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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. 'Sup E? You wanna hit the T with Oly and me this w/e?
  2. They did. They covered just as much of the scandals for as possible to maximizie profits/viewership, while casting the accusers for each scandal is as negative a light as possible, questioning motives, expenditures, and legitimacy of the issues as much as possible. A win-win for the media. BTW, I just read this shit. KK you are one idiotic motherfucker. no SHIT that SOME of the media questioned (though not as much as they should have) the motives, expenditures and legitimacy of the issues pertaining to Clinton getting some illicit nookie. Was there any motive EXCEPT political mudslinging? They spent how many HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on the investigation? It was a BLOW JOB for chrissakes!?? Not a criminal conspiracy that killed thousands and thousands of people, ruined the US economy, and destroyed the world's opinion of the US like say... THE IRAQ WAR! FUCK!
  3. DING! That crooked douchebag needs to go to prison.
  4. This weekend's forecast says high of 65 and 10% chance of rain for this crag.
  5. I know the rule about no ebay listings on here, but I think this is a special case. Steve House is auctioning off some of his gear for charity on ebay. The money goes to send a few Pakistani kids to school. Good cause, good guy. LINK
  6. Howdy Mark, Thanks for sharing your trip report. I was pretty sure this recent rash of "first ascents" would flush out some of you earlier ascensionists. So where on the face is your line? HERE is a link to a picture of the whole face.
  7. Ill take the screws and the stubai crampons.
  8. It was safe last weekend. A very weak crust on top with about 12-18" of isothermic, postholin' type snow underneath that. It wasn't gonna slide, but it was a bit of work. Thankfully the distance between the lake and the base of the climbs (the only part that isn't packed down) isn't very long. Dave and Keith conveniently "forgot to bring gaiters" so I got to do all the trailbreaking. On the descent I even intentionally jumped around on a ~45degree convex slope (I'm stupid sometimes) and nothing slid. Words of advice to those repeating the route: You'll be tying off a lot of alder as pro so bring lots of slings. 5-6 screws, mostly shorties, will be sufficient. A couple of pins and small cams might be helpful, especially if the route is any thinner than when we did it. Don't carry your packs up the route, it makes getting though a couple alder sections pretty annoying and it's only 2.5 pitches with an easy walkoff.
  9. It was all done with mirrors. ........................./ ............./............. ..................../
  10. Cascade Crags in Everett?
  11. You want to look tilted? Is that the traverse over to the base of Banana Peel on the Apron?
  12. I recommend taking some remedial spelling and grammar courses.
  13. [ ] One might argue that the elasticity of the rope is largely exhausted at the time maximum force is applied and therefore would be acting more like a static rope at the time of first piece failure/subsequent extension/subsequent loading of second piece. [/]
  14. I approve of this new appellation. You may continue to address me as such.
  15. GRAMMAR POLICE! If you are going to use a 50-cent word, use it correctly. The parts compose the whole and the whole comprises the parts.
  16. The start (fun crack): Looking up at the crux area (thin crack to offset seam): psyching up for the crux: Hard, delicate, less-than-half-pad sidepull with only one hand and one foot (right hand and right foot are totally worthless). Deadpoint move to jug: Then it's easy... Mushroom People Brass Wall Red Rocks, March 2006 Photos by LanceGranite (or his wife?) Belayer: One of Olympia Climber's Avatars
  17. ...is limited! WE NEED MORE GREMLINS!!! I mean... which one of those things am I supposed to use to convey ennui?
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