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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Is there going to be a Starbuck's?
  2. I'm hearing a new voice now. It kepps saying, " Climb somthing you lardass!"
  3. I have been raising kids for 13 years now. It has been worth it and yes there were some very depressing times. I get back into it slowly to avoid tendonitis. The last three years have been hell because I have a bit more time but my right knee was screwed. Either work out those tendons at home regularly or start back slowly. I also get out at least a couple times a year to do some solo aid climbing. No pins but I take a small hammer to back out well set wires. It is not that much fun when you really want to be free climbing but it keeps your gear placement skills honed pretty well. That way I can push myself on lead without getting all freaked out about my placements. I know it seems like the end of the world but according to the Mayan calendar we have a couple more years.
  4. Ah, what bullshit. Just take your thumb and forefinger and pull the little effin' sucker straight off! And, no, you don't need olive oil, although if your folks, Bug, had used that instead of fire, you wouldn't be talking out of your... Do we have to have this discussion every year? 2007 2008 Sure, except for the head that is usually left inside without a little cutting. That is all I was saying. Peace. And we do have multiple discussions every year that are redundant on just about everything. Matt, I'm not afraid to identify and correct misinformation, which you seem to want to perpetuate. Just a few points: 1. The head (also called the capitulum) is NOT "usually left inside." The capitulum always comes out with the body with proper removal technique. As said before, I've removed from animals and people more than a thousand ticks in my life, and I've NEVER left the head nor any other tick parts when removing them. Typically, only part of the capitulum will be under the surface of the host's skin. The mouth parts, or chelicera, act as pincers. They're very strong and will continue to grip the skin on removal, often taking a very small amount of host's skin with it. The best removal technique is to grip the tick firmly as close to the head as possible and apply slow, gentle perpendicular traction (for more details, read the previous years' discussions). 2. If one has to regularly "cut," then you're obviously doing something wrong. Best removal method BY FAR is to use thumb and forefinger. Works even better than tweezers, especially if the tick is engorged. 3. It's apparent you have limited experience and knowledge about this subject, and obvious you've not read the previous years' discussions: please read them. Ticks are indeed nasty creatures. In the U.S., they outrank even mosquitoes as a vector for human disease, many of which are very serious. It's unfortunate there's a high degree of paranoia involved with ticks, and people such as yourself are compelled to readily spread false info such as saying that oils, fire, cutting, and twisting the body out (all false) are needed to remove them. Regardless, your chances of contracting illness from a tick bite are rare, especially if it's removed quickly and correctly. Peace out. --Steve Well I had my tick head removed this morning, after 39 years of residency. All I can say is, I am really glad that thing finally shut up. Gotta go. The Vicadin is kicking in.......
  5. Hack their email system and send Iran a nuclear threat.
  6. Bug

    WTF Goldbar?

    Actually, it was Gore who stsarted that project.
  7. Bug

    Spring garden

    Planted Blueberries and a Fuji tree. Mowed the lawn. Edged the front. SMR RfR.
  8. Olive oil works best. Not always, but better than most things. (Said the guy with a tick head embedded in his head for 35 years)
  9. Quick! Go to the other thread where they're talking about sex I guess they mean outside cause they can only do it in spring. So sadly misinterpreted. 8D
  10. Bug

    Jesus was a homo

    God created sex. Al Gore created the internet. Happy spring.
  11. Thank you for not liking me. It's an honor.
  12. I was 11 years old in the Bitterroot wilderness when tragedy struck. We used a burning ember to try to get it to back out. But the eber weilder got too aggressive. The tick died with it's head still embedded. The tick broke when we tried to pull it out. Since we were out in the woods, surgery was not an option. By the time we got out, 10 days had passed. The tick just got forgotten.
  13. Did you overheat? As in self induced fever? The body iduces a fever to cook the bugs out (present company excluded). Revisit and push the stay in time. Repeat the next day. Keep medicating. Get fresh air but don't over exert.
  14. Uecalyptus steam bath. Overheat.
  15. Actually, I remember that being in the news. The photographer got a Pulitzer as I remember.
  16. Bug

    Bug vs. Hugh

    One. Enjoy.
  17. Bug

    Bug vs. Hugh

    That wasn't so hard now ...was it. This keeps up people are gonna start thinking you're a normal person. I promise to stop baiting you with gun pics......since Don left I can't bait anyone with the lil Dawg pics. Unless someone objects, cause I'll post some more if it's needed. Thanks Bill. I missed that. Can we let this thread die now?
  18. I found raw almonds for $4.50 /lb
  19. I don't know. I've just been more popular lately.
  20. Bug

    Bug vs. Hugh

    New page.
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