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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan


    you don't pay attention much, do you? depends on the day and person - what did i miss? vick's back and as i understood what lack of fandom he suffers from these days has more to do w/ decreased performance than anything, and mike's played to his rep as a brute in the "hangover" movies (plus he sounds like a little kid, and who can stay mad at a child, eh?)
  2. ivan


    Michael Vick Mike Tyson Are two that immediately come to mind. both players in a blood sport though, so doing some thugged out shit like bite a brothers ear off, rape a chick and throw some dogs into a blender not as likely to offend the folks who liked them originally? biking seems a bit too libturd-euro-faggy to fancy having back a raging dickhead liar. but then again maybe folks'll want him back just to take pleasure in seeing him beat?
  3. sure was tempted there for awhile...smith oughta be even sunnier though
  4. ivan


    "fair?!? you're fucking nihilits!"
  5. ivan


    one can only wonder how a japanese athelete, caught in this same situation, would act differently
  6. ivan


    i seriously doubt old boy comes back from this - have any other atheletes w/ simliar situations?
  7. This video is pretty cool! like in a dream...
  8. depends...if all 45 are members of the swedish bikini team, i'd probably change my weekend plans to check out this intriguing shelter
  9. as a beginner, it'd probably be horrifying w/ 1 axe (maybe even 2 ) - just follow this old boy's descent route instead - the old chute is more exposed to crap crumbling off the summit cliffs, but it's broad and easy and there'll be a boot track no doubt
  10. where'z dat?
  11. funny, was just thinking this evening it must be that time of year... "then we ate mescaline and went swimming..."
  12. little understood or appreciated piece of history at that - more people starved to death in ww2 (20 fucking million!) than were killed in direct military action - a japanese admiral, commenting on the war plans that ultimately account for a little less than half of those who starved, likened it onto "sewing the sea with salt" it's been a long time since the global economy could tolerate a long-term cessation of international travel the heavy-weight illness of all time, the black plague, was introduced by international trade - grain ships from the black sea arriving in sicily...
  13. you might also point out that, where 9/11 could shut down all air traffic for a few hours, trying to do that over a period of potentially months would come w/ incredible penalties - many economies, for example, would quickly begin starving w/o a return to normal trade (ww2 is a fun illustration of this, looking at all of the regions the japanese took, and then we subsequently isolated)
  14. ivan


    i believe the sport of aid-climbing has already achieved this i have little fear of teens throughout this fine land taking up etriers however, far too french!
  15. ivan


    i would not buy girl scout cookies from lance. even thin mints.
  16. ivan


    the ultimate solution http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/update-all-drug-olympics/1198068/
  17. infinitely inferior to index, weather permitting
  18. ivan


    ain't no heroes in this world, just a large n' various menu of flawed meat-popsicles ain't rode a bike since i grew hair on my nuts, but yeah, i'm all fucked up on the inside on this one
  19. tahiti, haiti, practically the same place, eh, mister foreign-phd?
  20. a kindergartner w/ a pair of patent-leather 200$ shoes?!? clearly a plant. the retard kid was just a patsy.
  21. yo quiero gato - me gusto gato!
  22. if only they were 13's...
  23. i have part of an m-1 tank track on my podium i've always figured would be my emergency zombie tool, inshahallah
  24. Mass killing pandemic like that would not happen due to knowledge we have now about viruses, better hygiene and better nutrition. Food shortages were rampart and vast amount of population was suffering from heavy malnutrition, so after 4 years it would be hard to have a robust immune system. Your argument boils down to fear mongering. i didn't say it would happen, thus no fear mongering, merely making the joke that IF it were to happen, kev, like most sane people, would be happy to take any proposed cure. i suspect, when the next super-flu evolves, that, like most modern ailments, it will still take a bite out of the 1st world, yet will concentrate most of the pain further down the food chain in places that, yes, have worse sanitation and generally much greater poverty.
  25. i suspect, should a mass-killing pandemic flu like in 1918 revisit us, and The Man then released a vaccine which stood a similiar chance of stopping it as the more harmless ones of today, that kev would find himself in a doctors office as the corpses creeped closer to his doorway. no atheists in foxholes, right?
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