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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    A Scout is:

    that's, like, your opinion, man. the same rationale was used in violating the constitution in deporting the indians (and the japanese) no less - sure, it's breaking the rules, but it ain't hurting any (real) people...
  2. shooting a gun is fun though, as is burning down churches - doesn't mean you can't admit that, and still advocate against it - ole'pat don't actually own a piece, then or now...
  3. ivan

    A Scout is:

    More proof that the ACLU are nothing but worthless shit-heels. bizarre. this story sounds like a prime-example of what the 1st amendment bans - public institutions don't get to hold out one religion or religous figure as the preferred one. these folks could at least muddy the waters by having their "historic" portrait flanked by others of mohammed, vishnu, buddha, confucious, gandhi, and david lee roth so as to not so crystal-clearly violate the establishment clause...
  4. examples?
  5. ivan

    Gun Control

    guns don't kill - duh, it's bullets that kill people!
  6. ivan

    A Scout is:

    dog-damn aclu, continuing their war on jesus ! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/08/aclu-wants-ohio-school-jesus-portrait-removed-school-says-picture-historically/?test=latestnews
  7. ivan

    Gun Control

    that's about what stalin did at stalingrad and it worked out alright
  8. "fuck the dog, fool, he'll shit in the den! nowadays a gat is man's best friend"
  9. ivan

    A Scout is:

    most of my bsa time was in germany, and we actually did some pretty cool shit, definetly instilling an interest in outdoor adventure - camping in winter conditions in switzerland was badass, as was spending lots of times in wilderness areas also used by american amry unit for training, invariably chock-full of lost magazines of m16 blanks, expended claymores, etc
  10. ivan

    A Scout is:

    you forgot: - thrifty ('cept when hiring lawyers to keep the queers out) - clean ('cept for gay folks, who keep their shit far tidier than your typical hetero wife-beater...)
  11. ivan

    A Scout is:

    ironically, i left the bsa right around the time i learned how gay sitting aroudn a church all tuesday night talking about bullshit truly was i wish i'd done the explorers, and shit, that's mixed gender anyway so why not throw in the transformers too?
  12. must....not....post....big-wall....picture
  13. just booked a flight for vegas at the end of next month, so the end is nigh, assuming, ya know, we can actually find drugs there before heading over to red rocks
  14. drug lords are a lot like brer rabbit: "puhhhhhhhhhhleeze don't outlaw my drug trade, brer fox!"
  15. them drugs ain't gonna fight themselves!
  16. Is it when you lived in the U-haul for a week? the uhaul was at the end, and represents my masters course offering on the subject (well, that and how to score a big sack of what-have-you in talkeetna)
  17. "A guy walks in.........ok, he did not walk in, he was already there. One guy says, 'I slept with my wife before we were married, did you?". The other guy says, "I don't know; what was her maiden name?'."
  18. ...owh!!!
  19. ivan

    Gun Control

    was just think'n how good it is that none of you boys have got guns and/or how grand it is to be separated from each other by 18 inches of interwebz anyhow, whatevers - would dig on climbing an el cap wall w/ the 4 motley fools heckling on this page as a group - bet it would be me n' pink leading most the pitches n' pat n' dave squabbling over who gets the belay chair and the bong - oughta be able to wought the ensuing epic into ego-stoking trip #100 (oh, how my id feels the horrible pressure of making that one right) jay, i'm not questioning the state gun ownership vs homicide rate graph, just wanna know the source before i show it to real people and am disinterested in doing homework beyond the stack of shit i already have before me
  20. ivan

    Gun Control

    hey look, the whole world DOES revolve around me! actually, pretty sure ole'pat never has seen me tie one on that tight, as generally speakign i don't get falling down drunk - i attribute this to all my serious training w/ the burgundy - in fact, in truth, i would say i drink far more like a frenchman than onna dem potato-nigras the drunkest pat might have seen me was this summer, after el cap forced me onto the wagon for the better part of a week, but thankfully then i was surronded at the time by folks who made me look like general fucking montgomery in comparision
  21. ivan

    Gun Control

    i'd like to use this w/ a class of mine - source please?
  22. plenty of folks on this board have, including me - we were just a team of 2 though - pm if you want.
  23. x2 - assuming you get into the sport, you'll soon be going through the damn things like toilet paper
  24. hardly! i was on the other side w/ this new old-boy, enjoying a rare friday-off...
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