Shit Ivan, I wish it were that simple. God knows I love me some lions.
I think what it boils down to is this:
The climbing community cuts across a diverse section of the total community.
For every strong and humble climber out there putting up new routes and sharing knowledge, there is a piece of shit wearing gaiters that knows little and says much...and everything in between.
Toss in this interwebz thang (thanks Al Gore), and you have an excellent place to not only glean info but spew garbage with little/no consequence.
Doesn't take long for the know-nothings to start calling the morons out for being dumb/posing. It is the way of the universe.
Plus you can do this dancing grubworm thing, which I can't get enough of
my god, it's as if, against all logic, nothing changes after we leave high school
"they don't grow up, ma'am, they just get tubby."