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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I have climeb for decades and therefor feel qualified to answer this question. The bottom line is if YOU don't know what you know or what you don't know, assume you don't know enough. If you do think you know all that you need to know then stay home until you are no longer over confident. When it comes to weather, you don't know unless you are there. I I was once hammered so bad I truely though I was going to die soon. We dropped a few hundred feet to find campers in mild conditions. They called us pussies and finished packing for the summit and headed up the same time we headed down. Since I didn't read about them, I assume they either turned around or didn't have any loved ones to report their absence.
  2. 2001 anti bolt arguements tolerated. 2008 sport climbers own cc.com 2009 Dru caught dressed in sheepskin at prom.
  3. Bug

    Quote of the Day

    This woman is the epitomy of sexual ambivalence.
  4. I like to follow newbies and claim their "stuck" gear as booty. When I summered in the Valley I would get up early and free-solo the lower Apron to collect gear. Built a nice rack. Now, whenever I am in Icicle, I cruise the R&D early. I would be happy to return the gear to the owner if they are available but that is usually not the case. If a second cannot get one of my peices out, I assume it is my fault. It is still cheaper than skiing.
  5. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    Bush did not pardon anybody for this did he?
  6. May he live long enough to feel those third degree burns for a couple weeks.
  7. I climbed it in light leather boots and strap on crampons four times. No problems but my feet stay warm easy.
  8. Indy got too old but not quite old enough. Kirk got fat. Good as dead in dickwood.
  9. I'm thinkin of dyeing my hair to get rid of the gray.
  10. It was melting fast but those cornices on the top were still gigantic. I watched a few dozen avalances come down from lower on the peaks. Seemed like nothing was coming from near the top. If we get a cold period that drops below freezing, the gulley would be a cruise. Otherwise, I am guessing it will be sloughing for 2 to 4 more weeks.
  11. Index was a zoo Sat. Good to see people cooperating anyway. I went up and aided some 5.12 thing to get my gear placement back on track. Beautiful day. Then hiked up to Lk Serene and spent the night. Many avalanches poured down the gullies all night and morning. Kept me from going around the lake or up the gulley to Main Index. Still had fun watching the chunks fly.
  12. Take it to Index today and I will buy it.
  13. Time to close that part too. It is good to see other parts of the wall being visited. Use will clear up some of these problems.
  14. Righto Mattp. Just pissed at the sprayer. I too have used tarps and other primitive shelters for decades. But get me out with my little girls or my wife from Florida and the shiny objects become more valuable. Especially if there is more than sleeping going on inside the tent. Using guyed tents is fine if you are willing to tighten them a couple times. - after rain, during wind. In a real storm you will have to get out and do some maintenance on the tent anyway though.
  15. Yup. Crowd control. There is no money in it for anybody.
  16. What's up with the moderators here? Isn't the newbies section supposed to be spray free? Or are we too cool to give the newbies a safe plae to ask questions now? If so, CC.COM totally sucks as a climbing resource.
  17. Or they take up climbing to find meaning. Eventually, this too becomes a crutch and a limiting factor in their lives. Eventually, you will find them posting monologues on the internet in an effort to enrich that emptiness with something beyond purely physical acts.
  18. I have stashed skiis and gear in the hut many times. Not one bad story. Except that they smelled like pot once.
  19. Billing Tvash as "RocklimberGirl" is a cruel trick.
  20. Bug

    Pig Flu

    Actually it is over hyped a bit but that is because they have not clearly identified it's behavior. They don't know how quickly it mutates for instance. Other unknowns have been uncovered since the onset but the hype continues.....
  21. I'm 50 and 20 lbs overweight. I climb Rainier almost every year. I "deem myself ready" when I can run 5 miles with a steep hill at the end. I push myself to the point of seeing spots at the top. When I can do that and regain my breath without having my lungs or legs hurt, I am "ready". That is overkill but I like to know that I have a good reserve of energy if something goes wrong. It is a long slog. Up and down.
  22. Look for a scrath and dent sale. Call the different locations. Great deals and there are always a few tents.
  23. Eat shit and bark at the moon.
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