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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    I'm ready to climb anytime. I make no garuntees on who will school who.
  2. I know you just like to nit-pick but did you see the part where I said "assuming we manage to survive the current mass extinctions". Would you argue that we cannot evolve beyond our current short-sightedness and develop lifeways that are sustainable indefinately?
  3. You bought a Brief History of Time and thought you were a quantum physicist, didn't you? No. I just didn't close my mind after 8th grade science. Being a Bug, I wonder if you'd take an example from the invertebrate world as a possibility for Martin Rees' conjecture regarding human evolution. Metamorphosis is common in the insect world. So the consideration is whether the human essense is consciousness apart from the body. The other question is whether on a larger scale (such as the phylogenic) that the transition is a natural development given the "run time" of the "program". The question of human essence and separateness is secondary to finding a way to consistently acheive new states of conciousness. Where humanity "resides" could be in the brain as a complex mechinism (pure science). If this is the case, the ability to push brain activity to new sectors is the active metamorphisis. The absence of "accessible" brain matter beyond what is currently utilized renders most primitive creatures unsuitable for metamorphing outside of environmental requirements of the physical body (present company excepted). Basically, bacteria through insects "communicate through chemical messages or signals. Very limited possibility for abstraction. So I would expect humans to retain the evolutionary advantage assuming we manage to survive the current mass extinctions. Work beckons....
  4. Bug

    Dumbass Climbers?

    someone threatened to cape his ass. oh, wait, that's another thread Carl and I made up. It was easy once he agreed that I was right and he could learn soooo much from me. When are YOU going to see the lite?
  5. I have stool softener in my medicine cabinet from my surgery last week.
  6. So,.... you're admitting that we are the pirates?
  7. You obviously read it wrong. Republicans are the problem. George Bush is their evil leader and Democrats are about to conduct a witch hunt to weed out the treasonist, right-wing, Christians who stand in the way of what God ordained. It's called "Intelligent design".
  8. You stopped taking science courses after 8th grade? Where the hell did you go to school? No, no, no. I was assuming that Stinky was still in eight grade.
  9. Only by virtue of the fact that we have the most guns. Or the biggest gun, or something like that. Just like the glory days of DelMonte.
  10. No. That's your head under the strain of thinking. Just pull it out and you'll be fine. You bought a Brief History of Time and thought you were a quantum physicist, didn't you? No. I just didn't close my mind after 8th grade science.
  11. On the other hand, if we let those pesky pirates disrupt shipping, it could effect our GNP. Somewhere in there is a balance. I suspect that in the long run, it would be cheaper to find a way to engage the people of the countries these pirates hale from in some productive endeavor that gets us all a better shake. Not because we are responsible for them but because it would be cheaper. It's like trying to alleviate a mosquitoe problem by swatting them with your hands. You can neither rationally pretend they are not there nor can you adequately diminish their numbers with a limited approach.
  12. Dude. Hold on to the wheel. Either humans can be more than we are now or we can't. Pick a side and stay there.
  13. More bullshit. I couldn't agree more.
  14. No. That's your head under the strain of thinking. Just pull it out and you'll be fine.
  15. That's the yeast infection in your vagina.
  16. Uh-oh. I presented a perspective like that about the availability of Islamic terrorists and I was accused of saying that WE the US are terrorists. So be ready to be accused of calling the US a "Pirate nation". Just sayin......
  17. You sound annoyed. Maybe you should smoke something.
  18. That's not how I heard it. I heard Obama wanted to offer the pirates US citizenship, a million bucks, and a new Cadillac each; and he wanted to double the captain's taxes for being part of the bourgeois ruling class on the ship and for offending Muslims. Thank God the military doesn't take orders from libtards. Sounds like you're quoting your usual sources. Good consistency anyway.
  19. I figured you would have a rational reason for espousing the eternal stagnation of our current heightened state. Did I miss someting in your post? But the central point was the openess of where we are going based on what we have learned. And yes, we are all stogie puffing douchebags like Richard, the debonair kadaver. Hope you got some climbing in this weekend.
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