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Everything posted by ivan

  1. 1/22 - #3 - annealed by two recent days at smith in the Big Fridge of the bivy site, mornings traversing the phantasmagorical formations of frozen sludge, mike and i had an evening run up the bacon-wand in a big olde freshet of gaudy coldness a big dry had beaten off the vast damp of days gone by - barely any ice on route - half the digits of my right foot right numb by grassy ledges, i unshod and rubbed hardly any life back into them - toes throb as i type booty nut on p2, should the original owner wish to claim it from a massive pile of such things i have growing in my garage not even a fort-night of fucknoodling about the sunny-side left - full moon fever this weekend for any half-wit warriors who might feel the urge to come w/...
  2. ivan

    Gun Control

    Only a miscreant like you would think this murder is OK honestly, i didn't read the details - just saw new mexico n' pastor n'assault rifle n' assumed the rest - if you say i should be horrified i'll take your word for it though
  3. ivan

    Gun Control

    http://abcnews.go.com/US/mexico-teen-charged-murder-pastor-father-family/story?id=18273128 okay, sure, i know what you're thinking, this one was okay but...
  4. that's a mighty big jug would be required to tide me over for so long a flight! must be nice to have such friends at your fingertips...
  5. ivan

    Gun Control

    actually, my sobriety appears to be working against me here - perhaps if i was higher than georgia pine i'd be able to make more sense of you. luckily i'm home now and packign for smith, so i might be able to arrange this... care to explain your own quote, since none of the local interweb monkies seem to be getting it either? you appear to say everybody who wants a machine gun should be able to get one, since the government has them. what part of your original 13-words of cookie-fortune wisdom did i not grok?
  6. ivan

    Gun Control

    if they ever do a remake of the big lebowski, dood, i totally know who you oughta play
  7. ivan

    Gun Control

    call 911 immediately dood, i think you may have just suffered a stroke Ivan....come on man. Your quoting me as saying everyone gets M-60's. I never said that.....at least quote me right. you do understand an m60 is a machine gun, yes? and that you said, if the gov gets machine guns (m60s), then the people get them (m60s) too? did the english language suddenly pull the carpet out under both of us?
  8. ivan

    Gun Control

  9. ivan

    Gun Control

    call 911 immediately dood, i think you may have just suffered a stroke
  10. ivan

    Gun Control

    And we should be able to buy biological and chemical weapons and nukes at Wal-Mart. Got to keep the guvment in check. Lets keep the discussion in reality shall we...... says the man who thinks everybody should be able to have an m-60
  11. women work well in lieu of tauntauns
  12. ivan


  13. there is a catch-all tr forum here though: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/44/1/The_rest_of_the_US_and_Interna
  14. ivan


    i thought the word 'roudn the campfire was lance does, in fact, wish to return to competitive sport, and his current ban impacts more than just bike racing?
  15. ivan


    to be clear, i don't care what happens to the 1-ball-wonder, though i like a good old-fashioned amish shunning as much as the next man. that said, his sin seems fundmentally different than the others listed so far in that it was directly related to the game/activity he's famous for - to use baseball's examples, none of the "black sox" got to return, and the hall of fame has made it clear it doesn't want pete rose nor likely any of the recent generation of dopers in their midst. finally, in the interest of complete disclsoure, i plan on using all the PED's i can get my hands on for this glorious, sunny weekend's aethetic endeavors
  16. ivan

    Gun Control

    i'd have a bigger smile if'n i werent' assured on the democrats ability to fuck up such an advantage - who better to fuck up a perfectly good blow-job than them?
  17. ivan

    Gun Control

    not that it ain't funny, but ain't that joke old as muskets themselves?
  18. ivan

    Gun Control

    more relevant today, though, might be the gip's opinion on tightening up the brady bill such that folks can't easily avoid the background check. what did he think of gun shows and private sales?
  19. ivan

    Gun Control

    if the founding father's can be easily turned into machine-gun enthusiasts by the right, what hope can the Big Gipper have of resisting the same treatment? libturds, i think, wouldn't attempt the same thing in reverse for charlie heston though...
  20. ivan

    Gun Control

    if guns are controlled, only outlaws will evolve!!!
  21. ivan

    Gun Control

    without me, my rifle is useless; w/o my rifle, I am useless.
  22. posting just a link = lame tr w/o pix = ghey text w/o the fine-fuck word artfully and amply rendered = john-muir-wannabe-wanker-bullshit you have been warned!!!
  23. ivan

    Gun Control

    now kev's gonna be all, like, "dude, why you talking about abortion and shit?"
  24. ivan

    Gun Control

  25. ivan

    Gun Control

    yup, kev, pro-gun control folks are all for taking away all guns no matter the description from everybody for whatever purpose whatever, 'cept the po-po - amazing black n' white understanding of the situation as always the pro-abortion folks are all for eating babies too!
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