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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. You need a guide Who needs a map If I don't die or worse I'm gonna need a nap At best I'll be asleep when you get back
  2. WHAT!!! No fucking way, this is not the same 'on my way to becoming Fred prodigy' Pax we are taliking about. Shit he is intergrating into society so fast he might he even be wearing a suit during the weekdays by the time I show up this summer . And I thought Seattle stayed the same since I left drunkfests, slideshows and ocassionally people getting on some chestbeat route. Times are a changin'. Ken, looking forward to seeing you this summer. I don't think I've changed that much. You'll probably recognize me:
  3. I got hooked up with some nice wheels and slick tires. Thanks a bundle Zach! ON YOUR LEFT!!!!
  4. LINK (50:17 min | 46.1 MB | MP3) "How old are you Fred?" "I forgot" ------- "Climbing gyms are better than churches" ------- "Instead of sending criminals to prison, we should make them bushwack in SE Alaska" ------- "What does 'exploring' mean to you?" "You can go get a dictionary, but....." -------
  5. Alpinfox

    I am so cool

    OlympiaClimber is way cool Everybody likes OlympiaClimber Everybody wants to hang out with him Anything he wants to do, he does He turned water into wine And if he wanted to He could turn wheat into marijuana Or sugar into cocaine Or vitamin pills into amphetamines He walks on the water And swims on the land He would tell these stories And people would listen He is really cool If you were blind or lame You just went to OlympiaClimber And he just puts his hands on you And you are healed That's so cool! He can play guitar better than Hendrix He can tell the future He can bake the most delicious cake in the world He can score more goals than Wayne Gretzky He can dance better than Barishnikov OlympiaClimber is funnier than any comedian you can think of OlympiaClimber was way cool He told people to eat his body and drink his blood That's so cool OlympiaClimber is so cool But then some people got jealous of how cool he was So they killed him But then he rose from the dead He rose from the dead, danced around Then went up to heaven I mean, that's so cool OlympiaClimber is way cool No wonder there are so many CascadeClimbers
  6. Quick! Somebody fedex me a USB cable! p.s. I'M STILL DRUNK!!!
  7. Jeeeezus! Look what's happened to my pathetic little post about bicycle wheels. Yes, it's true. The UW has rented my soul and I have a temporary pre-paid cell phone, but I ain't given any of you bastards the number. It's a hotline for Fred only. HOWZ DUH WEDDER!!?!? WHAT!?!? DO YOU KNOW ANY GIRLS!? WHAT? I'M IN _________ (CANADA/CHINA/YOUR MOM'S BED)!
  8. Some things you just want to take the extra time to savor and enjoy.
  9. I think that is a different rock than the Wedgewood boulder. Edit: Hmmm... Seems I might be wrong. LINK <--2001
  10. Only tangentially related, but here is some discussion of the N Rib of Triumph in winter. LINK A random mention of the route I found in a long, otherwise unrelated thread: Michael_Layton said: I went to go do this line last year by taking the notch down from the NE ridge...not the way to go on a low snow year! Take triumph pass. Anyway, i was able to scope the route and it look...er, uh, well...like Off White said, not too impressive...actually kinda dumb. I x'ed it off my tick list as a SUMMER route (hint hint).
  11. Alpinfox

    US debt

    My understanding is that "savings" = IRAs, 401Ks, regular savings accounts, CODs, etc. The new anti-consumer bankruptcy laws have been a godsend for the credit card industry, so they have made some very attractive offers, and consumers are charging like never before. Anybody remember this story?
  12. Alpinfox

    US debt

    $8,200,000,000,000.00/300,000,000 Americans = $27,333 for every person (taxpayer or not) in the US. This goes along well with the news released today that the US individual savings rate was -0.5% last year. Previously, the annual savings rate had only been negative two times in American history; both times were during the Great Depression. Things are looking great!
  13. Alpinfox

    Saturday night

    I don't see how I can. Nothing to do there.
  14. Alpinfox

    Saturday night

    Is there anything cooler than that?
  15. BWAH! I'm much skinnier than that lardass.
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