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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox

    top this

    Someone needs to ban off_white for posting that nasty image again.
  2. OMG!! I can't tell ya'll how warm and fuzzy I feel right now!
  3. Well, you paid $230 for an older style, 10 lb mountaineering tent. You can get a 3.5lb brand new tent for $300 That said, the Trangos are strong, comfortable tents. Good for Denali, etc.
  4. It's a little late for that question. What he said. If you don't pay for it, you suck.
  5. Is that guy invited? If so, count me out.
  6. Anyone ever use one of THESE? 2lbs, 14oz, 40L, removable bivy pad, 2 axe loops. Looks like a "turgid sausage" model, but here is the kicker: $52.50!!!
  7. Jens, Also consider the Scarpa Marathon. I love the design of the shoe, though they don't fit me perfectly. If they fit you, I think they are the perfect all-day shoe. They do turn you feet yellow though. HEY ROCK SHOE MANUFACTURERS! DON'T DYE THE LEATHER ON SHOES! OR IF YOU MUST, MAKE THEM LIGHT/NEUTRAL COLOR!!!!
  8. One of the old timers on this board could say more about this, but Pisces at Index (the steep handcrack on GNS) used to be much easier (5.8??) before a block fell off making the very start of it 5.10-. There is a cool picture of Diane Dailey climbing it on the cover of Beckey's Darrington/Index guide (1976) with the block in place. That massive rockfall on the Girth Pillar must have changed the route significantly?
  9. Alpinfox

    Living With War

    They just played "Impeach the President" on KEXP.
  10. No, that's how your learn MoreOils. GET IT!?!? More oil? Moral?
  11. Alpinfox

    Gas Prices

    I agree with the French gully guy. As much as I dislike high gas prices and the fact that they may change my plans for a summer roadtrip, I'm hopeful that this will change the cost/benefit ratio of alternative energy R&D/implementation enough that we'll get some new technologies out of this.
  12. The word you are looking for there is composed not comprised. Thank you for allow grammar police to post on idiot website.
  13. I thought you were the queen of diamonds? Only in your imagination.
  14. Speaking of cc.com as a club, where is that picture that Fern made with some of the cc.com regulars on the deck of cards, a la the US Army Iraqi hitlist deck? If I 'member krektly, I was the Jack O' Hearts.
  15. My condolences to all of Charlie's friends and family. This is a terrible tragedy. Best wishes to Gabe for a speedy and complete recovery.
  16. Ah.... that brings back a scary memory.
  17. Blake, Why are you pining for Hwy20 when you got stuff like this: I'm jealous as hell of where you are, so quit jawin' about Washington and go do some more climbing and share more pictures with us!
  18. Reticence Required Removal. But the good news is that there is a higher percentage of pictures of me now.
  19. Mmm... Kea-flavored rock. So how do you get off of "Shark's Breakfast"? Do you continue upwards or right around the corner? Reverse the route? And why is that one picture black/white on the right side and color on the left?
  20. Alpinfox


    and t-shirts!
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