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Everything posted by ivan

  1. thanks - yeah, we did the legit first pitch and replacing all the bolts would be in order, certainly the first one as that popping would result in a loooong ground fall into the brambles - used a single knifeblade on that pitch, but probably could have avoided in hindsight - using a cliffhanger in a sawed off scar made me feel funny in my bathing areas nice to hear there's a newish anchor up on the big ledge - didn't like having only a tree as the anchor atop p1, even if it looks healthy, and the only pro behind it is a bongo-drum flake...
  2. took my 1st shot at this last weekend and stopped after p1 - anybody know what the upper pitches are like? seemed like p1 would take sawed angles, but i was able to get around using them w/ hooks and offset cams - does the a3+ pitch require any iron beyond hooks? and p2 looks like the only pro would be sawed angles as well?
  3. if only it was ethanol....then it could be named the homer simpson nebula?
  4. the probe shit is more scientific than adventury though, and science is, like, all faggoty and stuff, no?
  5. So, they are right up your alley then, no? sure, the probe shit is interesting to me and very cool, but not nearly so cool nor interesting as a capsule landing on mars and out popping chuck norris w/ a flying roundhouse to the defunct face of the derelict pathfinder
  6. my attempt to climb the golden arch last weekend didn't go as well as i'dve liked but i'd like to take another shot...would be interested in doing anything else that i haven't done before too, and can stick around till noon on monday perhaps.
  7. what the fuck are you talking about? We hit a comet with a spacecraft and took pictures of the explosion so we could find out what was inside. We fucking sky-craned a rover onto mars and it has a laser gun and shit. what's wrong with you boy? robots n' probes n' droids are aid, dood
  8. if anyone can find my 3rd wedding ring up there in the parking lot, as well as the section of my gas tank the tweakers chopped out at the same time they were stealing everything else, i'd appreciate it
  9. ivan

    Real Question

    Nah, OWS'ers are too busy bitching about not having anything to get a job, let alone serving. the proper amount of persuading and i'm sure you could perch a 'plosive of whatever weight ye wished upon them
  10. closest i've come to getting divorced in recent memory no mention at all of the devil hawthorn, so i reckon it's all gone now?
  11. we took more whiskey and had more fun! seems hard not to epic getting the fuck off that beyotch though...
  12. frustrating that 43 years have gone by and we've done nothing much more badass than this as a species...
  13. ivan

    Real Question

    schools ARE helping our war effort by breeding weapons-grade retards, no?
  14. so....you're not thinking about voting for mitt romney?
  15. you sound like a fellar done hung out in index over the weekend?
  16. i solo w/ a gri, but don't know what to add - i don't use a steel biner and have taken several considerable falls w/o incident - i clip a big fat biner through my leg and waist loop as i prefer my fifi to be on my belay loop and indepedent - the gri is a fairly shitty partner as it constantly tries to yank me back into the abysss, but it doesn't smoke my cigarettes of drink my beer, so ain't so bad compared to some
  17. hard to complain 'bout it not raining...
  18. a solar-powered anything is daft here in the damp-west...
  19. free 4 some has your name all over it! no need for a partner if you have a gri-gri - i'm off for index in the morning or i'd take you up on the offer...
  20. 8/22 - 3 week beacon-hiatus - i'm in danger of losing my BRCA membership - been cavorting w/ the fam in colorado and at the oregon coast, coincidentally during the bitter depth of that 100+ pdx heatwave when the beach temps were damn near in the 40s each night - managed a dragontail clamber in thare too the phuzzy made a public-transit trip to rendezvous w/ me in damned washoughal after a wicked reintroduction to work for me at the crack of dawn - climbed young warriors - a baker's half-dozen of wing enabled wave riding wacky-boys out beyond the island - elk herds grazing - good times! closed out the evening w/ little wing to the 1st pitch of right gull and then a sad attempt at tr'ing the off-width on wrong gull that got clubbed-on-the-head at just the right hour
  21. i say yes!
  22. everyday i am training to be greatest 5.11 climber
  23. unkanny similarity between that frog and yerself, big pat
  24. how do you get a girlfriend to take a proposition to camp up the big beaver seriously?
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