting anchor w/ a 60 w/ 8 inches to spare!
  19. i've been up there w/ you, remember?
  20. ivan


    that's part of what's fucked in the new rome - gladiator contests were generally free for the public yeah but u didnt get to have kickass tailgate parties though... actually you did - and on the emperor's dime no less! plus women fucking polar bears!
  21. word. and how much iq does a belayer need to jug a rope if he can't climb it? you shouldn't be putting up a route w/ bullshit anchors if that's the problem.
  22. ivan


    that's part of what's fucked in the new rome - gladiator contests were generally free for the public
  23. ivan


    yep, but a bunch of ex-poor baseball dudes with a bunch of talent are now filthy fucking rich cause of a gross physical expression. funny how people hate capitalism until it comes knocking at ur door with a wheel barrel full of LOOT athletes are the gladiators of the modern age baseball would be a whole lot cooler if there was actual competition, not just a century of rich teams beating the holy fuck outta poor ones
  24. ivan


    fuck i hating the fucking fuck yankees - i'm w/ u pink - they are the gross physical expression of everything fucked up w/ america - the perfect team name for a monstrosity - i coulda put osama's pic up on my wall if he'd gone after yankee stadium instead (well, minus the civilian collateral damage i reckon )
  25. i like that bruce springstein freaked out on reagan when he used "born in the usa" as his '84 campaign song - great example of republican retardation at that, given the message of the song
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