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Everything posted by tomtom

  1. Looks like the slacker wants a two day work week. A real go-getter would kick ass till at least Friday.
  2. tomtom

    Economic News

    That, and he argues like a toddler.
  3. You're not the only one: The father of a 6-year-old Marysville girl who was fatally shot at her home Sunday had been drinking double shots of vodka while he cleaned his guns, according to probable-cause documents. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008404020_girlshot18m.html
  4. Wasn't me The rumors are true, then.
  5. How many of you bailout guys only own American cars? Prole? j_b? Trash? If these companies are to succeed, then *someone* needs to buy their products.
  6. The Rab Latok Alpine is also a nice jacket. http://geargals.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/rab-latok-alpine-jacket/
  7. AGAINST character-attack campaign tactics? What? Are you saying the Democrats didn't attack McCain's or Palin's character during the campaign? What rock have you been living under for the past year?
  8. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club The Washington Alpine Club The BoeAlps The Mountaineers
  9. By funding religious groups that promote abstinance only maybe. Or you're a moron, maybe.
  10. http://www.fightingmalaria.gov/
  11. Here's a list of projects: http://rockthatproject.com/SPFA/parkslevyprojects_print.pdf
  12. You're correct. A 'clean' ascent requires the fixed copperheads. They are part of the route just as the bolt ladders are. But hammering additional pitons is not necessary to climb the route. There have been a number of such ascents since the cleanup. I was shocked the first time I climbed in Yosemite and saw the size of the pin scars. My personal ethic is to avoid adding to that damage whenever possible.
  13. Please don't nail Zodiac. It's not necessary. Bring the right gear and it goes clean. Sawed off angles and hybrid aliens work great in many places. Ballnuts, cam hooks, and hand placed beaks work in the thin spots.
  14. It leads to getting blown around more in the wind.
  15. Testing and more testing. [video:youtube]Nfjxrzw_jZs
  16. Aid climbing in Three Easy Steps: 1) WHACK 2) Dangle 3) Repeat.
  17. Replace your Astroglide bottle with your chalk bag next time and let us know how it goes.
  18. I'm guessing this is one of 'Prole''s avatars. He loves this stuff.
  19. One might start with the question is "investing" the best way to go about planning for one's retirement at all. Absent guaranteed pensions or Social Security, putting your money in the casino has been the only option and one that was promoted breathlessly from all corners. There is no such thing as a guaranteed pension. Companies holding pensions go bankrupt. Insurers holding annuities go bust. There is a huge unfunded pension liability in many cities. SS will be less in the future. Pensions invest in the same casino you are railing about. You're demanding that gov't/business provide you a guaranteed comfortable financial retirement after a few years of work. That's an illusion. There's always risk.
  20. For most of this century in Seattle, it's been cheaper to rent a home than to buy. The difference could have been saved for the kids' college, or saved for the parent's retirement.
  21. And replace them with what exactly? Business crippling defined benefit plans? BWAH! There are problems with 401k's, including the fact that many are run by firms sucking huge fees from the participants. The model 401k plan is the Thrift Savings Plan (www.tsp.gov) run by the federal gov't for gov't employees. If I was president, I'd require this be an available option for every employee. Another issue is that less than 80% of employees participate in available plans. http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/retirement/2007-10-22-401k-automatic-enrollment_N.htm
  22. This *is* something to admire. The US campaign has been going on for 20 months already, and I swear both candidates were starting their campaigns for re-election with their "It's going to take more than four years ... " statements. That pretty much balances out, though.
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