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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    so, the people of afganistan should have in no way been held responsible for the cock-suckers they, as a nation, provided aid and comfort to? i'll grant you the taliban were hardly elected, but nonetheless, they were the government at the time, and that government knew what them saudi-boys were all about. iraq, on the other hand...
  2. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    sounds like the first offer you make on a used car, ya know? shoot for the stars off the bat, then be ready to compromise down to what you can live w/... anyhow, yeah, each party retreats to it's basic approach - democrats since fdr have figured most problems can be solved via the ABC approach, republicans by keeping boys from kissing and giving rich folks more money...
  3. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    why do you ask questions you know the answer to? there's a bell curve to be wrought from my contributions no doubt, and cock-references are probably well w/n the first standard deviation? a fascinating study for my twilight years, no doubt...
  4. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    kind of like running 1 trillion dollar deficits every year. it will all just "work out" seems to have worked for reagan! republicans could solve the debt problem right now by simply holding a fundraiser/raffle to allow some lucky member of the party to suck his moldy cock
  5. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    historically, the two parties have taken turns being assholes, no, so i'm sure the pendulum will come on swinging back eventually?
  6. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    my seniors happen to be reciting the preamble today! “We the People of the United States, (1) in Order to form a more perfect Union, (2)establish Justice, (3)insure domestic Tranquility, (4)provide for the common defense, (5)promote the general Welfare, (6) and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” item 5 can of course be used to justify a good many programs that republicans rail against...
  7. sport climbers eat their dead
  8. i cut a cock's head off today n' ate that mother-fucker w/ some home-grown chile rellenos - mighta been the most fun i've had since i was catholic
  9. Think of it more as a TR of stupid shit I have done to myself. you're a solid nice guy - as for myself, a dog could do that to me once - once.
  10. shameless violation of the 100-character rule of spray
  11. "it can be a natural, zesty enterprise."
  12. i do suck - anybody who knows anything know that and i just solo the last two easy pitches of warriors - the 2nd and 3rd pitches give me the heebie-jeebies w/o a rope...
  13. like i tell the wife: first comes the coffee, then the coitus awww hell princess, real or not, you're plenty welcome 'rooooooound here, 'long as ya stay funny
  14. never heard that, but it's even better the pic of pink soloing the full little wing will forever remind i can't be half as hawt
  15. 9/7 - beacon hat-trick, 3 days in a row - 1 solo lap on the regular old corner, then one link-up i hadn't done before: tinywing => corner => hidden treats => corner => young-warriors => downclimb corner => uprising - 5 laps in 3 days
  16. Does it get esier once you on snow? i can't recall - our bail down the many raps onto the taboo glacier was mostly defined by the huge amount of blood flowing out of my partner's hand after a huge pinnacle of rock had detached from under him, causing him to leap like a demented cat onto a neighboring ridge, shaving his fingers in the process
  17. hope at least to ascend the rap line and either try to swing again or find another way down - either way, wtf else ya gonna do? this scenario is precisely why i bitch-slapped my boy when he kept urging bailing straight down the salathe from el cap spire instead of doing all the annoying swings and down-aid to get back to the heart ledges fixed lines!
  18. this thread is on the verge of getting a hell of a lot more interesting! now if only this could be done w/ them thare chinese gymnasts?
  19. subtract the bivy and you have what sounds like my own experience on that there route - fuck that chossy traverse!
  20. funny, the one night i slept in a car at that trailhead i too kept wakign every 5 minutes to find a rodent perched on my nutsack
  21. wait, so guys are better b/c they more typically believe in an invisible man in a bathrobe and a big bushy beard?
  22. praise the goddess!
  23. everybody needs a hobby and it's better than crochet?
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