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Everything posted by ivan

  1. well...usually not until a bit after noon...
  2. just don't put it on youtube, eh?
  3. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    dude, you totally read the wrong part! the first bit of the big book's way more cool! fuck yer daughter, kill yer neighbor, marry all the big-booty bitches you can cart off from your enemies camp, bury bitches on the rag n' w/ big mouths six foot deep, what's not to dig?
  4. ivan


    photoshop warren harding w/ a girdle on and a book of mormon in his teeth, fukit, go crazy!!!
  5. ivan


    i'm so fucking cool 'cuz there's no sacred cow i revere that i couldn't have a good gut-chuckle over if'n someone dressed it up in cum n' whatnot fucking sense of humor - what can't it fix?
  6. thought nelson gave it a v? was craig the guide-dude who was killed by falling snow blocks just a coupla years ago? fucking torment, no way it's worth getting the chop over! like a fat-chick's father shotgunning ya for smiling at her funny...
  7. it's been two years for me - when was your climb?
  8. i like dogs, especially w/ bbq sauce.
  9. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    that thing don't work right in the winter!
  10. what the fuck are oregon cops doing shooting up my state when crown point would do just as well?!?
  11. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    You sure it was not the falcons? naw, they made the falcons too, so anything those fuckers do goes on the kulsterfuck crew's tab, see?
  12. You mean he lost his fingers!? naw, just cut'em down to the bone - crazy thing was i missed the whole thign - it was on a flat part of the traverse just off torment but before the steep snow on the other side - he'd gone up n over and back down a small like rock-turret and pulled a big tower off, but at the same height as me and out of my sight - heard him shriek but didn't get to see the blood till a few minutes later when he brought me over and we began our great bailure
  13. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    So who created this tragedy? allah, ahura mazda, buddha and the baby jesus AKA "Da KlusterFuck Crew"
  14. ivan

    RIP 9/11

  15. i like the account of aleister crowley in his early attempt on k2 when he, right around the same time as mr. hudson, "produced a revolver" when necessary to encourage his sherpas to keep moving their asses up the hill
  16. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    given the wackiness of the sport, it's hardly suprising the base level of crazy amongst climbers is higher than amongst meat-popsicles in general
  17. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    sure, that sounds like an even better explanation (that and they seem to have a very hard time getting laid w/o pissing off allah?)
  18. was looking forward to second trip out thataways...
  19. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    Interesting analogy, Vanya. But probably not as you considered it. Why is it that we were able to bomb the fuck out of Japan and suffered zero blowback? Not one Japanese terrorist attack against us in 67 years? Not really much hatred for us either from Japan. And consider Vietnam. By some calculations 2 million Vietnamese died during our involvement there - both combatants and civilians. Where are the Vietnamese Al Qaeda groups plotting death for Satan America. Crickets. Blowback seems to be function not just of what we do.... but factor in certain, shall we say LUNATIC tendencies of the recipient peoples. culture is what it is, i guess - might have something to do w/ the fact that east asian cultures are relatively top-down driven, and once you assert your culture as dominant, the masses snap-to? middle eastern cultures have seen far more in the way of flavor-of-the-day empires drifting back and forth, breeding a sharper sense of defiance and less willingness to accept outside control? at any rate, begging your pardon, it's hard not to notice that those east asian cultures also were fine w/ suicide bombers, complete indifference to basic human rights, etc...
  20. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    pm raindawg for a succinct guide, complete w/ pictures
  21. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    i'm settling for pizza, burgundy, and early into the sack w/ another glass and a half-decent book to precipitate a sudden and exquisite descent into total slumber
  22. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    i should admit too, that by my logic, it's hard not to see a future iraqi terrorist-action as being something like the malcom x proverbial "chickens coming home to roost" - societies as a whole take the brunt of the blowback their often dipshit leaders provoke - it ain't right, but then i doubt most of the folks in hiroshima had any say on the pearl harbor plan...
  23. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    i assume you say this b/c you are a 9/11 conspiracy-type guy? hard to understand it any other way...
  24. g'damn boy-o, but you got some good'uns in this summer!
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