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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Hm. And I was thinking about putting you on my christmas list that year.
  2. Clip them in a chain and whip yourself with them. 5 lashes should do it if you are earnest. Then take up alpine. Better karma all around.
  3. erik...i know that you live in WA, but is there even any granite in OR? Wallowahs
  4. Whoever took the gear deserves a time out. And no ice cream after dinner. And give him his toys back.
  5. Max is a sheep farmer ya know? This may be the first right thing he has done. Damn Montana Democrats are really rebuplicons in lighter colored suits.
  6. I will be in Icicle Sat eve and Sunday with the larvae. We will probably end up in the Johny crk campground.
  7. Bug


    you didn't put your kids on leashes though did you? jesus-fuck it wigs me out seeing folks do that to their kids - "here's little johnny's first S&M outfit!" You are not equating my larvae to dogs are you? No. I did not use leashes. But I know people who should. Like Octo-mom. Or the guy I saw the other day in a wheelchair pushing twin boys in a stroller. His days of control are numbered. A live 2 year-old on a leash is better that road pizza.
  8. Bug


    Put on the kiddie packs or dig out the double jogger. My girls loved that stuff.
  9. Bridge creek wall may get some more activity this spring.
  10. C'mon Waynne. Are you sure you weren't looking for
  11. Dork. Yup. I've made some stupid mistakes. But I didn't go on TV to publicize my stupidity.
  12. Actually, there seem to be a few around here that "beat to a different drummer".
  13. NPR is the Prophet and Obama is the baby Jesus. Or Anyone who wants the job should be disqualified but at this point we have been sold down the river so far that corporate interests have a stranglehold on our government. This renders the person in office powerless to protect the rights of the individual. Bend over. I can't decide.
  14. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    So Ivan's the buck and you're the doe?
  15. Typial weak response. Predictable as first grade math. Waste of time.
  16. I can't really speak to the issue of "new" states of consciousness. I am familiar with the different brainwave patterns--alpha, beta, delta, and theta--and that some different states of brainwave pattern can be induced through meditation (mediated by chemical changes in the brain?). If I understand correctly, the thrust of achieving different states of self consciousness refers to the social manifestation of bringing "realizations" to the general consciousness, similar to the Mahayana teachings of the Bodhisattvas (of compassion for all beings). But history has shown that large scale transformations are fleeting rather than lasting, that it works better at the communal level than a global scale. I speak of metamorphosis where technology is used to transcend the biological. Is it necessarily a saner or a more compassionate world that results? Does it seek to preserve the status quo of the world ecosystem? What should be the prime directive that governs the possibilities of the future other than nature's motto of "propagation over time and space"? Take a look at viruses...in their simplicity they were once considered to be the evolutionary dregs of the organic world. Contemporary findings elevate the significance of these beings. In our hubris, maybe they will prove to be more vital than us in many ways. There are limitations in our understanding of complexity, constrains built into the human brain. But that doesn't preclude the possibility of the formation of a system that unites human cognition with machine intelligence. [img:right]http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/~hpm/talks/revo.slides/power.aug.curve/power.aug.gif[/img] I have to move on to more important things. My wife has assigned me dishes detail. But your chart is in conflict to a degree with what a robotics guru at UW said about cockroaches. Something to the effect of "Their antenne alone have 29,000 sensory hairs and their reaction time is almost instantaneous. Forget about processing time. This is almost prescient. couple that with instinctive behaviors that number in the tens of thousands plus the ability to learn new behaviors and pass them genetically and you have a "mechanism" that I cannot conceive of being able to replicate in my or my great grandchildrens' lifetimes." On the other hand, nano-robotics are expected to make the breakthroughs you talk about. For instance, nano blood cells will be spherical and carry ten times more oxegen than a human blood cell. climbing Everest will no longer be a big deal unless you "go nanoless". Yikes...! Yes dear......
  17. We definately need more girls on this site. MIIIIINNNNNNXXXXX!!!!!!!????????
  18. Yes. We are shit and heading for our brethren. But maybe, just maybe, there will be a realization by the "hundredth monkey" that the imminent splat requires instant action and simultaneously, a means to communicate with other like-minded global citizens will provide the means to conceive of something our/your scientific oriented solution factory could not come up with on its own. You sit there on your scientific ass and belittle the works of highly disciplined masters of whom you know less than a third grader knows about science. You then have the audacity to proclaim doom because the wanton utilization of scientific breakthroughs has us painted into a dismal corner. “Wisdom” is what the ancients can teach us through their extant traditions and the evolution (unbeknownst to the west) of these traditions pursuant to the “demons” of our time. The work is being done in many circles outside the confines of western consumerism. Reading a book or “checking it out in your twenties” is no more likely to endow you with a meaningful understanding of non-linear masters than to understanding Hawkings’ most complex principles. Your negativism is born of weakness. With a dash of arrogance. And a full helping of narrow thinking that has you facing the corner. I mean that in the nicest way.
  19. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    That's what I tried to tell the judge! I hope you were in Utah (again).
  20. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    Between your knee and my fasciitis it might be a wash. ;-) Dudes, what you're planning on doing in the shower together might need its own thread. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hey Tvash, I'm not asking,.... And you don't have to tell,... I was just wondering why you don't ever dump on Ivan's posts the way you do everybody elses'. Not that there's anything wrong with that.....
  21. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    Jr high girls don't count.
  22. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    But,.... You're not successful. You're just a climber. You're not even as humble as Porter. Nor as all knowing as Tvash. You did not post on Obama's site like MattP and you don't have a Republicon card like K. Maybe if you studied Isha Yoga you would have as many friends here as I do. Just a thought.
  23. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    emphasis mine. I think I might have to relinquish my coveted "consummate douchebag" title. I don't think I'm worthy of the crown in light of this recently minted gem. Alex Lowe peed on my rope once. Of course he didn't know it was mine. He said he would have dumped on it had he known. I usually keep this stuff pretty close to me because that's how I am. I've learned from the aforementioned person that being a good climber also includes keeping your ego in check. Anybody want to smell the rope?
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