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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i would be a great member of an ethics committee
  2. a permaent cc.com graveyard? now there's a forum for you
  3. i prefer to shit in total darkness
  4. ivan

    Dear France,

    always nice to have someone remind the Evil Doers that they can whale on someone other than us, if'n they're in the market for revenge
  5. ivan

    Gun Control

    guns mean what they say.
  6. speaking of excellent locations to snipe from - dolt tower woudl allow for much fun w/ el cap meadow
  7. ivan

    Gun Control

    X2 - seems a conservative talking-point that we do in fact hate the 2nd - libturds don't just hold every other damn right hostage to it nor think it can't suffer any sort of restrictions w/o the whole republic crashing down upon our ears... fuck-sakes, bill maher is packing!
  8. If the military can have M-60's, why can't I? PLEASE STOP MISQUOTING THE BONE!!!
  9. ivan

    Gun Control

    once we win the war on guns, the war on christmas oughta be relatively easy to bring to a close, no?
  10. i'm guessing chicks in infantry units gonna be a whole lot harder to rape than chicks fixing humvees.... my grandma was in ww2 and is buried in arlington today and i'm quite sure she'd be stoked on this news too.
  11. goddamn i wish i lived closer and knew how to fuckign ski!
  12. neat - only been up there once, last fall, in a huge old pouring rain, complete w/ golf umbrella's - looked like some decent cragging to be had, albeit after a long hike? totally different looking in winter - the true crux for us was just not getting lost on the drive
  13. man, beacon done changed! anybody had chillblains before? i've diagnosed meself on the interweb after the corner ascent the other day...jesus, all the toes of my right foot feel like they're contionously burning - what's odd is how little time it took for that to happen - our whole climb was only an hour and a half, and it wasn't until half-way up that they went numb - i'm assumign this shit'll go away?
  14. if tvash didn't cut the heart out of hobo's every night, the sun wouldnt' rise in the morning... he also invented the electric car, but the goddamn arabs wouldn't let it live polio vaccine? yup, that was him. the assembly line - brilliant. now if only i can sell him on bacon-bubble-gum...
  15. 1) a little past half-way (the steeper the pitch, the sooner it becomes an issue) 2) if it's super-steep, who cares? a long fall through space is the same as a short one. i've used the rubber-band technique and didn't find it sketchy, but then you don't usually fall that much while aiding anyhow, no? 3) no - i'm used to cursing at the goddamn thing the whole time
  16. as if taking pride in an organization that you devote a bunch of your time to on the occasion of it achieving a great victory is somehow wrong? shit, da aclu's been having a good run of late, what w/ gay-weed n' all, and i for one am damn appreciative of every little black-hearted libturd who's part of it.
  17. "for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end. let he who can achieve glory before death. when a warrior is gone, that will be his best and only bulwark."
  18. ivan

    just some guy

    who dat?
  19. the dyno off the ground looks to be the crux fine use for all that vertical space...i like the birds landing on the holds
  20. hugh heffner? titties n' tanks!
  21. "the war will not end until goering fits into goebbel's pants"
  22. please to describe color and unlikely place it was left (and why you need chalk in sub-freezing temps! ) actually, come to think on it, ole'mike laid claim to the wayward bit of metal, so you'll need to holler at him - like me, he no longer has need for non-dmm offsets, so i'm sure he'd be happy to fork it over... you gonna come play saturday night?
  23. bob had bitch tits...
  24. great solo - pound for pound, my favorite route on the hood-wand
  25. bery frosty at beacon this evening n' nuking winds! mist falls looked good from across the river at least...
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