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Everything posted by tomtom

  1. A group of Mounties climbed the route this past weekend (8/2), so it's doable.
  2. tomtom

    Getting Old sucks

    Although getting old sucks, the alternative *really* blows.
  3. tomtom

    Jammin' on cracks

    Throw away the climbing shoes as well. You're never going to learn anything that way either.
  4. tomtom

    MSR Z lite?

    I like the recommendation that you drug yourself to sleep to compensate for the uncomfortable pad. http://www.gossamergear.com/gossamergear/images/user_manuals/User_Manual_NightLight.pdf Tylenol PM is aid.
  5. MEC packs are built to the highest standards by Communist Vietnamese workers.
  6. tomtom


    Used Dental Floss. Anything more is just a waste.
  7. tomtom

    Ed Farrar

    Really good article on Ed Farrar, father of Tyler Farrar. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=caple/090721
  8. Arguing about grades is like running in the Special Olympics ...
  9. I prefer clipping my approach shoes to the haul loop. Keeps them out of the way.
  10. My average crew went sport climbing on Gorilla My Dreams last night. Good stuff! Gorilla My Dreams
  11. Dude really should have a doctor check out his hemorrhoid. Looks like gangrene has set in.
  12. FF jackets are not seam sealed or seam taped, so water can seep through the stitching.
  13. Haha you guys are hilarious. I'm sorry it wasn't clear - I was quoting Mick Ryan as an example. (And G-Spotter - what's all this about him pirating guidebooks? I haven't paid much attention to him in years - it seems he's moved out of Bishop and back to Britain?) I was not Googling "spray" to figure out what it meant - I was trying to find some sort of online climbing dictionary that would have a definition for the term that I could use to back my definition up (but I couldn't find spray listed in any of the online dictionaries, so I ended up in the RC.com forums). If you guys know of some sort of climbing lingo dictionary that defines spray the way you're defining it, feel free to show me up. And Muffy - WTF - spraying has nothing to do with the internet. (Can people not do it in person? Does it only exist through text?) Though your assertion that "had I slightly more computer experience" is a GREAT example of spray! (Are we doing nerd-upmanship now?) Allow me to spray back about how I've been familiar with the term since getting a subscription to Rock & Ice like a dozen years ago. I can understand how G-Spotter, being Canadian, would have trouble with the translation of subculture lingo into his native language, but what's your excuse? This round was closer, but Muffy again demonstrates clear superiority with brevity and lack of parenthetical expressions. Referencing Rock & Ice does not score points. Muffy: 2 Bosterson: 0
  14. I never said it had anything to do with climbing ability. If "spray" has been generalized to refer to any kind of BSing, that's fine, but I've always understood it to be climbing-specific, about spouting off on grades and sendage in blowhard fashion. And while I appreciate your charming attempt to "explain" to me what a wanker is, if I'd been unfamiliar with the term, I would have figured it out from that self-portrait you use as an avatar. Muffy wins this round handily.
  15. I'm guessing if you ask, the Spring Picnic could be held there.
  16. My best to you and the rest of her family and friends. - Tom
  17. Folks climbed it on Sunday. Started raining Monday afternoon.
  18. Tape is the equivalent of sticky rubber shoes.
  19. K Cliff can use a little lovin' as well. On the far left, Daryl put up a nice gear route called Special K 5.8. There are chain anchors to the right of the single bolt at the top. The crack is clean but the slabs at the start are a little mossy. Dropping down from the chains is a gear/bolted route called Rise Pumpkin Rise 5.10a 5x and pro. to 3" . Check out the titanium glueins. The lower section could use a light brushing. These two routes are in the shade. On the far right is Go! 5.9 3x and pro to 2." Section between second and third bolts requires thin gear. Some might find protection difficult to obtain in this section. The vines are creeping back onto this route. Plenty of other routes in need in between. K Cliff is on the right of the Inner Wall area as your heading up to Toxic Shock. There's a side trail to Special K when you hit the boulders.
  20. tomtom


    Do you guys have to bow to the Queen on Canada Day, eh?
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